Twenty Two

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I woke up to a call from my Jack, who was making sure we were up cause it was already 9 and we had a flight to catch soon. I, in a very sleepy voice, told him okay, and I turned over to wake Soph. She woke up a lot easier than I did. Our flight was at two, but since we had to go through security and stuff, we planned on leaving the hotel at 12, which was coincidentally also their checkout time. Soph got up ans hopped in the shower while I took out outfits for both of us and started packing our stuff up. I just grabbed a tube top and sweatpants for each of us, knowing we could put a hoodie on if we got cold or something. When I finished packing up our clothes, Soph got out of the shower and I got in. I took a decently quick shower, and was out in 10 minutes. By now it was around 9:45, so we went down to the lobby to meet the boys for breakfast. I didn't eat a big breakfast today, just a croissant and a cup of coffee. Soph had basically the same, except a muffin instead of a croissant. When we were done with breakfast, it was about 10:30, almost time for us to check out, so we went to our room to finish packing.
Soph packed up the bathroom while I got all the rest of the stuff that was scattered throughout our room. When we had finished, we had to sit on our suitcases to close them, but eventually got it to work.
We walked to the boys room with our bags, to hang out for like an hour before we had to leave for the shuttle to the airport. We played more of those board games before we checked the clock and it was 11:45.
We all grabbed our stuff, the boys carrying their duffle bags and us wheeling our suitcases, and we headed to the lobby to checkout. I went up to the desk and told the nice lady that we were checking out, and she took our room keys, and we were all set. We walked out to the waiting area for the shuttle, and about five minutes later it appeared. There were about three other families waiting with us, and we let them get on first. We found seven empty seats throughout the bus and got ready for the decently short ride to the airport. I got to be friends with one of the little kids who was sitting in the row ahead of me. He was "five and three quarters" and he was adorable, and we laughed for most of the ride, and talked about skiing. He told me it was his first time skiing, to which I told him "that's so cool." I love little kids, I always have, which is why I loved babysitting for my neighbors growing up.
We got to the airport, the shuttle dropping us off at departures, and we parted ways with Brayden, who was the little five year old I was now besties with.
We found where delta check in was and we went through the TSA clear line. They scanned all of our eyes, before letting us walk through the metal detector.
I got chosen for a random screening this time, which wasn't a big deal, it just made me happy we had gotten to the airport somewhat early. The boys walked ahead while Cole and Soph waited for me. Actually I don't think Cole waited for me, I think he just was still kinda hurting so he was walking slower than the rest of us. Soph and I walked slower with Cole and we got to the gate a few minutes after the other guys. We found 7 empty seats, which happened to all be next to and across from each other, so Alex, Soph, jack, and I sat across from Cole, Trev, and Quinn.
Soph and I sat for a few minutes on our phones, both of us using our AirPods, but listening to a synced playlist, so we both heard the same music. I got kinda bored after a few minutes so I asked Soph if she wanted to come to the bathroom. We got up and told the guys where we were going, and we headed to the corner of the airport where the restrooms were located. At this point, we were both just wearing sweatpants and hoodies, I was in black sweatpants and jacks grey USA hockey hoodie with his name on the back, while Soph was wearing grey sweatpants that had the USA hockey logo and ZEGRAS written on the side, with a white USA hockey T-shirt and a black sweater over it. Jeez we looked like we could be repping USA hockey, but I mean what were we supposed to do? We were both dating players and Sophs brother was a player, while mine is in the national league, so a decent portion of our wardrobes are hockey clothes. We got to the bathroom and were fixing our makeup in the mirrors before using the bathroom and heading back to the gate. We decided to stop at a little store in the airport to get snacks and drinks for the plane. We got the boys some little stuff too. We got in line to pay for our stuff, and there was a kinda long line; at least for an airport. When we were on line, we heard two girls whispering behind us "oh my god, they're such puck bunnies, they're both wearing USA hockey gear with three of the hottest players on the team" to which the other one responded "facts, like they'd even know who they are" and at that moment I bumped Sydney on the arm and she looks at me and we both chuckle lightly at them. We chose to ignore them, but they didn't stop their whispering, so we paid for our stuff, and on our way out, Soph leaned in and told one of the girls "oh by the way, were dating Hughes and Turcotte, and Trevor Zegras is my brother, I'll make sure to let them know they've got fans." She rolled her eyes at us, and as we were walking out, we happened to run in to Quinn and jack, who were taking a walk to come and find us, so when I knew they were looking, I gave jack a nice sweet kiss, before smiling at them. Their jaws dropped to the floor, j think they thought we were lying, so it was nice to reassure them that I was dating the Jack Hughes. Jack grabbed my hand and we walked back to the gate.
"So, what was that" he asks while holding my hand, walking back.

"What was what?" I ask him, not realizing he meant what just happened"

"What happened back there, with those girls" He asks innocently.

"Oh they were just being rude and calling Soph and I puck bunnies. Soph told them the truth but I guess they didn't believe us until I kissed you. Gonna be honest I think one of them had a little crush on you from the way she looked at you and then looked at me" I told him, not making a big deal of it.

He stops walking and turns me to face him, taking both of my hands in his, "Okay, well it's too bad for them, cause you're the one that gets to wear my hoodies, and the one that I get to cuddle at night, and kiss every morning. You're the one that I text I love you too and the one that I take on cute little dates, because I love you, and you're the only girl that I have a little crush on" he tells me, before leaning in and giving me a kiss on the forehead. He takes my hand again and we keep walking.

A/N Sorry this chapter is kinda short I wrote it really quickly, I'm gonna have longer chapters in the future dont worry.

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