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'Ah, its already morning'  I just swipe my face and gone to bathroom to wash myself to refresh myself.  Then I-pin and Fuuta woke up.  Happily, we go to the kitchen for breakfast.  During my stay here, I learn how to cook from maman.  She really want a daughter when she happily indulge me by teaching how to cook

But that morning when we woke up, to our surprise.  Its a feast.  Literally.  And maman still cooking

Tsuna-nii also look shock

"Tsuna-nii, did you do somehing remarkable to cause this?"  I ask Tsuna because maybe maman cook like because she obviously happy

"No, its just my daily dame life"  'Really Tsuna, you dont have to cause your self-esteem so low'

"kaa-san. Kaa-san!" 

"Eh good morning Tsu-kun"

"Is there something wrong?  Why did you look so happy?"

"Well, papa is coming home"

"What?!  I thought that he is dead"

"What?"  All people in the kitchen look shock

"How silly Tsu-kun.  If he is dead, then who is paying all our bills and your school tuition"

'Right, if Sawada-san indeed dead, who is paying all these?  Especially with the household keep accepting new people'

I just shrug it and eat our breakfast for the day.  Next play with I-pin and Fuuta.  Of course sometimes I train myself.  Dont want to be rust right.  Beside I am a hitwoman

i continue playing until there a presence incoming to home.  Then there is a ring to the house

"Nana!  I am home!"

"Darling!  Welcome home!"

Then they proceed like newlywed.  Ugh lovebirds.  There are children here

Maman still cooking a feast like for army while Iemitsu proceed to play with us.  He even give us sake.  really we are minor.  Thankfully that I change with pop soda.  We are minors.  How did he grow up thinking that we can drink those drinks.  How did Tsuna-nii grow up with him is unknown.  Right.  He never there

I remember that when Tsuna-nii come home in the canon, the children are drunk.  Like hell I will allow that to happen.  I will make sure that all of us are not affected by that useless father.  He might be excellent mafioso but not a husband and father.  Even I myself know the extend of what a parent should be like based on interaction of my fellow agents with their children 

When Tsuna-nii got home, he seems angry with the man.  Of course he with Iemitsu is currently snoring in the living room with girls plus children are running around.  I can only limit myself and the others from acting too much which causing Tsuna-nii some headache.  It seems that something happen to cause him so dishevel.  Like coming from a fight

Wait, if Iemitsu coming home, is that mean that Ring Battles is coming?  Shit!  I need to remember the date and time to prepare myself in the future to fight with the Varia

A few days later, as I expected, I am chosen as Lightning Guardian.  I am not surprise especially with Fuuta's ranking.  I am sure that Reborn contribute on that.  The point is Iemitsu give it to me.  They really expect a child to fight for them.  Next, I am attack by some idiots and a certain lightning sideburn which is Leviathan.  Really, attack a child.  How low that assassin is

Tsuna-nii look shock that the people who are his friends got chosen for the battle.  He even devastated when I am chosen

The fight as usual are continue like usual.  I am only staying at home.  Training myself from others knowing my prowess and continue protecting the people in the residence along with Bianchi.  Its good that she is here but its better for more precaution.  We never know what might happen.  I keep looking at the time and calendar to ensure that I engrave what will come for my future to be prepare.  I know that Iemitsu depend on Bazooka but I must be careful when acting with them.  I dont want to a burden for them

The first is Sun Ring Battle.  It seems that Ryohei-nii manage to win.  Even though that he is hurt but he win and survive.  Maybe due to extremeness.  Next is my battle.  The Lightning Ring Battle.  Hah.... here it goes

That night is a stormy night.  There is thunderstorm and Tsuna-nii look worried

"Lambi, listen if the fight is too much for you.  You can forfeit"

I just look at him.  What a warm Sky he is

"Dont worry Tsuna-nii.  If I got into trouble, I will use the bazooka"

"Alright, be careful"

"You dont want to worry too much Dame-Tsuna"

"But Lambi is a child.  A girl at that.  This time she should be at home.  Sleeping like a child should have"

"But she is chosen for the role"

Tsuna-nii keep on arguing with Reborn but its no use Tsuna-nii.  Once Reborn make his mind, there will no going back

I enter the field and prepare myself, facing Leviathan.  I know that I can outpower him but people will suspicious of me so the solution is the bazooka

"Then, Sawada Tsunayoshi Lightning Guardian, Bovino Lambi and Varia Lightning, Leviathan for Lightning Ring, begins"  Cervello commence the fight and a lightning strike the lightning rod

Levi jump from the circuit and manage to get away from it but I only stay in it.  The Varia thought that I am being roast but due to training in the Bovino, I am susceptible to lightning and electricity.  Of course I immediately use the bazooka to fight.  All that's left is pink smoke

In the future

Future Lambi is preparing herself.  She is holding her weapon which is a rapier then wear a raincoat.  Then she proceed to meet Tsuna in his office

"Lambi, where are you going?"  He look shock especially with the way Lambi wearing

"Ring Battles"

"Ahh.. That time huh.. Be careful Lambi"

"Alright Tsuna-nii.. Please take care of my past self"

"Okay imouto"

In the present

After the pink smoke receed, there is a person wearing a raincoat and carrying a rapier at their waist.  Then he/she wear the Lightning Rings around their neck

"Wait!  Isnt it cheating for someone else to fill the role?"

"No, that is 10-year Bazooka thus that is Bovino Lambi in the 10 year of future thus it is valid to continue"

I only nod to Cervello and proceed to attack Levi.  He seem like I only a wallflower girl.  Huh, that will be a mistake to underestimate me.  Thus I proceed to attack Levi using my precious rapier.  It allow me to fight with electric current from the circuit.  Then Levi is defeated.  Well, he is roasted.  Really, Varia must never underestimate their opponent but it seems that I am a girl so they thought that I am weak

They should know that I am strong if I am able to stay as Vongola Lightning Guardian

After Cervello announce that I am the winner, I only have 1 minute left.  I only hug Tsuna-nii and smile at him.  Thanks to raincoat, they dont know how I look

"Well Lambi, I have wondering what did you look like"

"Eh its a surprise Tsuna-nii.  Its cheating for you to know how I look like"

"EH!  But I am curious"

"Hahaha... Just wait for the future Tsuna-nii"

Then a pink smoke cover Lambi with she fell asleep in Tsuna arm

"It seems that she fall asleep"

"Ah..lets go home"

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