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Soph and I talked all day today and honestly it was amazing. We talked about everything from hockey to college and in the car ride home we sat next to each other and talked about movies and music. I was really getting to know her and it was amazing. Every time I see her it's like I feel my cheeks getting red and I feel my heart speed up. I really think I like her, even though we just met.

When we got home it was dinner time and we couldn't decide what we wanted so we all voted. The majority voted for Chinese so we placed our order over the phone and they told us it would be about an hour. That made sense, as we ordered an absurd amount of food. After Soph placed the order we went downstairs to their "hockey themed basement" that was honestly amazing. They had a really cool basement in their actual house, but this was just insane. When you first went down the stairs there was a main room that was basically an in home movie theatre with giant couches and beanbags, which is where we all watched a movie yesterday, and then there were two doors. If you went through the door on the right there was this huge hockey themed room, which I'm assuming was like an office, cause it was full of hockey posters and awards, but also had a desk and a couch. If you went through the other door, there was possibly the coolest thing I have seen in a basement, it was dek hockey rink. It was so cool. The boys, Soph, and I all went down stairs and played three on three for like 45 mins until I reminded her that the food was gonna be ready soon.

"Oh shit I almost forgot thanks for reminding me" she said laughing.

"Yea of course. Couldn't let you forget about my precious fried rice" he said with a smile

"Ha-ha very funny" she said putting her shoes back on, "hey wanna come for a ride with me to go pick up the food?" She asks

"Duh. I'll be ready in a minute" I responded, running back onto the rink and rushing to get a last goal on Cole, who was playing goalie for their team. I did my little celly and we were on our way.

We got in the car and she put on her 'late night drives' playlist, which was full of really chill songs that we just sang our hearts out to. We got to the Chinese food place in like five minutes cause there was so much less traffic than we expected, but there was no parking so we ended up parking about a block and a half away. We had like 10 mins before we had to get the food so we just talked for a little while. She was smiling while jamming out to "hot girl bummer" and it was the cutest thing ever. When the song was over we got out of the car and started walking. It was cold out, but Soph was only wearing a t-shirt and didn't have a jacket, and she looked cold, so I stopped her and asked her if she was chilly.
"I mean a little but it's no big deal" she told me. But I still felt bad that she didn't have a jacket and I had a hoodie on over my long sleeve shirt, so I told her "here wait" and pulled off my hoodie. "You don't have to, I feel bad about taking your hoodie" she said, but I told her I had a long sleeve on and wasn't cold, and she said "okay fine" with a smile. I saw her look at where my shirt pulled up when I took off my hoodie and winked at her before handing it to her. God she was so pretty. There was no doubt that she looked better in that hoodie than I did.

Alex gave me his hoodie when we were walking to the Chinese food place. At first I felt bad because I didn't want him to be cold, but he insisted, and I wore his hoodie and it was so soft and so warm and it smelled like him. I loved it.
We picked up the food and walked back to my car to drive home. I put back on my music and the first song that came on was "what am I" by Why Don't We. So ironic. But we were in the middle of our drive back home and Alex put his hand on my thigh. When I tell you there were butterflies in my stomach, that's an understatement. I didn't want this moment to end, but it sadly did. We buzzed through the gate and pulled into the driveway, and I put my hand on his, I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes and it felt right to lean in and kiss him. I think he thought the same cause the second I leaned in so did he. Seconds before our lips touched we heard a knock on the window. It was Cole. What a cockblock. Apparently, they saw my car pull into the driveway and the boys send Cole out to help bring in the food. Great.
Actually as annoyed as I was that Cole ruined our moment, it was okay because we did have a shit ton of food to bring into the house.
We carried in all for he food and the boys immediately dug in it was like moths to a flame. Comparing the boys to moths is okay, cause even though they're all gorgeous, they're annoying and they're everywhere.
We all ate out food. Actually, scratch that, I ate my food, the boys engulfed theirs. It was like I was two bites in and they were almost done. When we were all finished with our food it was kinda late, almost 10, so we all decided we were gonna change into sweats and the boys were gonna watch some movie and I was going to go to my room and just chill. Let's be honest I love the boys they're me new best friends, but after everything that happened today between Alex and I, I had to talk to my best girl friend, Sydney. Its been almost a week since the last time I FaceTimed her so I had a ton of tea to spill. I went upstairs and took a nice bath, which I haven't been able to do since the boys arrived, and I watched a new episode of Grey's Anatomy. After my bath I changed into my pjs, consisting of a crew neck and some nike pros, and laid down in bed. I FaceTimed Sydney and we talked for almost two hours.
As soon as she picked up the phone we skipped all the pleasantries and she went straight to "who the hell are all the hot hockey boys commenting on your posts"

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