Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: How are you?

"Hey Canada, how are you bro?" America said happily as he gave his brother a surprise hug. It was just before the world meeting was going to start, and America had been looking forwards to seeing his brother again. (Their work schedules usually kept them too busy to hang out often.)

"I'm alright, but I'd be even better if you would stop strangling me." Canada said with a small smile.

"Oops, sorry." America said apologetically as he let his brother go.

"No problem, but I don't think Kumojano liked you jostling him around like that." Canada chuckled as the bear pouted in his arms.

"And how are you, little buddy?" America asked Kumajirou. The bear tilted his head a bit to the side as he thought.

"I'm hungry." The bear replied.

"But you just ate!" Canada cried in exasperation as he looked down at the bear. "If you don't stop eating, you're going to get fat."

"Who are you?" The bear asked.

"I'm Canada." Canada sighed.

"America, stop lollygagging and take your seat." England said as he walked up to the two teens.

"Hey Iggy." America replied ignoring the scowl England shot him for using his nickname. "How are you?"

"Awful! The plane was delayed yesterday, so I had to wait an extra two hours at the airport. Then when I finally got in last night I found out that the hotel lost my room key. So I had to-" England started to rant. America cringed inwardly. He enjoyed talking with the other nations, but he always forgot that by using the greeting, "How are you?", he usually got stuck listening to their personal rants. He looked over at Canada.

"Please help me." He mouthed at him.

Canada sighed. He would have thought by now his brother would have stopped using that greeting. He poked his bear to get his attention. The bear glanced up at him.

"England has some food on him." Canada said.

"FOOD!" Kumajirou shouted as he struggled in Canada's arms. Canada put the bear down, and the bear ran over to England.

"What on earth?" England yelped as Kumajirou tackled him.

"FOOD!" The bear shouted again as he tugged at the Englishman's pockets.

"Wha-whe-WHY IS A POLAR BEAR DEMANDING FOOD FROM ME?" England sputtered as he tried to push the bear off of him. America took his chance and ran into the meeting room. Seeing that his plan had been a success, Canada walked over to England.

"Oh, sorry about that." Canada said as he grabbed Kumajirou off England and back into his arms. "Mr. Kumaama gets a little cranky when he's hungry."

"Oh, I didn't see you there Canada." England said as he straightened himself up. "Uh, I guess we better take our seats."

With that, England walked into the meeting room. Canada followed, and took his seat next to his brother.

"Thanks for saving me back there Mattie." America said giving his brother a grateful look. "God knows how long I would have been there if you didn't distract him.

"No problem." Canada said.

"Feed me." Kumajirou whined.

A/N: Americans use the phrase "How are you?" as a greeting, not as a personal question. So as a result, foreigners usually misunderstand the question and start talking about how they are.

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