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Tsuna pov

"Marriage proposal for Lambi?"

When I read that paper, I want to smack who have the audacity to ask Lambi or her hand in marriage. I swear that if there are idiots like that...

Knock! Knock!

"Come in"

"Jyudaime. Here is another stack of paperwork"

"Huh...when will they stop Hayato"

He just smile at that. When I look at the stack, there are more marriage proposal for Lambi. No this cant do


He tense

"Yes Jyudaime"

"Gather the guardians and Reborn except Lambi to meeting room. Its an emergency"


Hayato quickly left the office while I walk to the meeting room. How dare they! Not my baby sister! Once I reach the room, all the audiences already waiting for me

"Yo Tsuna!"





"What is the cause that you need to call us Dame-Tsuna"

I sit at the head of the table and take a deep breathe

"We got a situation. Its concerning the life of one of ours"

Everyone tense at that

"Is this due to Lambi Jyudaime?"

"Yes it is"

"Whats wrong with her? I thought she is fine in Japan"

"She is fine but there is something that keep coming after her"

"What is it?"

I show them the papers

"This is!" Chrome look shock. Others' face look darken especially Reborn. Eh? Why did he look murderous. Must be due to Lambi being youngest among us (Reborn look 20 now that he approaching his when he is curse)

"As all of you can see, there are some idiots want Lambi hand in marriage. Its not that I dont like it but she still young and she is our baby sister! How dare they!"

"Kufufufu maybe I can give them some nightmares for that"

"Hn I'll bite them to death"

"This is what they call war!"

All of us gear up to teach these idiots that no one, no one touch our baby sister!

While thinking all this, I miss that Reborn already left the room

Reborn pov

'Tch! How dare they have the brains to make Lambi as theirs! No way! She is mine!'

I manage to catch upon the name of the famiglias and if the next few days that there is rumours that the candidates have strange phobia, dont blame me

Thinking all this, I caught upon that this situation will continue. Even though that i manage to deflect any attempts from the famiglias but there will be others like in Namimori. I know that I place cameras there but I will be unable to prevent them from approaching her especially in school. I-pin even said that there are many idiots that keep on confessing to her

This cant do. I need to do something!

I go back to Dame-Tsuna office and push it open instead of knock it

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