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Jesus my head hurts.
Like a lot.
I need Advil.
Well, apparently the other boys were thinking the same thing cause I went downstairs to the kitchen and they were all looking for painkillers. I checked in the cabinet where they usually were, but they weren't there. I also checked in the bathroom cabinets but I couldn't find them anywhere. Fuck. I think we ran out. Well, looks like I'll be taking a trip to the store cause there's no way I'm surviving the day without an Advil, and I think all the boys feel the same way. That is, except for Quinn, cause he's just sitting there laughing at all of us in pain while no longer caring that he was our designated driver.
I asked jack if he wanted to take a drive with me to cvs to pick up some painkillers and he said yea, so both of us, still in our sweats, hopped in the car and went to cvs. The closest pharmacy to us is about a 15 minute drive away, so we talked a little in the car about Alex. He told jack last night that he loved talking to me at that party and that he wanted to tell me how he feels about me, before we got interrupted to go shotgun beers. Just thinking about him made me blush, and jack knew that. He saw my cheeks heating up and told me "you know you should really tell him how you feel"

"I mean I really want to but I'm still not 100% sure he feels the same way or what he's gonna say if I tell him I like him"

"Trust me. He likes you. He told me he likes you. Everyone knows he likes you. But you're both too shh to tell the other one you like each other, so step up and do it before he thinks you're not interested"

"Listen, I want to, but I don't know if he wants a relationship now or if he wants anything, so maybe it's better if I keep my mouth shut"

"Bullshit. You're just not man enough to tell him how you feel" jack says, getting out of the car after I park in a spot.

"What do you mean not man enough" I say, holding up my arms to show my "muscles" before jumping on jacks back making him give me a piggy back ride.
We both laugh and he picks me up and carries me to the entrance of the store, where he finally lets me down. We grab a basket and head inside and make a beeline straight to the painkillers isle. I grab some Advil and Tylenol and a few other medicines that everyone should always have on hand, but that I didn't see in the cabinet. Jack leaves me and goes to grab some snacks and drinks and stuff, cause we were all just gonna chill and hang out when the islanders get here.
I found jack in the chips isle trying to decide between original and sour cream and onion. At the same time I say "sour cream and onion" jack says "original" so I just roll my eyes and tell him we'll get both.
We make our way to the front of the store and wait on a really short line, before going up the cashier. She starts to check us out and jack puts a chapstick on the counter. "Oh what? For when you see Sydney later?" I joke.

"Oh shut up.... maybe..." he says rolling his eyes

"Yea Yea just don't let Matt see you, he can get overprotective of his little sis"

"Oh crap ur right. I don't wanna get on his bad side. Especially if I'm gonna be drafted. I don't wanna make any enemies in the league before I even join"

"Yea that'd probably be a good idea" I laughed. "But don't worry it'll be fine he'll love you"

"Okay okay I don't know how much I believe you but we'll find out in a few hours"
We hopped in the car and then jack reminded me that we barely have any groceries at home, as we've been going out to eat or ordering food practically every day, so we made a quick stop at the grocery store. We got the essentials, milk, bread, eggs, and then we picked out a shit ton of fruit. Fruit is my weakness, like I would chose a bowl of fresh strawberries over chocolate cake any day. We grabbed a ton of other veggies and stuff for salads and quick snacks, and then got some other random stuff like cereal, granola bars, and some snack foods like ice cream and Cheez-its. We checked out at the grocery store too, running all of our errands in only an hour.
We got in the car and put back on my 'chill drive' playlist, and the first song that came on was How to save a life, which, since binging every single episode of Grey's Anatomy, has hit different. We sang that song at the top of our lungs, as we did with the next song, and the next, until we were home.
We hopped out of the car grabbing our bags with us and we went in the front door. I guess everyone had went back to bed because they weren't in the living room or kitchen. Jack and I took some Advil as soon as we got inside, and we told the rest of the boys we had painkillers if they wanted them.
I put the rest of the stuff we bought at the grocery store away, FaceTiming Syd in the process. I propped up my phone on my counter and started to put stuff away. We talked about when her and the guys were coming over, and she said that they were getting settled at the hotel and they were probably gonna come over at around 5, so we could hang out a little and then go out for dinner. Knowing I wasn't the best cook, Syd refused to put me in charge of cooking, and because there were gonna be so many people we just decided to go out. We knew about this visit kinda far in advance, so we made a reservation at one of the nice restaurants in D.C. for 6pm.
It was around 2 when I finished putting away groceries and had some fresh strawberries and blueberries in a bowl with a pinch of sugar(aka the best snack/dessert). I was gonna go take a shower and then get ready for when Syd and the guys all came over.
I got out of the shower and then picked out my outfit for dinner, a pair of light pink flowy dress pants and a loose white low cut silk tank top tucked in. I paired this with a pair of beige patent heels, for a classy but semi-formal look. The boys were going to be wearing suits and Sydney was likely going to be in a dress or skirt.
I curled my hair and did some simple makeup, some mascara and eyeshadow, and a light pink lip. I put on some perfume and went downstairs at around 4. The boys had just pulled up, so I went downstairs at just the right time to buzz them through the gate. They had taken an Uber, but going to the restaurant we offered to drive them in our second car. Then they could Uber back to the hotel and one of us could drive the second car home. Sydney has also driven herself here and was already waiting downstairs when I came down, I'm assuming jack or one of the other boys buzzed her in.
The guys got out of the car and Sydney ran up to her big brother to give him a huge hug. They hadn't seen each other in a while cause of hockey and her moving to dc, so they were thrilled to see each other. I also gave Matt a huge hug cause I hadn't seen him in what felt like forever and he was like a big brother to me. I have the rest of the guys hugs, including Mat Barzal, Anders Lee, Jordan Eberle, and Anthony Beauvillier, all of whom were also like big brothers to me. We all went inside and I introduced them all to the boys. I expected the boys to know all of them, which they did, but they also knew the boys, especially Quinn who had been drafted to the Canucks last year. The rest were supposedly going to be drafted in the upcoming draft, so they were on the radar of a lot of players. I introduced Alex, Quinn, and Cole to the guys, knowing trev already knew them all and was friends with them all. Then Sydney introduced jack to her brother, using the words, "my boyfriend" making all of us turn our heads and look at them in confusion. I looked at Syd and said "hold up when did that happen" and she goes "just a few minutes ago, before the guys got here, I came a few minutes early like jack asked and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I looked at them, they were so cute together, "Aw you guys are adorable I'm so happy for you guys" I told them.
Jack turns to Matt Martin, looking for approval and Marty puts out his hand, gives jack a hug, and says "nice to meet you man, I've heard great things" Jack smiles and I can see he is thrilled about having the approval from Syd's big brother.

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