Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: coffee

"Guys, the coffee machine is broke!" America wailed. The lunch break was ending, and people were filing back into the meeting room.

"So what?" England said rolling his eyes. "I think you can go a few hours without coffee."

"Dude, you don't get it. I. Need. My. Coffee." America stressed. "I think there's a Starbucks nearby. Maybe I can-"

"You are not leaving the meeting!" Germany said sternly. "Sit down. You'll survive."

America sulked over to his seat. He was starting to get a caffeine headache. After a few minutes, he was barely able to keep his eyes open. God, he was tired. He needed Coffee.

"America, wake up." England hissed.

"I am not dealing with you today." America snapped. England blinked in surprise. America never got irritated this easily.

"America," Finland said carefully, "do you happen to drink a lot of coffee?" (Finland knew what it was like when he was out of coffee.)

"Yes." America said bluntly.

"Have you had any today?"

"No. The coffee machine is broken."

"What?!" Denmark said, looking quite afraid. "America, how much coffee do you drink per day?"

"Around six cups." America said, now scowling. "What's it to you?"

"What does it matter?" England asked.

"Get him coffee, now." Sweden said seriously. He knew if America acted like Finland when he didn't get his coffee, that they were screwed.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" America shouted, suddenly jumping to his feet. "GOD, I CAN'T TAKE THIS STUPIDITY ANYMORE."

"America, calm down!" France gasped. America threw a chair in his face as a reply. (Never ever tell someone to calm down when they are angry. EVER.)

"TAKE COVER!" Denmark cried as he ducked under the table.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE HAMBURGER BASTARD?" Romano shrieked, ducking as another chair flew over his head.

"GERMANY, WHY IS AMERICA SCARY?" Italy wailed as he hid behind Germany, waving his white flag.

"DAMN IT TO HELL, I DON'T GIVE A FLYING SHIT ABOUT THIS MEETING!" America said as he flipped the table.

"Finland, I'm going to go to the coffee shop down the road and try to save us." Denmark said running out the door.

After fifteen minutes of America destroying almost everything in the room, the countries running around for their lives, and America and Romano saying every cuss word ever made, America finally got his coffee.

After he had finished his coffee, he blinked and looked around. "Dude, did a hurricane come through here?"

Everyone face palmed.

A/N: Americans are known to be huge coffee drinkers.

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