Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Multilingual

"America, what are you reading?" Spain asked as he sat down next to America. The meeting had been paused for a lunch break, and Spain had noticed that America hadn't moved from his seat. Curious as to why the usually hungry American had ignored the lunch call, Spain had been surprised to see America immersed in a book.

"Huh?" America said with a start. "Oh, hey Spain. I was reading Don Quixote."

"Really?" Spain asked with a grin. "Are you enjoying it?"

"Yeah, but I accidentally bought the book in Spanish, so I've been brushing up more on my Spanish than actually reading the book." America said with a chuckle.

"You know Spanish?" Spain asked with surprise.

"Well, seeing as I live right next to a Spanish speaking country, it happens to be the second most commonly spoken language in my country." America said.

"Do you speak many languages?" Spain asked curiously.

"Yeah dude, I can speak almost half of the European languages." America said with a smirk. "I don't have an official language in my country, so it's really easy for me to learn foreign languages. Most people just assume that my official language is English because that's what the majority of my citizens speak."

"Does that mean you know what the other nations are saying when they are speaking in their native tongue?" Spain asked with an amused look.

"Oh yeah, I've heard some pretty juicy gossip." America said with a mischievous grin. "Do you want to know what Romano says?"

"You bet I do." Spain said eagerly.

"If you say one more word, I'll throw your goddamn ass out the fucking window." Romano growled from behind them making the other nations jump.

"Oops, when did you get here?" America asked nervously.

"None of your business." Romano said darkly.

"I think now would be a good time to run, amigo." Spain said as he jumped out of his seat.

"I agree." America said as he and Spain ran out the door.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARDS!" Romano roared as he chased after them.

A/N: America has no official language.

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