Chapter 1

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Mission 1: Protect the Necklace

Magnus Bane sat at the bar, watching the scene around him. He was an agent for the warlocks, and one of the best in his division. He excelled in hand to hand combat. Across the room was Catarina Loss. She trained with Magnus and they got accepted in the agency together. She was his best friend, and she stuck by his side no matter what. She excelled as a healer, but she could kick ass too. Not too far away from Agent Loss was Raphael Santiago. Technically, he was an agent for the vampire agency, but we treat him as one of our own. He was sent in as a spy but he proved his loyalty to us and provides us with valuable information. He excelled in mind manipulation.

 The three of them were sent on mission to a private Downworlder party to protect the necklace. It was a priceless ruby necklace that had been in the agency for years, and we had intel that the vamps were going to try and take it. Magnus was one of the few warlock agents who knew the necklace's true location, and he had been entrusted with the key to where the necklace was held. 

As he was watching, someone came to sit beside him. He looked and saw that it was Camille Belcourt. She was the head of the vampire agency, and Magnus' ex, and Magnus knew that she was here for the necklace. 

"Good evening, Miss Belcourt," Magnus said.

"Oh, Magnus, no need for such formality. We know each other too well for that, hmm?" Camille smiled. "Can I offer you a drink?"

Magnus gave Camille a small smile. "Why not?" As Camille ordered the drinks, Magnus looked around for other vamp agents, and he saw none. Surely Camille wouldn't go on this mission alone, right? 

Camille gave Magnus his drink and lifted hers up in a toast. "To love lost," she said and they both took a sip of their drinks. It wasn't until too late that Magnus has realized what Camille had done, and the last thing he remembered seeing was Camille's smug smile before he passed out.


Camille dropped Magnus onto the couch. They were in the room where the necklace was located, she was sure of it. Magnus had been drifting in and out of consciousness because of the drug she put in his drink. She couldn't help but smile thinking about the fact that she still had Magnus wrapped around her finger, even after all these years. He had been so hopelessly in love, it was pathetic. 

Camille searched around in Magnus' coat pockets until she found the key to the box the necklace was in. She found the box almost immediately. She unlocked the box and carefully took the necklace out to examine it. It was the real thing. Camille almost laughed aloud, this was too easy. 

Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps. She put the necklace around her neck and went out a back door, disappearing from sight.


"So you mean to tell me you don't know where the necklace is?" Ragnor Fell asked. Agent Fell was the head of the warlocks, and a good friend of Magnus'. He often bragged about Magnus and Catarina being two of his best agents, bug today that sentiment was far from his mind.

"I'm sorry, sir. She drugged me and I..." Magnus began.

"You shouldn't have let that happen. You were trained to do better." 

"I know. There are no excuses. I let my emotions get in the way, and it cost us."

"Well, we aren't the Clave. I personally don't believe that emotions cloud judgement. But you should've been paying more attention. I know you can do better, I've seen it." Ragnor gave Magnus a forgiving smile. "Raphael, could you give your report?"

Raphael nodded. "I found Magnus on the couch, unconscious. I immediately went after Camille, but I could never catch up to her. However, an agent from the vamps told me that Camille was heading south of the border, in Sayulita, Mexico."

"Can you trust this agent?"

"Yes, it's Simon Lewis. He is working undercover for the Clave so they can gain information. Camille doesn't suspect him anymore than she suspects me. Besides she only wants him with her agency because he's...because of his abilities." 

"And what would that be?" Ragnar asked.

"I can't reveal all of my agency's secrets, Mr. Fell, just as you can't reveal all of your agency's secrets to me."

I suppose you're right. Well, we'll just have to take your vamp's word. To Mexico, it is."


Magnus walked along the shore of the beach. His assignment was to distract Alexander Lightwood, a Clave agent who went rogue and joined the vampires. Some thought it was surprising, but Magnus didn't. He had never liked those Lightworms, and besides, his mom and dad were once loyal agents to the Circle. After Valentine's disappearance, they came back to the Clave and begged for forgiveness, and the Clave let them back in. They have worked diligently for the Clave ever since. But Magnus knew the minute Valentine returned, they'd come crawling back to him. 

Magnus spotted Alexander sitting at a bar stool not too far away. He walked to the bar and sat down. On closer inspection, Magnus realized Alexander was hot. He had blue eyes and black hair, which was always a good combination. He had on a short-sleeved button up that showed off his abs, and shorts. Magnus took a deep breath. He had to stay on mission. Although, he could stay on mission and flirt a tiny bit.

"Hey, pretty boy," Magnus said.

Alexander looked up at Magnus, surprised. "H-hey," he stuttered and Magnus couldn't help but smile. 

"Have you had their sangrias yet? I hear they're delicious." Alec shook his head. Magnus ordered one for Alec and himself. They both took a sip. The rumors were true, that drink was amazing. "So what brings you here?" Magnus asked. Magnus already knew, of course, but he wanted to see what he'd say. 

"Honestly, I came to get away. Home can be pretty hectic sometimes, y'know? And it's so peaceful out here." Magnus nodded and looked around. It wasn't a total lie, it was pretty peaceful around here. 

"So are you-"

"Sorry, I have to go," Alec said, interrupting Magnus . He jumped to his feet and quickly walked off before Magnus had a chance to stop him. Magnus got up and followed him. He didn't know where Alexander was rushing off to, but he knew it must be important. Important enough to stop talking in the middle of a conversation. 

Magnus saw Camille in the distance and quickly hid himself so he could watch and figure out what to do next. Alexander walked up to Camille and began talking. He couldn't make out what they were saying, so Magnus decided to just make his move. He quickly jumped out and shot Camille with his tranquilizer gun. He moved his gun towards Alec, but Alec beat him to the chase. Magnus' vision went blurry as he crashed to the ground.


Magnus regained consciousness and sighed. Why was this always happening to him? He had a burlap sack over his head, and his hands were tied around his back. He was defenseless. 

" I should've known you'd betray me, you little shit." a voice said. Magnus immediately recognized the voice as Camille. But who betrayed her? Raphael? Possibly, but he would've untied me by now, right? Perhaps he thinks I'm still unconscious. It would probably be best if it stayed that way, at least until he could figure out who Camille was talking to. 

Suddenly, there was a lot of commotion. It sounded like people were fighting. Alexander had probably came for Camille. It sounded like more than two people, though. Maybe Catarina had joined the fight as well. Magnus hated being so useless. He could do nothing but sit and listen as chaos ensued around him. 

Finally, the noise does down, and he felt someone begin to untie his hands. He quickly took off the sack and looked around. Raphael and Catarina were on the floor, and looked to be unconscious. Camille and Alexander were nowhere to be found. What had happened here?

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