Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Sweet tea

"I'm going to the order some drinks from the café down the road, does anyone want anything?" England asked during one of the G-8 meetings.

"A beer would be nice, but a strong black cup of coffee will have to do." Germany said with a sigh.

"Maojian tea if they have any. If not, nothing." China said with a nod.

"Green tea for me, if you don't mind." Japan said.

"Cafe au Lait." France said winking at England. England only scowled back.

"Nothing for me thanks." Italy said cheerfully.

"Nothing." Russia said with a small smile.

"I could totally go for some sweet tea." America said with a grin.

The room suddenly went quite. The other nations were shocked for three reasons. First, America usually only drank soda or coffee. Second, America drank tea?! Third, none of them had ever heard of sweet tea before.

"You, want tea?" England asked raising his eyebrow.

"Dude, just get the drinks." America said rolling his eyes.

(Line break.)

"I'm back." England said as he walked back into the meeting room. "One coffee for Germany, Maojian tea for China, Green tea for Japan, Cafe au Lait for the frog, (France: "You are so mean, mon ami."), and a sweet tea for America."

"England, why is my drink hot?" America said with a frown. He tasted the drink and then spit it out in disgust. "Dude, what the hell is this? This is not sweet tea." He said giving the cup a death glare.

"You got sweet tea." England said. "I made sure they put in a ton of sugar in your drink like you asked."

"NO!" America said angrily. "Sweet tea is supposed to be cold!"

"Cold tea?" England asked in a shocked voice, "Who the bloody hell drinks tea cold?"

"It sounds disgusting!" China with a tone of disgust.

"Sweet tea is a very popular drink in my country, especially in the south." America explained. "To make ice tea, you add sugar to bags of black tea while the bags are still steeping in hot water. Then, you put it in the fridge until it is ice cold, then you serve it." America glowered at the cup in his hand. "This is not sweet tea. This is a disgrace."

"That's not even a proper kind of tea." England said with a sniff. "I bet it you can't even taste the tea with all the sugar in the drink."

"Pardon me, Mr. England, but sweet tea didn't start out with black tea." Japan said with a surprisingly smug look. "It used to be made with green tea. However, during world war two, America cut off trading with me, so he lost his main supplier in green tea. America had to use British tea instead."

"Oh yeah, that's right." America said thoughtfully. "I'd almost forgotten about that."

"Also, sweet tea usually has less sugar that fruit juice." Japan said. "America let me try some the last time I visited his house. It is quite good."

"It used to be popular to mix hard liquor into it." America said.

"That sounds like a drink I would enjoy." Russia said.

"Of course it would." America said with a nervous smile. He then turned the England and China, with an innocent look on his face. "If you feel so strongly about tea, why don't you tell some of my people from South Carolina how you feel? I'm sure they would show you nothing but southern hospitality."

A/N: Ok, I live in the south and let me give you a warning. You should never, NEVER, insult sweet tea unless you want your butt to be kicked so hard you'll fly to Texas. Sweet tea usually does have less sugar than some fruit drinks, however, it is not uncommon to find sweet tea with twice the sugar of some sodas.

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