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Reborn pov

"Mama, where is Lambi? Today is weekend. Could it be she is spending her time with her friends?"

I ask Mama because I need to make a move on her. Like hell I am gonna go down like that

"Oh Reborn-kun! No! No! She is currently working at her part time job"

"Part time?"

"Oh yes. She said that currently she is working at a cafe. Its by the next shopping mall if you want to know"

"Thank you Mama" I tip my fedora and proceed to the said cafe. I manage to stay in Japan because I state that Dame-Tsuna already a grown up and he able to take care of things himself. Unless there is job required, I will stay in Namimori

'Now then, the cafe supposed to be here'

I enter the cafe

"Welcome to Paradise Cafe!" Lo and behold, Lambi is wearing a maid cafe at the front door. She seem shock when she realise that its me

I secretly swallow when I look at her

"A table for one, private"

"This way please"

She lead me to a table that have privacy and I can still watch the cafe. As expected of hitwoman, she knows me

"What would you like to order?"


"A cup of espresso, a cup of cappucino and a slice of tiramisu plus creme brule"

"Right away"

A few minutes later, she return with my order

"Here you go"

"I thought that you are unable to work with what happen"

She look kinda down a little and a small smile grace her lips

"Well, I need to keep on move forward because even though I am sad, the world still running. Beside, by working give me a sense of normalcy"

'Practically like you are trying to run but at the same time want to heal'

I just sip my espresso



"I need to talk to you"

I am sure that she is confuse with what I am just now. She look around and it seems that there are not many customer. I push creme brule and cappucino toward her


She just blink and shrug. She take a bite of the pastry and moan of bliss escape her mouth. I can feel my throat dry when I heard that



"Do you have something that you want to do?"

"What? What are you talking about Reborn"

I just look at her and I can see confusion fill her head. I know that I never do this but I need to

"Forget it. Wait here" I manage to finish my espresso and tiramisu and proceed to do what I want to do

I quickly talk(aka threaten) the manager to release Lambi from her job. After that I return to our table

"Reborn. Whats going on?"

"Lets go. I already talk for you to be release"

"Eh? Wait!"

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