Twenty Seven

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Today was yet another day of practice, which, don't get me wrong I love it, but waking up at 6 am every morning is not fun. We had 7:30 am practice today as well as a team luncheon after practice. At 6 am sharp the house filled with multiple alarms going off, and soon after, everyone was up. We all showered and had cereal for breakfast before leaving the house at 20 to 7. Our practice today was from 7:30 to 2, and then we had lunch at 3, so we had a pretty busy day.
I got my bag from the garage with my sticks and loaded them into the car while the other guys did the same. Trev got the keys and we all piled into the car before heading to the rink. One thing about morning practice is we barely talk when we're getting ready. Like, it's so early that we just throw in our earbuds and take naps in the car on the drive to the rink.
I fell asleep on the window of the car, until I was rudely awoken by Trev who thought it was a genius idea to roll down my window while I was using it as my pillow. I gave him a slap to the back of the head, and went back to listening to my music.
We got to the rink a few minutes later and all piled out of the car. We grabbed our stuff from the trunk and headed to the entrance. When we got inside we walked through the concourse and to the locker room, where most of the team already was. I sat down and started to put on my gear while the other guys did the same. I used the same order every day when putting on my gear, shorts, skates, shinnys, socks, upper gear. The guys and I grabbed our sticks and hopped out on the ice just before 7:30. When 7:30 hit, coach came out of his office and started going over our warm up for the day.

I woke up around 9 with the sun glaring in the windows of our hotel room. I checked my phone and I had a notification from Alex saying "good morning beautiful❤️" to which I responded "morning, love you turcs." Sydney was already awake and was getting ready for the day. Syd was going to help Matt's wife Sydney help set up for the party, while I was going to spend the day with Mat.
He texted me that today we were gonna go into the city before the party, and I was excited.  I had gone to NYC a bunch of times but it's always one of my favorite places to go every time I visit New York, it's just so full of life and happiness that I love the atmosphere. I took out my outfit for the day and got into the shower. By the time I was out, Syd was getting ready to go leave and meet Aussie, which is what we called Matt's wife, in reference to the Australian city, Sydney.
Syd left when Aus texted her that she was outside. I was still getting ready, but Mat had also texted me that he was on his way and would be here in 10. I put on my makeup and did my hair before getting dressed and putting on my sneakers. I thought my outfit was pretty cute, so I grabbed my wallet, phone, and stuff and left the hotel room.
I posted a pic of my outfit on my Snapchat story cause I thought it was cute.

Mat texted me he was outside while I was in the elevator, so I headed out the doors and spotted his car instantly

