Twenty Eight

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I'm not even gonna lie, that was one of the toughest practices that we've had in a while, we did suicides for half of the practice and did drills for the other half. It was rough. Like some shit straight out of Miracle, we were all dead by the end of practice. The guys and I headed straight home and all just climbed in to bed to sleep for a while. I took a shower and laid down, and the second my head hit the pillow I was asleep.
I probably slept for a good two or three hours before Trev shook me awake. I wanted to slap him when he woke me, but after I got up, he told me the girl he met at the airport was throwing a party and invited us to come. I asked him what time it was at, and he said 7. It was only around 6 now, so I told him I'd get ready and meet him downstairs in a few.
I went on my phone for a little; Soph had texted me a pic of her in the city with Mat, and I told her she looked beautiful and how much I missed her. I changed my clothes into a hoodie and some jeans before heading to the bathroom to do my hair.
I put some gel in and brushed it through, ruffled it up a little, and a few minutes later I was ready to go downstairs.
Jack was already sitting on the couch with Cole, and they were both just scrolling through their phones. I didn't know where Quinn was, and Trev was in the kitchen eating a granola bar. I sat on the couch next to cole and just scrolled through Instagram for a little while until trev said we should probably be going. Quinn came out from his room and we all grabbed our stuff and headed out to the car. Our bags were still in there from practice this morning, so we took those out and threw them in the garage before piling into the car. Cole sat in the front next to Trev and the rest of us sat in the back. Usually we would stick Cole in the middle in the back seat considering he was the smallest, but I lost Rock Paper Scissors so I was in the middle with Quinn and jack on either side of me.
When we got to the party, it was a little after it had started, and there were a decent amount of people there, probably like 60 ish. We went inside and there were a bunch of people dancing and stuff, and when we went outside there were a few kegs and I think Trev found Katie talking to a few of her friends, and she gave him a very long "hello" hug, so I'm assuming things were going well between them. We went outside and there were some people playing beer pong, and a few groups of people, but they were for the most part keeping to themselves for right now. Before we all started to split up, Quinn, being. The dad of the group, told us that we should limit our drinking because we have practice tomorrow morning, and we're playing Canada in just two days. We honestly really shouldn't even be here, and if coach found out he would probably kill us, but it's fine. Cole and I broke off and went to go get a beer, because just because we shouldn't get hammered doesn't mean we should at least drink a little. I grabbed me a bud and Cole a coke, and we were talking about the game that seemed to be coming up very very quickly. Cole had been designated as our driver, so he's not supposed to drink, even tho he had a few sips of beer, which isn't a big deal.
Some girl came up to Cole and started flirting with him like a half hour in, and he went off to "talk" to her, as in they're probably hooking up somewhere now. I found jack and we talked for a little considering we were the only two of the group with girlfriends. Two girls came up to us and started talking to us, and we had a friendly conversation, but when one of them started to get handsy on jack, he told them we have girlfriends and they left. We played some pong with a few other girls so by the end of that I was a little tipsy. I went I side to grab another beer and saw Cole making out with that girl from before on the couch. I grabbed a solo cup and got some beer, and as soon as I took a sip, I felt someone grab onto my arm. I looked and it was the same girl from before that kept flirting with jack and I. She said something along the lines of, "hey cutie what's up" and I told her I'm sorry I'm not interested I have a girlfriend, but geez this girl didn't quit, she kept saying, "oh don't worry, your girlfriend doesn't have to know."
But now it was like 11, so it was getting kind of late, but still not bad. I haven't seen Trev or Quinn in a while, so they were probably off hooking up with girls, and I knew Cole was on the couch with the girl from before, so I looked to find jack for help. I didn't see him anywhere, and this girl would not leave me alone. I kept telling her I wasn't interested but she kept pushing to try and get me to leave with her, which I obviously didn't want to do. I just kind of ignored her and walked outside and found jack playing pong with a few other guys, and I started talking to him so hopefully this girl would take a hint.
She brushed it off and said something else about how nobody would know if I just came over to her appartement with her, but I told her that I would know, and it just wouldn't be right. I walked away from her after telling her to stop following me. She was still all handsy and was grabbing my arms and touching me, even after I told her to stop, so I walked away and found Quinn who had magically reappeared.
I started talking to him and I felt someone tug on my arm. I looked, expecting it to be the girl, but it was Trev. He looked at me, kinda pissed, and said we had to talk. We went outside and because it was super loud in the house, and he goes off on me. He says, "I really can't believe you Alex. You're dating my sister but you're still trying to get with another girl"

"Bro what the hell are you talking about, you know I wouldn't cheat on Sophia" I tell him completely surprised by the words that just came out of his mouth.

"Alex stop. I saw you and that girl in there and how she was all over you, she was literally grabbing your ass and you did nothing to stop it"

"Trevor stop. I've been trying to get away from her all night and she keeps following me. Just ask jack her and her friend have been harassing him too"

"I don't care about jack. I care about the fact that you're dating my sister and then you go off and try to hook up with someone else the second she leaves for New York"

"Trevor you're too drunk. You know I wouldn't cheat on Soph I love her more than anything. I can't believe you would think I would do something like that" I say shaking me head. Trevor is so drunk that it's so clear he's not thinking clearly. I was drunk too, but I knew what I was doing and I knew I would never cheat on Soph.
Trev looked like he wanted to bash my head in, and Cole came out and tried to reason with him. Cole was the only sober one, and he knew I would never cheat.
Cole has texted Quinn and jack to come outside, so we were all out there. Trev was still pissed and I couldn't tell if he believed me, but we still all got into the car. Cole drove us home, and the ride was completely silent. Trev slammed his car door when he got out. I unlocked the door and we all went straight to our rooms for the most part, and I got a text from Soph asking what happened.

Soph what the hell happened tonight?
Me who told you?
Soph I got a drunk FaceTime from jack who told me to text you
Me Trev saw some girl trying to get with me at Katie's party and he accused me of cheating on you, which you know I would never do
Soph how drunk was he?
Me extremely. He couldn't even walk straight
Soph who was the girl
Me I don't know, some annoying blonde chick that wouldn't leave me alone. Ask jack, her friend was trying to get with him too
Soph Oml okay. We're all gonna talk about this tomorrow cause I know you're all drunk right now
Me I love you Soph and I would never cheat on you, goodnight baby❤️
Soph goodnight turcs

As soon as I read that text I fell asleep, completely exhausted.
I woke up at 6 the next morning, still in my clothes from last night, my head pounding. I rolled over and checked my phone, and got up to go shower.
The other guys were all up as far as I knew, so I brushed my teeth and got ready for practice. I threw on some sweats and headed downstairs to eat cereal. Trev came out of his room a few minutes later and told me we had to talk. I followed him into his room, and he started apologizing. He told me he wasn't in the right head space, and he knows I'm a good person who wouldn't cheat. He said he just saw me with some other girl and it looked like something it wasn't. I accepted his apology, knowing it was genuine and he was just jumping to conclusions last night because he was too drunk to function. I apologized too for letting her keep talking to me and not telling her to stop following me earlier, and he said it was okay.
In the end, it worked out so we just went back to the kitchen and took some Advil for the hangovers, and ate some cereal before going back to the rink where we were just a day away from facing Canada.

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