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Lambi pov

As I expected, Tsuna-nii have a breakdown after the Future-Never-Was.  He keep on having nightmares with Byakuran keep on popping in his mind.  He really need to learn that it is inevitable especially with his lineage but I know that he still contain his innocence

I enter his room and it seems that he still having a nightmare.  I can see that he is tousle in the bed and sweating all over

"Tsuna-nii"  Slowly I approach him

He quickly shot up from his dream state and crying.  I pull myself on his bed and sweep his tears away

"Tsuna-nii, thats okay.  I am here"

"Lambi.. I am fine.  You dont have to worry"  He smile at me shakily.  He is pushing himself

"Tsuna-nii, I know that you feel bad after what happen with Byakuran"

He tense when he heard that name

"But Tsuna-nii, you did it in order to protect us.  To protect our Family.  I know that you are punishing yourself and cannot fathom that you take a life.  But Tsuna-nii, no matter what happen, I will always be here.  Its okay to cry in private but even the strongest man need a shoulder to rest"

"Hahaha, you still a kid Lambi"

"It is but I know the horror and darkness of mafia but Tsuna-nii, not all are dark.  Let me tell you that even though after what you did, you are still Sawada Tsunayoshi.  My Tsuna-nii"

He cry and hug me.  That night I sleep with Tsuna-nii.  To fight a nightmare, its better in pair because it grounded us that we are not alone.  I fall asleep along Tsuna-nii after I ensure that he already fall asleep

"You cant keep babying him Lambi"

"I know Reborn but Tsuna-nii is a civilian raise through and through.  He still need to readjust himself to our world otherwise he will crash.  Its the job of Guardian to support their boss.  Since I am the only in this home, I will act as lightning rod to deflect damage from attacking my Family"

"Hn.  Go to sleep Lambi.  Its already late"

"Good night Reborn"

The next morning, Tsuna-nii look refresh after the talk last night.  Thank god but I hope that he will be fine after the inheritance.  I continue with the morning routine and prepare myself for elementary school.  Hah...  Really I am mentally a grown up but to think to repeat being in elementary.  Oh well, at least I can help I-pin to learn better.  I really need to readjust to socialise with my peers.  Otherwise I will fail if sent to undercover mission

Mulling on this, I forgot that Simon arc already start.  I only realise it when Tsuna-nii introduce Enma to maman

'This is it.  I really need to think about what will happen next.  In the canon, Lambo accidentally cause the letter sent as a test by Enma fly through morning breeze and they start to fight.  From that, it can be seen that Enma have a kind heart because he willing to give a second chance toward Tsuna-nii despite Adelheid get angry with him.  Humm..  If need to be, I dont want Tsuna-nii and Enma get to fight because all of us just get back from future.  But if they are not, then our rings will not be upgrade then the misunderstanding between Vongola and Simon will not be solve.  Thus Daemon Spade will have free reign about it

Thinking of all this, I decided that all of us will fight.  It might be cruel but all of us will gain experience to fight against future enemies in the future.  So better be prepare.  Then I start befriending Ooyama, the Mountain ring holder.  Really, he really is large.  Even though he is ind to the children, I can see that there is a deep hatred store is his eyes.  The rest of Simon Famiglia members keep on befriending with Vongola like in canon but I make sure that I am not in the same vicinity as Katou Julie.  I can feel a tendril of mist in him but I keep my mouth shut

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