chapter 21

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Jungkooks POV:

I throw my hat on the table in front of as I run my hands threw my hair in frustration. I couldn't be more mad and pist at myself right know. "Fuck!" I sat down on the chair that was at my desk. "How could I be so stupid?!" My head fell in both of my hands as I close my eyes tightly and sallow down a lump that formed in my throat. Everyone was in the dinning room talking to each other but I couldn't bring myself to go sit with them, I felt like I disappointed them and failed myself. Amy has tried to talk to me telling me it wasn't my fault and it's going to be okay but I didn't feel fine.

Because my dumbass didn't want to tell y/n anything she took off running away, if I just had told her or told her a lie maybe, she would still be here right know. Without realizing it a tear fell from my eyes, this is the first time I've cried in years the last time I cried was when my parents past away and that was 13 years ago (Jungkook was 10 when his parents past away). I still remember that day.


I was playing chess with my "brother" I don't refer to him as my brother anymore but we were playing chess as my parents decided to go see a movie that night, it was usually there date nights on Mondays and Friday's. We both got tired of playing and decided to go listen to the radio. As we turned it on the news channel spoke. "We are sincerely sorry for the loss of two wonderful people James and Wheein, sadly they were shot in a alleyway while trying to go back home. We will mourn this great loss, they were two very kind and generous souls. The world will surely miss them greatly." That's when I fell to my knees and screamed brad held me as he was also crying we both held each other tightly. Brad and I felt a great and terrible loss that day but as we grew older Brad of course wanted to change the world in a bad way where as I wanted to change it in a good way and that's how we drifted apart.

End of flashback

Namjoons POV:

"Look yoongi you have to understand that it's our fault she ran away okay!" I shouted I wish he just understood, I don't know why but yoongi was being really unreasonable right know and its not a great time cause of the problem we have with y/n gone. "All I'm saying is she could've at least understand and its not our fault its her fault for not being strong enough!" Yoongi spat turning around. "I'm going to take a nap." He said with announce lacing threw his voice once he left the room silence fell upon it, no one spoke a word everyone just sat in there chairs thinking. Jungkook went to his study where his probably beating himself up. "I'm sorry." I said as I sat back down, I couldn't help but feel guilty for starting the fight even if yoongi did start it, it still felt like it was me. "Its okay, its understandable I mean you're not the only one stressed out we all are." Jin said in a soothing voice. One thing I was always thankful for is that Jin would somehow always understand and try to lighten up the mood, but Jhope would always beat him. Silence once again was visible. We all were too in our thoughts to say anything. I hope y/n is okay cause she has no idea in how much danger she is in and were just sitting here doing nothing which is very worry some, Sighing I stood up. "Okay guys we my have failed at keeping y/n safe but sitting here and doing nothing is not good, I know I'm not the leader and I'm not the oder giver but one thing for sure is that I'm not going to sit here while y/n is out there in danger." My voice was serious so serious I didn't even recognize it. "I agree" I heard Jimin say as he stood up. "We need to do a tracking spell." Everyone stood up and we all gave each other smiles, it was a smile you gave your best friend when you agreed on doing something really dum. "Good. I'll go get Jungkook." Jhope said as he left the room.

Jungkooks POV:

My head was laying on my desk as my eyes were closed tightly my throat was dry from crying and I felt drained of energy. I felt
horrible it felt like you know that feeling when you lost something that was very dear and precious to you that's how I felt. I was so in my thoughts I didn't even realize the knocks on my door. "Come in." My voice sounded hoarse and broken anyone would be able to tell I was crying. There was silence I don't think he heard me but I don't blame him my voice was really soft.

"Jungkook its Jhope may I come in please?" Jhope voice asked politely, Jhope was always so gentle and soft spoken he could be loud at times and be a full on crackhead but that's what made him special. "Yes you may." Once I spoke I could see him know fully as he closed the door and sat in front of me. "Is there something you wanna tell me?" I asked, Jhope nodded. "Yes, Jimin came up with the idea that we do a tracking spell." Jhope says softly. Mentally I faced palm myself I can't believe I didn't think of that. "Well that's a great idea tell everyone to meet me up in my bedroom in five minutes and no were not going to have a 7some." I said with a chuckle, Jhope giggled and nodded. "Will do." He said and then left the room closing the door behind him.

For a moment I stared out of my window the grass and trees looked very calm but my soul was definitely not calm at all. I hope I still remember how to do a tracking spell I haven't done one in a while. Sighing I stood up from my desk and removed my coat. Rolling up my sleeves I looked myself in the medium sized mirror that was on the left side of my study right above my scarlet roses that smelt heavenly.
Well let's get started shall we. I said to myself as I excited the study and started walking to my bedroom. It felt strange going up the stairs and knowing y/n is not in her room reading or taking a nap I hope she's okay. I shook my head trying not to think of her but it was hard every time she would pop up in my head, my heart would start to ache.

Once I reached my room door I took in a deep breath and entered. As I looked inside the room they were all there. Jimin was staring out the window while tae and Jhope were talking, Namjoon sat on the small couch that was in the right corner of my room, he seemed to be in his thoughts as for yoongi was sitting on the bed while jin was annoying him with his dad jokes.

"Well....shall we get started or what?" Once I spoke everyone looked at me as a smile spread across their faces.

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