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Today was our first day of practice since we got to D.C., and I'll admit, even though I like staying home and chilling w Soph and the guys, I can't wait to get back out on the ice. That being said, I am gonna miss being able to sleep in, cause now that we have morning practices again, we can't really stay up until the middle of the night when we have to get up for practice at 5am the next day. We all got up and ultimately raced to the showers. We all knew we were gonna have to shower again after practice but we were still fighting over bathrooms. Alex, who guessed it, ended up using Soph's shower cause she wasn't going to be waking up for a few hours.

It was honestly pretty depressing having to wake up when it was still pitch black outside, but hockey is hockey and we had to get up otherwise we were gonna get our asses beat in practice. By 6 we were all pretty much ready to go, well that is except for Alex. Kid spends forever on his hair, knowing damn well his bucket is gonna mess it up.

We all finally got out of the house by 6:15, which was pretty good because practice was at 7. Trev drove us to the rink and we finally saw our teammates who we hadn't seen since we got here. We chilled for a little while and got on the ice at just about 7.

Today was a really chill practice day, we did a lot of drills, which was annoying, but hey at least coach didn't tell us to get on the line. We ran through some new plays and stuff, nothing all that interesting. I was just happy to be back on the ice. Practice finished up at around 9, and by the time we got out of the locker room and got back to the house it was 10.

Much to our surprise, Sophia was actually awake before noon, that's shocking. Even more surprising was the fact that she was actually dressed, like had taken a shower and gotten dressed and didn't look like she just rolled out of bed. Wow didn't know it did that.

We all walked in the door and she was in the kitchen making pancakes. We have yet to actually cook in the giant kitchen in that house, as there's a lot of us, but Soph was making pancakes.
"Damn Turcs, she cooks too, you picked a good one," I said, messing with Alex, who I knew for a fact had a crush on her. They both looked at me and then each other, their faces bright red. Alex turned around and went to leave the kitchen before slapping the back of my head. And that's how to embarrass your best friends, ladies and gentlemen.
"Peace boys I'm gonna go take a shower," I said before throwing up two peace signs and turning to leave the room.

"See ya," Quinny replied, "don't use all the hot water or I'll kill you," he added

"Good luck wit that one broski" I told him before sprinting to the shower, knowing he was about to chase after me.

Wow jack, what a great best friend... I was obviously joking but I can't wait until rowdie gets a girlfriend that I can embarrass him in front of, if I'm being honest. And as for why I'm actually up and dressed today, it's cause Sydney's coming into town for like almost a month cause she's on an assignment from her job. Sydney has always been the adventurous and outgoing one, so it didn't shock me when she finally told me her job. She works with a federal agency, and just finished her training in Quantico, Virginia, so she's coming to dc for an assignment. Now, she may work a federal job, even though she's still young, but she doesn't do anything classified, at least as far as I know, so it doesn't break any rules or anything by her talking to me. Anyway, she's working temporarily at a field office in D.C., so she's gonna be renting an apartment for the month.

While the boys were eating the pancakes I made them, I told them about Sydney. Not surprisingly, I heard one of them yell "is she hot"
Also not surprisingly, Trevor said "extremely," now that usually would be kinda weird, but years ago, Sydney has a huge crush on Trev, and he hardcore rejected her, so she got over the crush, and had one of the most major glow ups I've seen in my life. And now, as Trev would say "complete rocket." He's annoyed he didn't get her while he could, cause them she started dating some football player from our school, who's heart she broke right after graduation.

As if on cue, I heard the buzz at the gate and after like 15 seconds of not answering it I just heard a blaring horn. Someone seems a little impatient today. I ran through the door, probably faster than I've ever run in my life, and she opened the door to her car and I jumped into her arms, knocking us both over onto the ground. In case you were wondering what true friendship was like, this was it.

We got up and she looked behind me and then looked back at me as if there was an alien behind me. Nope not an alien, just a group of gorgeous hockey players. Well, and Trev. She looks at them and her jaw basically drops. She goes up to Trev and gives him a hug, as they got pretty close after they both got over their concurrent crushes. She pulls out of the hug and asks "so when are you going to introduce me to your friends?" We all laugh at her and I start introducing them, "first we have Cole" they both wave and I move on, "this is Alex," I say, and she reaches out and shakes his hand before looking at me with that "damn good job" look. Alex and I both chuckle and we move on to Quinn, "this is Quinny," I say, while they shake hands, "and last we have the brother of Quinn, Jack" he reaches out to shake her hand, and when their grips loosen he winks at her before everyone turned back to me, as if looking for their daily agenda.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Trev asks.

"Well I mean you guys already had practice today so I'm sure you guys are tired. Plus it's supposed to rain, so do you guys all just wanna chill inside today and watch movies? Maybe play a little puck?" I say, offering them some suggestions.

"Sure I'm in" Jack says, before continuing, "Sydney do you play"

"Yessir, grew up on the ice, my brothers in the league" Sydney replies

"Wait that's sick, who's your brother?" Cole asks

"Matt Martin, he plays d for the islanders" she says, proud of her big bro

"That's epic" we say starting to move inside while it starts raining.

We talked about hockey for a while, as all the boys are eligible for the draft, and we all have hockey in our roots, and we went downstairs to watch some movies. At first, we watched Goon, but by the time the movie was over, it was time for dinner, and Sydney and I, being the super nice people we are, offered to take the boys out for a nice dinner, after all, they've been here a week and we've really only had fast food and takeout. I made a reservation for 7 at 7 at this really nice restaurant in the city. It was about 4:30, and we all had to get ready and stuff so Sydney and I went upstairs to shower and get ready while the boys stayed downstairs, probably watching old nhl games or something.

A/N I know that was kinda an awko taco explanation for Sydney but I was having writers block and wanted to come up with something that made sense of why she would be there, not just like a spontaneous thing.

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