Chapter 12 Worry

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Chapter 12 Worry

Alex POV.

Dean and I walked into a dinner and sat down. I was in what Dean had picked out for me, he was quite in a rush today so he had picked out my outfit for the day. I couldn't complain, he had picked it out a good outfit.

To tie everything up i placed my hair in a messy bun and then put my beanie. I probably looked weird but I didn't care nor did Dean. I like my head being warm and it was a Clint chilly.

"So Alex would you want to get some snacks for the ride? It will take us hours to get to Sam and Cas and I know we both get hungry really fast

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"So Alex would you want to get some snacks for the ride? It will take us hours to get to Sam and Cas and I know we both get hungry really fast. Thinking about it we are probably going to get food for the ride" He asks. I nod my head.

That would be great. We should get pie for the ride

I signed out.

"Fuck yes. That would be awsome" he said excited. He really loves pie.

I take a booth in front of him.

Can I drive?

"Uhhh..... yea-.... no.... maybe.... next time" he said scratching his head.

 next time" he said scratching his head

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I giggle and shake my head.

Smooth very smooth. Maybe next time

I signed to him with a small grin on on my face. He chuckles quietly. "I'm sorry... last time you drove baby you crashed it" he said.

I fake gasps.

Hey I only crash the car to save both Sam and your life. Your welcome

I signed.

He chuckles again, "Well I do remember that so thank you. But still baby got hurt" he said.

I giggle and shake my head.

Your baby saved your life. Also I was more worried that you two would get hurt. Also you love fixing up baby

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