Chapter 10

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Mission 6: Stop the recruitment of Circle agents

Alec stayed at Magnus' house a lot longer than he had planned to.

He walked quietly through the Institute. It was much more peaceful at this time of night, when everyone was asleep. It almost made him want to stay up a little longer, maybe go to the greenhouse...

But, he knew he would just fall asleep after a couple minutes, and wake up with a weird, unexplainable mark on his forehead. So, he walked to his room and decided to call it a night. Once he got close to his bedroom, he saw that the door was slightly ajar, and he was certain he had closed it before leaving, he always did. Which meant that someone had been in his room, or still was.

He approached the door cautiously, and wrapped a hand around his gun for defense. He opened the door and saw...

"Izzy?! What the hell are you doing in my room?!"

Izzy smiled. "I was waiting for you, big brother. I just came back from Meliorn's."

Alec huffed. "Why were you waiting for me? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. Is there?"

"Why are you being cryptic?"

Izzy chuckled. "Look, I just want you to tell me where you were. I already know, but I want to hear it from you."

"I wasn't anywhere, Iz. I went for a walk..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there. You can't give the same excuse every time, Alec. It makes your story less and less believable."

Alec sighed. "Okay, fine. I was at Magnus', but nothing is going on, okay? We were just hanging out." Alec looked down, trying to hide his flushed cheeks.

"Aww, Alec are you blushing?"

"Noo. Look, get out of my room. Please."

Izzy put up her hands and got up from the bed. "Fine, fine. I'll leave," she said. She shut the door behind her.

Alec immediately began to get ready for bed. He wanted to be ready for whatever tomorrow might bring, and that meant he needed to get proper rest.


Alec woke up to the sound of voices outside his room. He rolled over, and checked his phone to see what time it was. His eyes widened as he realized he had overslept. He quickly got dressed and and ran out of his bedroom, running straight into Jace.

"Hey, I was just coming to get you. There's a meeting." Jace said.

Alec nodded and followed Jace. They made it to the ops room where everyone was gathered in time to see Robert step up to address everyone.

"As you all know, we sent a team yesterday to find the missing agents. We have found out that they were taken by the Circle." A murmur went across the room. "The Circle has returned, and they seem to be as dangerous as ever. We must stay alert, and take every precaution to make sure they don't turn any more of our agents. If they grow in numbers, they could have the means to wipe out all other agencies. From now on, I want all focus to be on the Circle. Any information you have regarding them will be given directly to me. You all are dismissed."

The crowd dispersed, save for a few agents that hanged back to ask Robert questions. Alec still couldn't believe this was happening. He had always thought the Circle would never resurface, not after their war against the Clave nearly 20 years ago, and Valentine's disappearance.

He walked to the training room. He had missed his morning training, and he needed all the training he could get if the Clave planned on defeating the Circle again.

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