chapter 26

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Ricks POV:

Laying in bed I tried focusing on what I should do about the food, I was running out of it. Today I was suppose to go hunting for deer meat but found y/n, it was strange why would she be in the forest the village isn't even that close. I also found it hard to believe her story, I feel like she's hiding something. Turning around I looked at my wall, why was this bothering me so much, if it bothers me why did I even invite her for all I know she was a stranger but, she wouldn't have made it if she stayed out in the cold.

Y/n POV:

"Y/n wake up." A soft voice spoke, groaning I sat up in bed yawning. "Morning Rick." I said in a raspy morning voice. Rick just chuckled and handed me a plate with eggs and bread. "I'm busy making some tea I'll bring it once its finished." Nodding I started eating my food. "I'll go finish your tea. Once you're done getting dressed you can come down stairs." Rick said as he stood up from the bed. "Oh and please if you want to you can use the bathroom, I wouldn't mind."

He said with a smile, all I could do was nod cause my mouth was full of food. Rick chuckled and left the room closing the door behind him. After a few minutes I was finished eating and cleaned my room. Before I went down stairs I looked at the room I slept in one more time making sure everything is neat. Once I was satisfied I left and went to the kitchen to see the front door open. Frowning I took my cup of tea that was placed on the coffee table and went outside.

"Isn't cold?" I asked, Rick looked at me for a moment it looked like something was bothering him but he shook of his thoughts and smiled. "No, I've lived here long enough to get used to it. I like the cold wind it gives me déjà vu." Smiling I took a seat next to him, he looked back at the sky and smiled. He looked to be in his thoughts but I couldn't help but feel like there's something wrong. "Rick are you alright?" I asked taking a sip of my tea, he looked at me and nodded. "Yes, why are you asking?" He asked with a slight chuckle, shaking my head I took another sip of my tea. "I just feel like something's bothering you." Rick chuckled, "Well maybe its just you feeling that way but I a sure you I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Rick said with a smile and stood up. "Know you can go take a shower, I washed your clothes for you and hanged it up in the closet of your room so feel free to go wash up. If you need me I'll be in my living room." I just smiled in return and stood up. "Thanks Rick." I said bowing. He just chuckled and left.

Once I was done with my tea I stood outside for a bit, it was surely cold but the view was beautiful. What if he finds me? The thought popped up in my mind again, I was scared to death just thinking that. Sighing I went back inside to see Rick sitting on his couch staring at the fire. Something was bothering him I could tell but what was it?

"Sorry Rick to interrupt you but may I ask you something." Rick turned his gaze and looked at me with a smile. "You can ask me anything." Taking in a deep breath I tried thinking of a nice way to say it. "Thank you for letting me stay here, it was nice and all but I'll have to be on my way." I said with a smile hoping he would understand. Rick frowned and stood up from the couch. "Why? Not that I mind I'm not gonna keep you captive here but why? Its cold out there, you're not wearing the right clothes even and you're wearing heals. Don't you think you should stay here for a while?" Rick sounded anxious, he was right the clothes I was wearing wouldn't be able to keep me away from the cold but what could I do its not like I have my clothes here. "I know its just, I think I'm gonna head back home. I miss my parents I haven't seen them in a week." I lied, if anything he would probably believe that I'm telling the truth. "Well I guess there's no stopping you. Let me take you to town and give you proper clothing." Rick suggested, I nodded with a smile. "Okay stay here I'll go get you something warm to get dressed in." Rick walked past me and disappeared once he went upstairs. He was very sweet and I'd love to stay but the fear of Jungkook or Brad finding me kept on bothering me. I sat down in front of the fireplace, it was warm an comfy. I'd love to stay in a place like this one day, with my husband making food as our children play board games at the table and me reading a book sitting on the couch with a warm cup of coffee. Closing my eyes I felt relaxed. "Here you go." Ricks voice suddenly echoed making me flinch and look at him. "Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you." He said with a chuckle. Standing up I look at the clothes he had in his hands along with some shoes and a bag. "You can put your clothes in this bag, I also putted some more clothes in the bag for you if needed." A smile formed on my face as I felt tears building up. "Thanks Rick, you're the kindest stranger I have ever met." Rick just chuckled and handed me the clothes. "You can get dressed, I'll wait for you here."  Walking up the stairs I quickly got dressed it was a cute tight fitted dress although it did expose my cleavage a little bit.

"  Walking up the stairs I quickly got dressed it was a cute tight fitted dress although it did expose my cleavage a little bit

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Putting on the brown boots, I tied my hair up in a neat bun with two lose hair in front.

Putting on the brown boots, I tied my hair up in a neat bun with two lose hair in front

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Once I was finished I took my clothes and folded them neatly

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Once I was finished I took my clothes and folded them neatly. Taking the clothes I left the room and went back down stairs. "Thanks Rick its warmer than the dress I was wearing." Rick got up and nodded with a smile. "Here's your bag, do you want me to make you something to drink or eat for the road?" He asked, as I was busy putting my clothes in the bag I look up at him and shake my head. "No, I'll be fine besides you've already done so much for me."

Once Rick locked the cabin door we were off into his shed. "She's not fancy but she still works." Rick said as we got into his car. Giggling I just shook my head. "As long as she can take you somewhere she's enough." I replied as he starts the car.

~After a few minutes ~

My heart sank as we reached the entrance of the town. I felt safer staying with Rick but I had to move a lot or else they will find me. "Rick thanks for everything really thank you." Without realizing a tear fell on my cheek surprised I touched it and looked at my hand. "Oh don't cry." Rick said as he pulled me into a tight hug. "Know off you go and tell your parents I say hi." He said as I got out of the car. "Will do." I replied with a giggle and wave goodbye as the car started to disappear in the distance. Sighing I take a deep breath in and turned around. There was a stone bridge in front of me that lead to the village, it was silent I could hear some sheep but that was all. "Well here we go, I can't turn back know." Taking in little steps at first but soon I started walking faster as I saw houses. "Finally." I mumble to myself. 

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