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Mat texted me he was outside while I was in the elevator, so I headed out the doors and spotted his car instantly. I hopped in the front seat and he drove us to the train station, where we were set up to catch the 9:54 train to Penn Station. He was dressed decently casual, wearing a hoodie and jeans with these little boots that I know guys on the team made fun of him for. We got to the train station a few minutes before the train arrived giving us just enough time to get our train passes and get up to the track. He offered to pay for my ticket, but I told him "no way" and put my card into the machine before he even had the chance to argue with me. He had his monthly pass, so we went to the racks to wait for the train. We both put our earbuds in, knowing it was a 45 minute train ride, and it was pretty boring.
Considering it was after rush hour on a weekday, there weren't a ton of people on the train, so when we went to sit down, there were plenty of open seats. We found two, and sat down, still listening to the music in our earbuds. It was a pretty peaceful train ride, really it was uneventful.
We got off the train at Penn station and Mat started to head up the stairs to the exit. I followed him. He had yet to tell me where we were going, so I just followed him for a few blocks while we talked about the party tonight. He told me we were almost there, and he brought me to a small cafe that had a bunch of French writing and looked really cute overall.
We went inside and Mat said he had a reservation for Barzal for two, and they brought us to a small secluded table in the corner next to the large window that faced the street. The cafe itself was adorable and it had so much charm. The waiter gave us two menus and took our drink orders, before leaving us alone to go over the menu. We discussed some things that sounded good, but I settled on some nutella french toast, while Mat got an omelet. We talked some more about what had happened between when we saw each other last. I told him more about the ski trip, and about the boys, while he told me about the team and some interesting games they had played. 
Our food soon arrived, and it was honestly so good. Mat told me this cafe was amazing but I didn't think it would be this good. New York always has the best food, that is, if you know where to look. We finished up our meal and our coffees, and I covered the bill, considering I felt bad for letting the boys cover our expensive dinner lat night. Mat took care of the tip, which I told him made us even.
He said the next place we were going was to tour the NBC building, because he is friends with  one of the reporters who also worked with the Islanders media team, and he offered to give us a backstage tour of the building and all of the sets like "The Tonight Show" and "Saturday Night Live." We walked over to the building and had no trouble getting through security. Mat's reporter friend met us after the security checkpoint, and she started showing us around. It was really cool seeing the sets of all the shows that I watched constantly in real life.
We spent a few hours there, between touring the sets, and doing an interview with another reporter who was really sweet about it. We weren't on any time crunch, so Mat agreed. I thought they just wanted to interview Mat, considering he is the famous one, but they asked me some questions to, I brought up the fact that my brother is getting drafted this  year, and that I have grown up playing hockey. They also asked me some questions about Mat and the Islanders, which I gladly answered. Overall, it was a really cool experience that I didn't expect at all.
When we left, Mat brought me to one of his favorite "hidden gems" as he likes to call it. It was this small Pizza place in the middle of Rockefeller Center. Mat said that since I was in New York, i had to have some New York pizza, and I'm never the kind of person to turn down Pizza, so I gladly agreed. We waited on line for a little, and then got our pizza. I know I say this a lot, but God, New York has some good food.
By now it was close to 3, so we had to head back to Long Island, where the party was being held. The party started at 6, so we were good on time for now. Mat was going to come to the hotel with me to get ready, and then we would stop at his apartment, which was on the way, so he could put on his suit. We headed to Penn Station just in time to catch the 3:11 train, which we got on and found two seats across from each other. The train ride back to Long Island was almost identical as the one into Manhattan, being just as quiet and uneventful.
When the train arrived at the station, we got off, and headed towards Mat's car. We left the parking lot and started the short drive to the hotel, where Mat found a parking spot pretty easily. We headed inside and there was a little boy in the lobby that asked for a picture with Mat, which I gladly took for them. We headed to the elevator and went up to my room.
I grabbed my dress and went to the bathroom to get dressed. I put on some makeup and did my hair, which took about 20 minutes, before grabbing my heels and heading out the door. We went downstairs and got in Mat's car and started the drive to his apartment, which was only a few minutes away from the hotel. When we got there we went inside and I sat on his couch while he went to put on his suit. He took about 25 minutes to get ready, but I think most of that time was doing his hair. The dude takes an immeasurable amount of time to do his hair.
Anyway, when he was done, I helped him put on his bow tie and we left the apartment. I asked him if he knew where the venue was, and he said he did. The party was at this really fancy restaurant named the Carlton, which I had only been to once before, for Matt and Sydney's wedding.
We started jamming out to some classic rap for the majority of the ride, and then we arrived at the venue. There were tons of people already there, even tho it was just about 6. We pulled up to the entrance and got out of the car before mat handed the keys to the valet and got handed a pink slip of paper in return.
We headed inside and to the giant room that Aussie ans Syd had rented out for this party. It was truly extravagant but at the same time so Matt's taste. I found Syd and gave her a huge huge before she asked about how our day in the city was. I told her it was great and I told her that the party looked great. Mat went off to talk to his teammates as soon as I had found Syd.
After talking to her for a minute, I went to go wish Matt a happy birthday and give him the present I had for him, before giving Aus a hug and telling her the party was beautiful.
After the pleasantries, I found a few of the Islanders that I was friends with and said hi to all of them. I spent some time talking to one of my other close friends on the team, Anthony Beauvillier. We talked a little about life and hockey and then I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I found Syd and we went to the bathroom, and while in there I took a mirror pic just to show off my dress lol. We headed back to the party and talked some more to some of Matt's teammates who I knew. Trevor and the NTDP boys came up a few times, especially Quinn. 
Syd and I sat at a table with Matt and his wife, considering we really didn't know anyone else there and Sydney was his sister, after all. Hell, I was basically his sister too.
When the party had died down a bit before dinner I spent a little time on my phone, and posted that picture I took in the giant bathroom mirror before.


