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'Alright Lambi, play the clueless card!'

"Tsuna-nii, what is a guardian?"

"That is-- I am not sure"

"What is it Reborn?"  I face Reborn.  He just smirk

"You will know later on Lambi"

"Huh?"  I just tilt my head, thinking what he mean by that

Then like in canon, Namimori students are attack by unknown attacker.  I always stay with maman with I-pin.  Since both of us are girls, we always play together.  Well more like me teaching I-pin on learning Japanese because she still did not understand mostly of what the people in the residence are speaking

I almost brush my lingual profess with her.  Of course based on my past life where I am an agent, I need to know multiple languages but if I slack on it, I might forgot about it.  I-pin seems ecstatic when I talk in Chinese to her and teach her Japanese.  Its fun sometimes because I learn how to be a child.  Of course sometime I spend time with Tsuna-nii and Reborn.  They are a good company 

'hah.. Is this how a child should be?'

But there is something that causing me rise my tension.  There is a canary bird carrying a camera.  I dont know either it is recording us or watching us but I can see that it is from a threat.  If my memories were correct, its from a criminal known as Birds.  Seriously, didnt he have creativity on choosing a nickname.  Why Birds?

Thankfully that Reborn shot the bird.  I wonder did he shot the bird in the canon.  I cant remember the details.  It might because I did not behave like Lambo.  Well, I am Lambi.  As if I will act a crybaby, whiny and spoil brat when I am an adult in a child body.  But sometimes I act childish.  It might be because I am a child in body after all

Then, Tsuna and the rest start to attack Rokudo Mukuro on Ninth order.  Really?  There are many ways to test him but why did he need to test using Mukuro, that twisted Mist?  Well, I dont understand man when they make decision

I stay with I-pin with Kyoko and haru.  Like in canon, Tsuna have a crush on her but she didnt know or just clueless.  With the help of Bazooka, where I dont really on it too much, I manage to protect the girls with I-pin.  Thanks to my excellent memories where it is not clouded from my past life, I manage to remember the date and time.  So, I prepare myself by wearing clothes where it look okay to me

While in the future, I am sitting in the middle of drinking cappucino with Reborn.  Why am I with Reborn?


"Ciaossu Lambi"

"Hello Reborn"  I am looking around

"Where am I?"

"You are currently in the 10 year in the future"

"10 year in the future?"


"Then why am I with you?"

"Thats for you to know in the future" He kiss me in the lips

"Huh?"  Then the pink smoke cloud my eyes.  The next thing I know is that I and I-pin in Kyoko plus Haru hug

'Why did Reborn kiss me?  Isnt Bianchi is his 4th lover?  Whats going on?'

'But.  What a strong hug she have. I am suffocated right now Haru'

'Whatever.  Better wait for the future.  Who knows what going to happen'

We continue our home to Sawada Residence where Kyoko and Haru sent us.  Then they separate to their respective home

I keep waiting for the rest to return home

"Home...  I never thought this house will become home for me"

Well, with warm family especially Tsuna who keep treating me, I-pin and Fuuta as siblings.  Its good to feel a family where I am always alone.  While waiting, I manage to read to complex books.  Its not like I have another choice when I am mentally an adult.  Currently, I am reading regarding human nerve system.  Based on neuron in the body, it is said that there is electrical impulse.  Since I am a Lightning, then maybe I can control the body of the others through nerve

Oh well

Finally, Tsuna safely return home with Reborn.  It seems that he still wearing the mitten in his hands.  He looks kind of tired but since he just finish a fight with a convict, I am not surprise

"Welcome home Tsuna-nii, Reborn"

"We're back"

I just smile when Reborn reply to that.  I am completely forgot about Reborn kiss me in the future

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