chapter 18

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Jungkook POV:

After Jin took y/n up the stairs it was time to discuss the plan. "Ok everyone gather round, I'm going to have to make this quick before y/n return's." Everyone quickly made there way towards me, I stood in the middle as everyone was standing around me in a circle. "OK so you all already know why you all are here or more specifically why we are here. Jack is trying to track y/n and I'm afraid if he gets to her he's not gonna use her for good reasons. Jimin, Tae and yoongi you guys stay with y/n at all cost no matter what happens, never leave her side. Namjoon you and Jin will be with me and then Amy and J-hope you will be back ups so stay with y/n but just make sure its not visible that your looking after her. Okay than you three Brad, Jeff and James you three are the look out make sure nothings out of place, and the rest of you I didn't name you'll be in use later and also don't worry you all will still use your skills your good at let's just make sure y/n safe, so if anyone has any good idea's please this is your time."

Once I was done explaining they all nodded and moved back to where they where standing or sitting.

Y/n POV:

"Jin this is seriously a waste of time." You said a little bit pist, Jin told you its something important but turns out it was just a bunch of dad jokes he wanted your opinion on you know if there good or not. Sighing you finally got the courage to stop Jin, you couldn't help but feel like he was trying to do something, that's when you realised what Jin was actually trying to do. "Jin are you trying to distract me?" Jin's expression suddenly changed from a smile to a nervous look, his eyes already gave it away.

Furiously you walk down the hallway to the staircase. "I'm done..." You mumbled to yourself gaining a look from everyone. "I am done!" You said this time a little louder and more stern. Jungkook looked at you as you could see panic and confusion in his eyes but you couldn't careless. You walk towards the front door but Brad and James stopped you before you could exit the old building. "Woah there! where do you think your going Missy?" James said moving in front of you. "Move!" Trying to move past him he stopped you as Brad pulled you away from the door. You flashed both of them a death glare, making them shiver.

"Y/n?" Jungkook asked as you looked at him, he had concern in his eyes as he placed the book carefully on the table beside the couch, he stood up and walked towards you. "What!" You said with a pist of tone, Jungkook looked shocked because it was the first time you've acted like this in a long time. "Let her go Brad." Jungkook demanded making Brad immediately letting go of your arm. "Guys look!" Jin said as he finally came down the stairs, everyone eyed him suspicious as Jungkook also pulled his attention away from you and towards Jin.

"Oh..umm....I thought she was already gone." He said awkwardly as he slowly walked down the stairs.

"What did you do Jin?" Namjoon asked exhaustedly. "You didn't try to do something to her?" Jimin asked in a serious tone that would make anyone shiver. "What! No why would you even think that?" Jin said with a look of disgust, as he finally reached the last step. "Then what happened?" Namjoon asked looking at him sternly. Jin gulped and took a deep breath in. "I was just asking her if my dad jokes were good or not.." He said silently.

Namjoon: Oh god! are you serious!?

J-hope: Jin are you being serious right know!?


Jimin: Oh no!

Yoongi: Bro come on we've been threw this!

The room was filled with opinions but Jungkook just kept quiet as he tightened his grip around your arm. "Is that really what happened?" Jungkook asked in a gentle tone as he looked at you deeply with concern. You just nod not wanting to respond. "Then why the hell were you so pist?!" He asked but this time raising his voice a bit.

"If I'd be honest with you I'd probably do the same thing." Yoongi said as a small chuckle escaped from his lip earning a shocked look from Jin. "No its not about the dad jokes..." A sigh blew past your lips before speaking again. "Its about something else." Jungkook flashed you a warm smile as he tilted his head a little to the side. 'Then what is it?" You nervously started chewing your bottom lip, your scared if you tell him that he'll be pist and punish you but he changed and he might not.

You were stuck you didn't know what to say and time was running out, the longer you stood there speechless the more awkward it might get.

Prince Of Darkness•J.Jk• Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now