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We just landed in Dulles airport in Washington D.C. and it feels nice to be back here, I haven't been here in a while, plus I get to see my sister. I don't like to admit it cause I don't wanna seem soft but I haven't seen her in like two months and I've been missing her like hell. She's a pain in the ass but she's my best friend. "Hey guys I'm just gonna shoot my sister a text and let her know what terminal to pick us up at" I say just to let the guys know what's happening, to which Jack replies "YAY we finally get to meet trevs sister. Been friends with you for such a long time and I think I've seen her once, but we didn't actually meet." "Huh I guess you're right. Anyway she should be here in a few mins I just told her where to pick us up."

To: Soph🤪
Yo we're at terminal 4 so j lmk when you get here

Kk you got it I'll be there in like five mins

Alrighty I'll let the boys know

About five minutes later I got a text from Soph that she just pulled up and is by pickup spot D. I told the guys and we walked over. Jack got lost along the way after walking into a post while scrolling through his Instagram, not paying attention to where he was walking. I saw her silver Lexus and pointed the boys to her car. She popped out and I instantly ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug. I haven't seen her in what felt like ages and I missed her so much.

Trevor pointed us to the direction of his sisters car, and when we got a few yards away I saw this gorgeous blonde pop her head out the window. She got out of the car and Trev ran to her; I haven't seen him run that fast since the combine. She looks up from the hug and sees the four of us staring at her kinda wide eyed. She closes her eyes for one more second and then pulls away from the hug. Trev turns around and announces to us all "this is my sister Sophia" and there was just a sea of heys and his. Trevor goes down the line introducing everyone. He starts with Quinn, "this is Quinny" to which he says "hey what's up?" and smiles. Next was jack, and they had kinda met before so he gave her a hug. Then there was Cole Caufield, who just gave her a simple hey. Last was me, Trev introduced me as Alex but I told Sophia she could call me turcs; after all everyone else does. She gives me a big smile and says nice to meet you, I responded the same. After a second of us staring at each other Trev stepped in and said "we should probably get going" to which Sophia smiled and responded "yea were about to hit rush hour."
God her smile was so cute.

When I first saw the guys I was immediately taken aback. God, how were these boys all so hot. And I was about to be living with them for the next two months, this was going to be interesting.
Trevor started introducing me to all of his friends, Quinn, Jack, Cole, and Alex...I meant turcs. They were all so cute but by far the cutest one was Alex. God his smile was adorable and his eyes were so gorgeous. Even his hair was so nice and framed his face so well. Shit, what am I saying, I just met this boy five minutes ago. Anyway I pointed the boys to my car and they started putting their bags in. For a group of teenage boys, these guys sure travel with a lot of stuff. Anyway, we get in the car, me driving, Trev in the passenger seat, Quinn, Turcs, and Jack in the second row, and Cole in the third row alone with the bags. They played Rock Paper Scissors to see who had to sit in the back and Cole lost, which is unfortunate because he was definitely going to be squished next to all of their bags. I hopped in the drivers seat next to Trev and threw on my Spotify playlist "car jams" and we started rocking out to Taylor Swifts "You belong with me," a classic. We were about 10 minutes into our 40 minute drive when the boys started talking. Trev told them about the rooming, because there were six of us and 4 rooms. Now I have a small family, as it's just the four of us, but we shared that house with our cousins who had three kids, so the house had four bedrooms total. Since moving in there I've been staying in the master bedroom and I haven't really had a use for the others. We worked out that Alex would bunk with Cole, Jack with Quinn, they were brothers after all, and Trev and I would have our own rooms. Now you might be wondering why there are only five guys staying at our house when there are so many more on the team, well some of them have family in D.C., and others just preferred to stay in a hotel, so we just took in the other four that wanted to stay with us.
We were now over halfway through our drive when the boys started talking about what we're gonna do when we got home because they were "bored" and had "too much energy," which I don't understand as they just got off of a flight? Whatever. We all decided that we were gonna go home, the boys could unpack, and we were gonna get some dinner and just have a chill night.

We got home and I looked into the backseat to see Jack just looking in awe at the house. I turned back to face forward and he says "this is some rich people shit" and Turcs goes "well you're forgetting they are rich" to which I respond "hey not really" and Quinn goes "dude your dad is one of the most famous hockey players in history, you're loaded." I just shrugged my shoulders while soph laughed at their comments. She seemed to be getting along with the boys really well, which I was really thankful for.
We scanned through the gate and soph drove in. We had a car here that we didn't really use, because we came here often enough that keeping one of our cars here would be cheaper than renting a car every time we were here. She parked in front of the house and we all got out of the car. We went in side and Quinn proceeds to say "actually jack was right, this is some rich people shit" after looking at the newly renovated house that was almost all white and modern, with Hugh ceilings and a crystal chandelier. Sophia chuckled and said "ok ok, lemme show you guys to your rooms." My room was down the hall on the first floor, along with Jack and Quinn's room. Sophias room(the master) was on the second floor, along with the room that Cole and Alex would be staying in. We brought in all of our bags and after spending roughly an hour unpacking I texted in our new gc that I was hungry. After all, I was jet lagged and was too lazy to get up.

Soph: wow guys what an original gc name
Turcs: gee thanks I thought of it
Rowdie: no I came up with it
Turcs:u must be seeing things cause I made the gc bud
Me: guys I really don't think it matters who made the gc but like I'm hella hungry what's for dinner
Turcs: idc it's up to you guys
Turcs: pizza?
Soph: I'm down wbu you guys
Me: sounds good to me
Rowdie:good w me
Quinny: ^^
Cole: kk
Soph: what do you guys want to order?
Cole: three pizzas and garlic knots?
Quinny: ^^
Me: Quinn that's literally the only thing you say in this gc
Rowdie: ^^
Quinny: ok ok fuck off

These group chats give me life. Anyway we're j gonna chill until the pizza gets here and prob watch a movie.

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