chapter 29

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Slowly I opened my eyes to meet a white celling. Where am I? I shot up in the bed I was in but regretted my decision as soon as I felt a sharp pain in my head. Slowly reaching up I touch the place where I felt the pain and felt a small bandage. Trying to think back at what might've happened it struck me. I'm back here...

I was planning on jumping out of bed but stopped myself once I remembered my split ankle. Throwing the sheets over I steadily got out of bed. Looking down at my legs I saw bandages wrapped around my left ankle, both my knees along with my right hand. Without realizing it a smile crept onto my face, it was nice knowing that he cared for me.

Sighing I tried walking but it wasn't easy my ankle was being a pain in the ass. Once I reached the door I opened it and peeked through to see an all to familiar hallway, it felt weird being back here. The hallway was dimly lit with candles as there were more pots of roses than last time. Silently I left my room closing the door behind me. Cautiously I walked over to one of the pots that had a mixture of red and orange roses. It was beautiful, the petals were soft and they smelled great. Taking out one red rose I sniffed it and gently touched its petals. It calmed me down strangely. I was so intrigued by the rose I didn't even realize someone was walking towards me. "Miss y/n." Once the voice spoke I immediately looked at the person, it was Amy. "Are you h-" before she could continue I ran towards her not minding my ankle and hugged her tightly. "Amy!" I said as a tear slipped from my eye. I missed her, I forgot about her when I was gone I was so busy thinking of how to get away I didn't even think of any one else except myself. "Y/n its great to see you too." She said as I let go of her. She gave me a smile which I happily returned.

"Sorry if I bothered you but Jungkook told me to come wake you, but seeming you're already awake you can follow me." Nodding I started following Amy down the hallway, the castle was quiet but it wasn't the earie type of quietness it was the peaceful type. "Amy." I spoke in a low tone almost coming out as a whisper. Amy turned around as she flashed me a smile. "Yes."

"I'm sorry." I said looking down, I felt guilty for leaving her. "Its okay y/n you don't have to apologize to me its Jungkook you have to apologize to." Amy was silent once again as we started walking. After a few seconds we reached the dinning room and I entered hesitantly. "Y/n!" I heard people shout, looking up from the ground I saw Jungkooks friends running towards me as they gave me a tight hug making me giggle, even though I've only known them for a little while I still missed them.

"We're happy that you're back." Jin said as he looked at me with a bright smile on his face. I didn't know how I was suppose to feel I wanted to be mad but I couldn't cause there was apart of me that was happy to be back here. "Thanks." Was all I could say as they finally moved away letting me breath. "Come sit." Taehyung said as he pulled out a chair for me. Nodding I walked over and took my seat. Once I was seated everyone sat down. "Well know we just wait for Jungkook." Jimin said as he folded his hands on his lap. Frowning I looked at the seat Jungkook always sat in and it was indeed empty. "Where's Jungkook?" I asked looking around the dining room.

"Oh he just has a quick visitor so he'll be here in a few seconds I believe." Jin replied. "Who's the visitor?"

"His brother." Yoongi said in a stern tone. He didn't sound happy, no one even looked happy at the fact that Jungkooks brother was here. "What does his brother want?" Jhope just shrugged his shoulder as he looked at me. "No one knows only Jungkook knows." Silence fell upon us as we all eagerly waited for Jungkook to come so that we could start eating. "Sorry for taking so long." Jungkook spoke making all of us look at him, guilt started forming as I stared at him not being able to talk, he looked more handsome than he did last time. "Oh y/n you're here. I thought you'd be pist and not come down to eat, but hey! looks like you did come down." Jungkook said as he chuckled, he started walking towards his chair and pulled it out. "Well then shall we start eating." Jungkook said taking his seat.

~After dinner~

"Thank you Amy." We all said bowing. "No problem." Amy replied as she took the dirty dishes to the kitchen. "Well its getting late I should head back home."

"Me too."

"Yeah me too."

Everyone said as they started getting there things. "See you guys tomorrow." Jin said waving as he left. Once everyone left the castle it went silent. Jungkook was standing a few steps behind me I could feel his stare burning through my back. "I'm glad you're back y/n." Jungkook said softly, turning around I looked him in his eyes. I didn't know what to say, I did indeed felt uncomfortable but what could I say. "Well goodnight see you tomorrow morning." He said as he turned around and started walking up the stairs. "Wait Jungkook!" My eyes widened, I had no intention of shouting it out loud, Jungkook stopped as he turned around and looked at me it was that look he used to give me that made me feel butterflies in my stomach. "Yes?" He questioned. "I...I..I'm sorry." My voice came out shaky as I stuttered. I couldn't even look him in his eyes afraid he'll look at me with that furious look he always use to give me back when we first met. "Its okay."

Jungkook said softly, I was shocked to hear how calm he was. Suddenly I heard him walking down the stairs towards me and stopped right in front of me. My heart was beating so fast as I felt heat rise to my cheeks. He then placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head up so our eyes could meet. We didn't say anything to each other we just stared admiring one another. It didn't feel uncomfortable or weird it felt relaxing. Without realizing it I started to drown in his eyes, it felt like time had stopped and I was floating in the air without a care.

"Goodnight y/n." Jungkook said in a sweet tone as he turned around to walk away but I couldn't help myself, grabbing Jungkooks wrist I turned him around and smashed my lips against his. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would about to explode. Jungkooks hands found there way to my waist and pulled me closer deepening the kiss. The kiss was gentle and passionate and wasn't filled with lust or hunger. As I pulled away I looked Jungkook in his eyes as a giggle escaped past my lips. Jungkook just smiled in return and pulled me closer once again. This was my first kiss, I've never kissed someone before cause my mom would never allow me to go outside to the village so I just started to accept the fact that I will never have a boyfriend.

But this is the night I never forgot till this day.

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