Chapter 2: A Somewhat Quiet Day

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Sarah was in History when it was her turn. She quietly made her way out of class and towards the office, where she found Principal Himbry waiting for her. Also waiting were Sheriff Burke and Deputy Dewey Riley.

"How are you, Sarah?" Himbry asks.

"Fine, I guess." Sarah responds.

"How is everything for you?" Sheriff Burke asks.

"Alright." Sarah responds.

"We're gonna keep this very brief, Sarah." Himbry says, "The police just want to ask you a few questions. Okay?"

"Of course." Sarah answers.

"Sarah, were you very close to Casey Becker?" Burke asks.

"Not really." Sarah answers. "I shared a few classes with her, but we never really talked outside of schoolwork."

"What about Steven Orth?" Burke asks.

"Even less so." Sarah answers. "I'd see him on my way to class every now and then, but we never talked."

"Could you tell us where you were last night?"

"At home. Watching movies."

Sarah was asked a few more questions before she was allowed back to class. Things continued quietly until lunchtime, where she met up with her friend group by the fountain outside. There was Billy, his girlfriend Sidney, Rose, Stu, Sarah and Rose's friend Tatum, and their other friend Randy. He was actually Sarah's best guy friend, as they both were movie nerds. Tatum and Rose would even tease her about the small crush she has on him. Today, however, was less upbeat for them.

"So, what kinds of questions did they ask you, Sid?" Tatum asked.

"They asked if I knew Casey." Sidney responds.

"They asked me that, too." Tatum replies.

"Same." Sarah and Rose add.

"Hey, did they ask you if you like to hunt?" Stu asks.

"Yeah, they did." Billy answers. "Did they ask you?"

"Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?" Tatum asks.

"It's 'cause their bodies were gutted." Randy says.

"Thank you, Randy." Billy responds sarcastically.

"They didn't ask me if I like to hunt." Rose says.

"Cause there's no way a girl could have killed 'em." Stu adds.

"That is so sexist." Tatum says.

"The killer could just as easily be female. 'Basic Instinct.'" Sarah adds.

"That was an ice pick." Randy counters. "Not exactly the same thing."

"Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out." Stu adds. "And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that."

"Or a man's mentality." Rose adds.

"How do you... gut someone?" Sidney asks quietly, causing a small silence to fall.

"You take a knife, and you slit 'em from the groin to sternum." Stu starts to explain.

"Hey, it's called tact, you fuck rag." Billy says.

"Hey, Stu, didn't you used to date Casey?" Sidney asks.

"Yeah, for like two seconds." Stu answers.

"Before she dumped him for Steve." Randy adds.

"I thought you dumped her for me." Rose says.

"I did. He's full of shit." Stu says

"And are the police aware that you dated the victim?" Randy asks.

"Hey, what are you saying? That I killed her?" Stu asks.

"It would certainly improve your high school 'Q.'" Randy responds.

"Stu was with me last night, okay?" Rose says.

"Yeah, I was." Stu adds.

"Was that before or after he sliced and diced?" Randy asks.

"Fuck you, nutcase. Where were you last night?" Rose counters.

"Working, thank you." Randy says.

"At the video store?" Tatum asks. "I thought they fired your sorry ass."

"Twice." Randy says.

"I didn't kill anybody." Stu says.

"Nobody said you did." Billy responds.

"Thanks, buddy." Stu says.

"Besides, it takes a man to do something like that." Randy adds, mocking Stu.

"I'm gonna gut your ass in a second, kid." Stu says.

"Tell me something." Randy says. "Did you really put her liver in the mailbox? 'Cause I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and pancreas."

"Dammit, Randy! Some of us are trying to eat here." Sarah says, slightly irritated.

"Oh, little Sarah's getting mad." Stu jokes, "You better 'liver' alone."

Sidney and Tatum decided to leave after that.

"'Liver' alone!" Stu continues until Billy smacks him. "Ow! 'Liver. Liver' It was a joke."

"Not one of your better ones." Sarah says. "I'm gonna head back to class. See you guys later."

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