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In Namimori

"Dame Tsuna, answer question 3"  Reborn is currently tutoring Tsuna on math but Tsuna cant concentrate because he keep distracted

"What is the answer" "3"

"Wrong"  Tsuna in explosion 

Ding dong~

"Yes?"  Nana open the door

"Hello my name is Bovino Lambi.  I am currently an exchange student here and I need to stay in Namimori.  Can I stay with you here?"

"Ara what a cute child!  Sure why not"  

Lambi successfully enter the house

"Welcome to Sawada Residence!"

"Thank you Sawada-san"

"Just call me Maman"

"Yes Maman"

"Let me show you the guest room"

Lambi pov

Once I enter the room, I quickly lock it and searching around the room for any bugs.  There are many of it.  Humm.. Should I disassemble it?  Nah..  It might cause suspicion toward Reborn.  I quickly unpack my luggage and head to Tsuna's room.  It easy to look for it with Tsuna in Tuna hug on the door

I knock it and just enter

"Hello, my name is Bovino Lambi.  An exchange student from Italy and currently will stay in your residence"

"Italy?  Wait!  Could it be? Reborn!"

"Not me Dame-Tsuna"

"Eh?  Is there something wrong?"  I tilt my head in confusion

"No no, there is nothing wrong.  Right, let me introduce myself.  My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, just call me Tsuna"

"Reborn, The World Greatest Hitman"

"Hello, nice to meet you"


"It seems that your mother call me.  Please excuse for a second"

I enter the kitchen

"Yes maman"

"We need to get you some supplies"

"No its okay.  I can buy it myself"

"Oh shush.  I always want a daughter.  Let me spoil you"

"Alright then maman"

Then begin the disaster of shopping

That night

"Why is a Bovino here"  Reborn demand me an answer by pointing a gun toward me

"My boss order to be in suicide mission"

"What is suppose to contribute to it"

"He orders me to kill you Reborn.  Even though I am a child, I myself know the limit"

Reborn just look at me while I just make an innocence face.  Hey its the truth.  Then he just left me behind

'Humph Baka-Reborn'

Since that day, I continue staying the house.  With Gokudera Hayato keep screaming at Yamamoto and the presence of Bianchi plus I-pin.  I keep acting like a child because like I said before, I am an orphan so I enjoy the love from Maman

'So this is mother love.  Its nice'

Of course Fuuta also come into the residence.  Then come the ranking

"Lambi Bovino, rank 1 most appropriate for Tsuna-nii Lightning"

Then I see the glint in Reborn's eyes.  Damn it!!  I thought that maybe that Haru girl can be the replacement for the role but I am still chosen.  Why me huhuhu

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