Liked by barzal97, SydneyMartin, and 2

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Liked by barzal97, SydneyMartin, and 2.099 others
Sophzegras happy birthday broski @mattymarts17
SydneyMartin hottie
Barzal97 again, why do you take so many pics
_alexturcotte holy shit ur hot 
_alexturcotte but like I miss you too
Sophzegras love u and miss you too turcs
Trevorzegras ew turcs
Sophzegras oh shut up Trev
Jackhughes_ bruh come back already
Sophzegras eh I enjoy NY, there's no boys that are constantly complaining and eat everything in my house
Jackhughes_ oh shut up
Quinnhughes_ Lol come back before jack and Trev burn the house down trying to cool
Sophzegras ah shit
SydneyEmartin love you girlie, hope you enjoyed the party
Sophzegras ❤️❤️
Mattymarts17 thanks Soph, loved having you at the party
Sophzegras ❤️❤️


If I'm gonna be honest, the dinner was pretty decent but it wasn't nearly as good as some of the other food I had had the past few days here. The entree was a penne ala vodka with grilled chicken, and it was pretty good but a little salty for my taste.
After the dinner, we all basically sat at our tables and talked for a while before it was time to cut the cake.
When the cake came out, it looked literally like a wedding cake. It was three tiers and was like a pastel blue with faded orange piping and a white dripping effect. It was super cool overall.
We sang happy birthday and then ate some cake. After, we all started to go out onto the dance floor and dance for hours on end. They played so many songs it was so much fun. They were playing "mr. Brightside" and we all just jammed out it was great.
Before I knew it, it was already 12 and the party was starting to die down. We didn't want to bug mat for a ride home so we called an Uber around 12:30, which was there by 12:45. Syd and I said our goodbyes to the team and to Matt, and headed to the Uber pickup area, where we found our driver.
The drive was pretty short, and pretty quiet. Syd posted a pic I took of her on Instagram in the car, but other than that we just stayed pretty quiet and just had some small talk with our driver.


Liked by mattymarts17, barzal97, and 2,045 others SydneyMartin party Jackhughes_ damn whatta hottie SydneyMartin luv u rowdie Sophzegras wifey material Jackhughes_ ^^Quinnhughes_ jack almost burned the house down making cookies Jackhughes_ shut up...

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Liked by mattymarts17, barzal97, and 2,045 others
SydneyMartin party
Jackhughes_ damn whatta hottie
SydneyMartin luv u rowdie
Sophzegras wifey material
Jackhughes_ ^^
Quinnhughes_ jack almost burned the house down making cookies
Jackhughes_ shut up it was an accident
Colecaufield jack you left them in the oven for like two hours there was smoke coming from the oven
Jackhughes_ fuck off cole
SydneyMartin JACK
Sophzegras I swear I can't leave you guys alone for one day
SydneyMartin oh and happy bday broski @mattymarts17
Mattymarts17 thanks Syd, glad u came to the party


A/N, I would just like to apologize for the fact that it seems like everyone in this story has overlapping names. If I'm being honest, I said Sydney's last name was Martin before I even planned on her brother being in the league, so I basically just used Matt Martin as her brother, before realizing that Matt's wife is also named Sydney. So I'm sorry if that causes any confusion, my apologies.

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