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Lambi pov

The next morning, we gather at Namimori Shrine in order to return to  the future.  I go with rest including Haru-nee.  I know that the girls kind of dont want to but they are required because Byakuran might know about them.  Plus according to the plan concoct by future Tsuna-nii, they are required to give Tsuna-nii support to move forward

Once all arrive in the future, we start gather and return to our own room.  After a good rest, all the combatants are divided to train with their new box weapon.  The person in charge of me is of course Hayato-nii.  What a pain because Ryohei-nii keep on screaming and Hayato-nii keep on bickering with him.  The training do not progress so well but I somehow manage to light the ring

"Look Hayato-nii!  I did it!"  I proudly show to Hayato-nii

"Thank you Hayato-nii for explaining"

"A-ah its nothing"  Hayato-nii face on the other way

"Octopus-head, why are you red to EXTREME?!"

"Shut up lawn head!"

"What did you say!"

The bickering keep continuing while me try to open my box

'I wonder what is my box because Lambo is a bull.  Is mine a bull as well?'

Then I poen it.  To my surprise, its a squirrel

"Squirrel?  Hayato-nii, it seems that mine is a squirrel"

"What?  My"

Ryohei-nii and Hayato-nii look at squirrel which took a refuge on my head

"Whats wrong?"

"No nothing.  T-Then lets begin your training on how to use it"


The training only for 5 minutes and the bickering and screaming start again especially Ryohei-nii with his Kangaryuu

"Humm...What should I name you little one?"

The squirrel only look at me

"I get it.  Your name will be Fraus.  Hello Fraus"

The squirrel look happy and suddenly there is a blast

"What happen?!"  We quickly go to the place in case that there is an attack from the enemy but it seems that it come from Tsuna-nii box weapon.  Then Dino enter with glory but as expected with the clumsiness, he meet his lover, the Earth

'What a stupid entrance you are Dino'

I keep staring at Tsuna-nii because he call his box weapon as monster.  Why did he do that?  In the anime, it is said that when he is nervous or something, the box also move like that.  Should I help him or let Kyoko-nee help him?  But he might learn about the box faster.  Thats it.  I will help him

After all left, I move toward Tsuna-nii

"Tsuna-nii, are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, sorry for making you worry Lambi"

"No thats okay.  Its just a mistake but you can mend it again"

"What?!  I will not open the box again to release that monster"

"Tsuna-nii, before you open the box, what did you feel?"

"What I feel?  Well, I kind of nervous"

"Thats it.  Thats why Lal said you need to stay by your box alone because the box weapon is practically like a mirror.  If you reject them then they will reject you"

"Really?  I never thought about that"

"Of course it is.  What do you think if someone who never meet you suddenly label you monster?  Of course you will retaliate especially if you attack it"

"Well, when you said that I feel kind of sorry"

"Thats it Tsuna-nii.  Keep calm and when you are prepare it, befriend it.  Even the box weapon will be lonely in there if you do not talk to them"

"I will.  Thank you Lambi"

"You're welcome.  I only do what I did myself"  I leave the room and proceed to continue my training.  Hayato-nii and Ryohei-nii still bickering with each other.  If this continue then whats the point.  I go to a shelf and take out a book

'Ohh, human anatomy.  Since my body immune to lightning, maybe I can learn something else'

I keep on reading until its time for lunch.  It seems that the girls want to celebrate Dino arrival

"Hayato-nii, Ryohei-nii.  Its time for lunch.  It said that we will celebrate Dino-nii arrival"

"Tch why do we have to for that Bronco"

I only smile and go first.  While turning to a corner, to my surprise there is Enzio


"Lambi!!"  Thats is the last thing I heard because the darkness

Gokudera pov

I quickly go to the scream but the only thing that I see are scratches on the wall like from monster and Uri quickly go to comprehend the creature



I found out that Enzio escape

"Gokudera-kun what wrong?!"

"Jyu-uudaime!  Uri is- Uri is eaten by Enzio"

"HIEE!!!  And the kids"

"I think that they also eaten by Enzio"

The last I know is that one by one is eaten by Enzio.  Even me

Tsuna pov

"HIEEE!! What should I do?!"

"What are you going to do Dame-Tsuna?  Will you attack Enzio after what they done to your Family?"

I am contemplating the idea and the next thing I know is that Enzio lay eggs.  Oh no no.  Dont multiply little Enzio.  Wait he is not little.  What should I do

Then the eggs crack.  In them is my friends.  All of them look freshen and Dino-san said that Enzio will process them and rejuvenate them in order to ensure that all the combatants are freshen for the incoming battle

"What?!!  Then I am the only still tired!"


But somehow that the girls gain suspicions on why we keep them in the dark.  They want to know whats going on

It happen after they keep on hearing that they need to training in order to win a battle.  Of course they will be suspicious especially after what happen in the future and the wreck they are after training.  So the girls make a problems.  They create a strike on the housework.  I never done housework before.  Sometimes when my mother ask me, I always create an excuse but now I regret it.  Its really hard especially with us unable to cook.  Reborn, Giannini and Fuuta even dress as girls.  As for Fuuta it seems that he is force because Reborn know that he know how to cook

I cant take it any longer and I know that the truth will come out.  So I did something that I dont want to.  I come clean to Kyoko-chan and Haru regarding the future, my position and the danger.  They look scared but accept it because they thank me due to my courage to confess about what happen

While after that, there is a hack on the system.  It seems from Byakuran.  He propose a battle call Choice and all the members of Vongola including non-combatants keep to attend

"Well, good Tsuna for telling the girls about the truth"

"SAWADA!"  Onii-san punch me in the face and he just left at it because he need to let go frustration instead of bottling it up.  After the punch, he feel better and all of us keep on training.  As for Yamamoto, he is kidnap by Squalo after he give Dino-san a tuna fish as gift.

On the day where the Choice will undergo.  Especially with the help of engineers and support from my allies   

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