Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Love wins

"The plane has now landed. Thank you for flying with British Airways." An annoyingly cheerful woman said over the speaker of the plane. England was relieved that he could finally get off the plane. Eight hours of sitting on a plane with France had been agonizing for him. However, France had seemed to enjoy the flight over, as he had been gushing over the fact that he would be spending the next two weeks with Canada and America.

"England, why are you scowling?" France said putting his arm around the Englishman's shoulders. "Aren't you looking forwards to visiting America and Canada?"

"Don't touch me frog." England snapped as he swatted the arm off his shoulder. "Of course I'm looking forwards to seeing them, but I'm having a bad case of jetlag."

"Your age is showing." France snickered as they walked out of terminal.

"My age?" England asked raising an eyebrow. "Talk for yourself, old man."

Before France could reply, they heard their names being called from behind them. "Yo, Iggy, Francis, we're over here!"

They turned around, and saw America and Canada running towards them, wearing grins on their faces.

"Alfred, Matthew!" France said happily as he crushed the two boys in a hug.

"Papa, I can't breathe." Canada wheezed.

"You're strangling me." America said.

"Excusez-moi." France chuckled as he put the boys down.

"America, Matthew, it's good to see you two." England said as he hugged both of the boys.

"Iggy, Francis, guess what?" America asked excitedly, bouncing up and down. "Guess what happened this morning?"

"What?" England said amused.

"I was able to do it! Gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states!" America said laughing.

"Really!?" France cried in delight. "Oh, my dear boy, I am so happy for you!" France said crushing America in another one of his hugs.

"Alfred called me right after the court gave out the verdict." Canada said ruffling his brother's hair.

"It's good to see you join the modern world at last." England said as he playfully jabbed America in the side. "Wait, why are you crying?" England said in surprise as he saw tears falling down Americas face.

"I-I can't help it." America laughed as he wiped away the tears. "It just makes me so happy. People have finally accepted each other, and now everyone is able to be together with the people they love. After all their struggling, and all of their hard work, my people now have the freedom to marry anyone they want. I just feel so proud right now."

"You have every reason to feel proud." England said gently hugging America.

A/N: June 26, 2015. That was the day that the Supreme Court Declared that same sex marriage was legal in all 50 states. I don't know about the rest of you, but I felt so proud of my country that day. (Of course, Canada legalized same sex marriage on July 20, 2005. But hey, we got there in the end.)

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