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The next part of the battle continue.  Gokudera vs Belphegor for Storm Ring.  Leaving Bel as the winner.  Yamamoto vs Squalo where Yamamoto is the winner.  Mukuro/Chrome vs Mammon/Viper where the convict win. 

But there is fraud in the battle.  Vongola Ninth is in the supposed Cloud Guardian of Gola Mosca.  Since Tsuna-nii attack the robot to stop it, he is indirectly cause injury toward Ninth.  I can only hope that the old man is alive.  In the canon he is indeed alive but now is real.  He need to be alive otherwise the upper hellion of the famiglia will accuse Tsuna of treason by attacking current Don

Thankfully that Dino hurried call the medic and Shamal on site.  They manage to give first aid kit toward the old man.  Then they contact Ninth Guardians to the hospital where he is taken to recuperate

Since that day, Tsuna keep on coming home exhausted from training with Reborn.  I can only help him by providing him drinks and cover him with blanket if he pass out on the front door

"Tsuna-nii, do be careful okay?"

"Okay Lambi.  You dont have to worry about me.  I am fine.  Everything will turn out fine again"

'But Tsuna-nii, once you got the ring, you cannot run from mafia anymore.  Especially with your fight with Mukuro.  I know that you dont want to be in mafia but the moment that you are born into this world, you are either drag into it or killed'

I can only look at Tsuna-nii with giving him moral support.  He needs it more than me especially than he need to accept the change of his daily life

That night when I am getting ready to sleep, somehow one of Cervello whisk me away from my room

"Where are you taking me sorella?"

The woman only take me to school.  Once I saw Tsuna-nii, I call for him

"Tsuna-nii!"  I wave toward him

"Lambi!  What are you doing to her"

"As Sky Ring battle, all the guardians are involve since they serve under the Sky.  If you are self-conscious of your guardian, think about your opponent guardians who are badly injured"

"That's right.  I am currently in the hospital bed you know"  Lussuria shout from the situation where he/she is confine

"That's okay Tsuna-nii, I am gonna be fine"

I can see that Reborn pull his fedora down to shadow his eyes.  Why did he look like that?  Didnt he suppose to hate me due to I come from low famiglia which is Bovino?  How strange

Due to I am contemplate with Reborn on why he look like that, the explanation regarding the watch with I need to wear already finish

'Ah!  I dont pay attention to what they are saying.  Wait.  Didnt it have poison where will cause the user writhe in pain?'

When I remember about that tidbit, I immediately strengthen myself from the incoming poison which will be injected in me.  Once the battle commence, I begin to act that I am in pain due to poison.  But I slowly move to the pole that hold the ring which will dispatch the antidote of the poison.  I slowly release lightning flame and make it like magnet where the pole will bend to the ground.  Once the pole reach the ground, I crawl to the ring to receive the antidote

'Huh, so tiring considering that I need to battle with the poison from entering into me.  Plus to pull that pole which bigger than I am accustom of really remind me that I need to increase my stamina.  It seems that I am slacking with the day in Namimori'

I dont know how but it seems that Gokudera manage to free himself thanks to Hibari and he come to fetch.  Even though he is a Tsundere but he is a nice person.  He immediately hug me in his arms and carry me toward the rest of the guardians to free them.  But somehow Chrome, the Mist is captured by Belphegor and Mammon.  They want us to give them the rings.  I only look at them in disdain because Chrome is a girl.  What an ungentlemen they are

We got no choice but give the rings to them in order to save Chrome.  I only hope that she is okay since she is practically not well and due to poison, her immune system is jeopardy

Based on the mini TV that attach to out watch, it seems that Tsuna-nii won by frozen Xanxus but thanks to Mammon, the ice is defroze.  When Bel give Xanxus the Sky ring, we can see that it give power to him bu it looks like that it reject him.  Somehow Squalo appear and begin narrating the Craddle Affair and Xanxus status of being adopt by Ninth.  Really what a shenanigans they are.  Ha... I want to go home

That night, I successfully go home.  What a night.  With all the battle and using my flame.  Thinking that all this will occur often then I need to get ready.  But I cant sleep.  Of course I know that as hitwoman, I will always take lives but will I lode my innocence of regarding human lives by living as killing machine or not.  Contemplating that, I walk into Tsuna-nii's room.  I can see that he already collapse into his bed

'Wow, he conquer the entire bed.  I can slip myself if I want to sleep with him'

Then I look at Reborn.  It seems that he is sleeping on his hammock

'Maybe I can sleep with him but he might shot me.  Well why dont just ask him'



"Ne Reborn"

"What do you want Lambi"

"I cant sleep.  Can I sleep with you?"

I can see that he is thinking.  He might push me aside but shockingly he move aside

"How long are you gonna stay there.  Hurry and sleep"

I smile brightly

"Thank you Reborn'

Quickly I climb the hammock and place my pillow right beside his

"Just go to sleep Lambi"

"Night Reborn"


I close my eyes but not aware that Reborn carding my hair and encircle my waist with his arm

"Night Lambi"

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