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Lambi pov

During the drive to the cinema, Reborn's hand keep on searching for mine.  I feel like I want to smack his hand away but he only chuckle at that.  Really this man, can't he focus on his driving?  My life literally in his hands when he drive the car.  Not like I will not be able to fend for myself.  Idiot.

I wonder why does this man keep on trying to do some sort of events with me?  Do I miss something?  It can't be right?  I am not so slow in this sort of thing right?  I am an adult in a child body.  As for what happen before which both of us end up in bed, I don't really hate him with that.  I kind of miss that feeling of free.  Just the circumstances that lead to that setting really what baffle me.

'Wait.  Could it be this is a date?  This is a date right?  But Reborn already have many lovers or more like Bianchi.  No, no.  Both of them already break up so why is he trying to do these sort of thing with me?  Am I one of his conquest?  As if I will allow it.  I am not one of those cheap woman you know!'

While I am thinking all these, we already reach our destination.  It kind of strange to be in this date.  It might be due to me just break up with my lover.  Could it be that I treat Reborn as rebound all these time.  No, don't think about any of these.  This is a good chance for me so that I can relieve some stress for my final.  It do not take long for me to graduate and I want to graduate with flying colours.  

The movie is kind of fun.  No, who am I kidding, it's make my day.  I really am look forward for that movie for a long time now.  Now that movie is settle, why is this man keep on trapping my hand in his.  Yes, I use the word trap here because I don't want to.  Tch, this man really is such a shameless man that I ever meet.  Wait, Colonello also in the same category.  That blonde keep on bursting my home just because a meal.  I hope I am not entangle in some sort of weird rival contest between these idiots or something.

"What's wrong Lambi?  You are kind of look absent minded."

"Huh?  Oh just thinking on why are you doing all these."

Reborn stop walking and look at me.  Really look intensely at me.  Stop it, I am kind of uncomfortable right now.


"I am doing this because I want to.  Why can't you understand that?"

"How am I suppose to understand all these if I keep on thinking on your long history in any sort of relationship?  I don't want to get caught in some sort of your mind games Reborn."

"I assure you that I never think of you as some sort of game."

"I can't believe anything of what are you saying to me right now."

"Then I will prove it.  It do not matter if it will take time but I will prove it to you."

He tighten his grip on my hand.  His eyes shine with determination.  Reborn look serious in this but I can't believe it.  He always thinks those people him as some sort of pawn for his own entertainment.  I am not surprise if he have some sort of sick bet with Colonello according to what both of them keep on acting around me these whole time.

Both of us return with silence between us.  I don't know what kind of thing will happen in the future but I refuse to back down if all these are just some sort of sick game for him.  I refuse to do so since this life is my second chance.  I already plan for a long time for this especially when I open my eyes.  

My own biological father even did not welcome me to this world just because his wife died from childbirth.  Even though it was never my fault.  I was alone in this world and swore that I will create a family of my own.  

If this sadistic man try to destroy it, then I will never allow him in my heart.  I will not allow it.  Never am I going to do it just for others.  This is my life after all.

Unknown to me, Reborn is running through a lot of plan with me in the center.

'I will make you believe in me Lambi.  I am the world greatest hitman after all.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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