Thirty Two

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I changed into some leggings and my USA hockey hoodie with Zegras on the back that I always wear, before grabbing my keys and going to pick up some food. I asked the guys if they wanted anything but half of them were asleep and the other half said they already ate, so I placed an order at my favorite smoothie place for a peanut butter banana smoothie and a chicken pesto flatbread, which was one of my favorite meals from there. I left to go pick it up and got to the place about 10 minutes later. I went inside and got my food before getting back in my car to go home to eat. I started drinking my smoothie in the car, and as soon as I got home I practically devoured my food.
By now it was a little after 3, so the guys were in their suits ready for the game. I got my jersey and shoes and we all got in the car to head to the arena.
The game started at 5, so the guys had to be there by 3:45 at the latest.
By the time we pulled up to the arena it was about 3:20, so the guys had plenty of time to get ready. I found Syd and we made our way to our seats. The arena was practically empty with the exception of a few fans who were already in their seats.
I saw a few people with Canada jerseys on, but for the most part they were all team USA jerseys.
Team Canada was our toughest rival, even when I played hockey they were always the team to beat, but they were also the team that played the hardest.
I know the guys all have a rocky past with the Canadian players, so I'm just hoping this game goes at least somewhat smoothly. After all, this was the first time they were playing each other this season, so hopefully there aren't any grudges from last seasons world juniors.
The guys came out for warmups about a half hour before puck drop. I wore Alex's Jersey with Trevors hoodie underneath. I like to say it's my hoodie considering it has my last name on it, but in reality I stole it from Trevor the first year he started playing with team USA. Syd wore Jacks Jersey and likely his hoodie underneath too.
When the puck dropped, you could immediately tell it was going to be a rough game. Both teams were giving it their all, but at the same time, you've got a lot of really talented players on both teams, so it's gonna be a good one.
Within the first five minutes Canada scores on our goalie Spencer Knight. It was kinda a rough start, considering Canada got another goal about 18 minutes into the period during a Canada power play, but as soon as the second period started, team USA was working a lot smarter. Cam York had gotten a penalty for holding against a Canadian player, so during that power play Canada was able to light the lamp yet again.

Canada pulled a dirty play minutes into the first period, but it never got called. Anyway, we were determined to win this one, considering it was against our rival, so we had to figure out something to step up our game.
When we went to the locker room for the first intermission, the first thing our coach told us was how much of a shit show this was so far. We knew it was true, after all we were falling behind 2-0.
We came up with a strategy, but we weren't sure how well it would work. I mean why not try it, we've got nothing to lose.
Going to step on the ice for the second period, coach puts three centers in for the forwards. We just need to keep the puck in our control and we should be able to do this.

The first fight of the game happened within five minutes of the second period. A Canadian player slammed Trev into the boards and that didn't go over to well, so they dropped the mitts. Trev got a few good hits in before the ref called it and sent them both to the bin.
A few minutes later, jack scores with an assist from Quinn, leaving us only one point behind. The game was really tough, the puck going between Canadian and American control, but less than five minutes later, Alex scored on a breakaway and went top shelf for the game tying goal.
Our team was getting a lot more confident in winning the game, considering we were now tied and the last two goals were scored by us. Later on, with less than a minute remaining in the period, Trev was able to pass the puck to Patrick Moynihan for a nice one timer.

That went surprisingly well. We got good movement and were able to maintain the puck for the majority of the period, making it pretty solid.
Coach pulled Spencer for a few minutes leaving us with an extra player to score the goal that would put us ahead of the Canadians.
I'll admit, there was a point where I thought we were gonna fall behind, where the Canadians got control of the puck and moved it down to our zone, but the dude missed on a wide open net, allowing us to get control back, and for Trev to wheel the puck up and sauce it to moyni who lit the lamp.

Now we were ahead, with a third of the game left. Now, the third period wasn't as much about scoring goals as it was about beating us. Both in the game and physically. Two fights started, one with Alex and another with John Beecher.
One thing about growing up playing hockey is you get used to the fights, being in them, seeing your brother in them, but it's different when it's Alex. He's the sweetest person and I know he can handle himself, after all he gave that Canadian a nice uppercut, but it's still tough to watch.
Even though the Canadians were furious, they never managed to score a goal in this period, meaning team USA had won. Thank god.
Meeting the boys in the locker room, they were drenched in sweat and all around ready to go hone and sleep.
They all started to get changed back into their suits, but some of them, especially jack, the team captain, had to step outside for some interviews.
The guys were siked as we got in the car, they smelled disgusting, but they were siked. This was a big win for them so I was really proud of them all.
When we got home, I forced them all to go take showers before anyone celebrated this win, and they rolled their eyes, but they agreed and headed to the showers.
For our little celebration, we ordered in pizzas and brought out the vodka. We all had a decent amount, but none of us got crazy drunk. I stayed decently sober, only having two beers.
When the pizza arrived, we all sat at the table and ate, before heading downstairs to play some dek hockey.
I ended up on the winning team, but I'm pretty sure the guys were all going easy on me considering they were probably exhausted from today.
At around 11, we decided to watch a movie so that the guys could rest, and I let them chose. Of course they chose some hockey movie, specifically the mighty ducks.
About halfway through the movie I got kinda tired, so with Alex, I headed to my room to get ready for bed. Ill admit, I had missed cuddling with him while I was away.
I changed into my pjs, so did he, and I brushed my teeth and hair for bed. I came out of my bathroom to find Alex sitting on the edge of my bed in a T-shirt and grey sweatpants, his hair all ruffled. He looked so hot. He motioned for me to sit on his lap, so I did just that. I gave him a kiss, and he pulled me into a make out. I held his cheek in one hand while running my other hand through his hair. His hands moved up and down my waist as he held me tightly, out make out becoming more and more intense, while he whispered under his breathe, "god I've missed you." I smiled through that, and went back to kissing him. I pushed him over and we both fell back onto the bed, hysterically laughing. I turned around so I was facing him, and I told him in a raspy voice, "I love you, turcs." He smiled back at me, with that cute little dimple on one side of his face, and he said back, "I love you more."
He grabbed my waist and pulled me in so I was lying up against him with my head on his chest and my arm wrapped around his torso. His one hand was around my waist, the other playing with my hair, as I fell asleep to his cute little laugh while watching some 80s movie.

A/N: HI GUYS, this story is finally doneee!! It's my first real story, and I'm proud of it, even though there are quite a few errors. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it, and be on the lookout for a new story I'm starting to write about Trevor Zegras.

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