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     The yellow maggots lay on the corpse briefly before snapping their heads towards Efe and Baba Jide. Their mouths opened wide, and they let out a high pitched scream before burrowing deep into the ground. Baba Jide grabbed his beard and yanked on it. "Efezino! Efezino! I don't know who swore for you today, but you have made a fatal mistake!" His right hand gripped a large tuft of hair as he yelled. Efezino's pride was wounded, and she disliked Baba Jide rebuking her. "And so? It's just a small mistake. I don't understand the problem!" She stood up and dusted her behind. "We'll just have to wait two more weeks. Just tell Landlady that the fog blinded me and-" A soft rumbling resonated from the place where the corpse was lying. Baba Jide fumed as he looked at Efezino. He warned Landlady about this woman, and now their plans would have to take a few steps back. "What do you mean we'll have to wait two more weeks? It's like you are going mad in this life!" His eyes, a bright and angry red, glared at Efe. Efezino dug her hand into her buttocks and pulled out the pant swallowed between her buttcheeks. "Yes, you will wait!"

Baba Jide's phone blasted a ringtone in his pocket. His heart plummeted as he realized the gravity of the situation. Tears welled up in his eyes as he recalled all the trouble he and Landlady went through to start this ritual. Firstly, they had to force Iya Dorcas to give up her children, who she was going to sell to a gang for money to improve her shop. Iya Dorcas was going to receive four hundred thousand naira for both boys. Secondly, he broke into a young woman's home to steal her calabash and spoon. The ritual demanded that those items were from a dead young woman. Since he also found her passwords in her phone, he decided to also transfer forty thousand naira, her entire savings, into his bank account. He later used it to buy stout and a sack of termite wings. Landlady had to sacrifice ten thousand nairas to get his herbs for the ritual. He took out his phone and answered the call.

"Hello, Jide? You should be done by now. Has the Hara transformed yet? I'm at the door." Baba Jide's heart stopped for three seconds. He realized that he couldn't escape the upcoming show of Landlady's wrath. In any case, only Efezino would receive it because he was darn sure that he did everything he was supposed to. Efezino definitely lost her magic touch, because she didn't notice Landlady's spiritual cockroach watching them from the ceiling. Baba Jide planned everything from the start! He made sure that the cockroach could see everything in the room by putting it on the ceiling Landlady named the cockroach Akanni, meaning 'the first one.' She was Landlady's first mission cockroach, as she used flies before. Akanni had one small flaw to her: she could be positioned anywhere by someone close to Mama Agnes within thirty seconds of her entering a room. He used this against Efezino, making Akanni climb over her own cockroach and killing it.

Baba Jide also placed a small marble near the corpse, for when she would perform the final step of the ritual. The only time when he did not sabotage Efezino was when she threw the liver into the calabash. They would both die by then! Even though he wanted to ruin Efe's life, he made sure that the materials for the ritual were all genuine. If he brought low quality or false ingredients, he would die as soon as he entered the room. If she slipped, then Landlady would find her and deal with her, making him able to exploit her helplessness for his greed. He could use her to rise up the ranks and become more powerful. His biggest goal was to overthrow Landlady and take over the juju world after her. He would make sure her death was merciful, but she must die painfully. The first step for this was to use Efezino's flaws against her.

Efezino's biggest flaw was her pride. She believed that her breasts could get her anything she wanted, especially men. In her youth, she was more promiscuous than a rat. The number of nights she spent sleeping around could produce three hundred children, excluding twins and triplets. She waved her breasts at every man possible, including her pastor, father, and brother. It was only restraint and her mother that stopped them from Isleepifg with her. Despite being wayward, she served as one fo the ushers in the church. The pastor's wife was wary of her charm and breasts, but she used her to attract more men to the church. It was only on the days where Efezino ushered that the church, a big hall used for parties and gatherings, was full.

During Christmas or Easter parties, when the ushers shared packs of food, the men went crazy. Efezino's breasts would bounce like basketballs as she ran from row to row, sharing food to the men. Their wives would immediately drag them out in anger, and go home. Baba Jide was interested in how she became a juju master. He hoped that one day Landlady would force her to tell her story.

It was her best-kept secret.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Efezino's legs slightly crumbled as she shakily walked to the door. Baba Jide sneered as he chewed some pumpkin leaves. Efezino slowly opened the door when Landlady burst in. Efezino scrambled to the edge of the room after locking eys with Landlady. Her backside felt moist and warm. Landlady released her own small shit in retaliation. "So you wan shit pass me abi? Na me dem they know for shit at the Main Island Bridge!!" A small, hard piece of brown mass landed on the carpet. Baba Jide shuddered in disgust. Landlady was sometimes too disgusting for her own good. If not for her juju, she would have died from typhoid or cholera by now. Landlady spat on the floor beside her left foot. "This your nonsense will end here! Everybody, go and sit down! We are going to have a spiritual conference tonight!" Landlady barked in Yoruba to Efe and Baba Jide.

A spiritual conference was a sort of court session between juju practitioners. It involved three or members. The strongest was the judge, one or more members were the jury, and the last member was judged. Efezino's knees crumbled to the ground as she realized there was no hope for her. She shakily stood up and tapped her left shoulder three times. This would protect her during the conference. If she didn't do this, she could be tricked into lying. Demons often came to their meetings. They acted as mediators and detectives, making sure the judged was not overwhelmed by the jury.

If she lied, she died.

The worst possible demon that could appear was the soul of the Garia. It wasn't likely to arrive...unless someone brought a piece of banana leaf. Efezino looked at Baba Jide and Landlady and saw no banana leaf. She sighed in relief and anticipated getting over with the session. Landlady wanted to put her in place, but she would bounce back later and teach her a good lesson. She glanced at Baba Jide, who was also tapping his shoulders. He pulled out a frayed, slightly moldy chewing stick, and sat near Landlady. They were arranged in a triangle formation. Landlady sat at the point of the triangle while Efe and Baba sat on the other two sides.

Landlady closed her eyes and jabbed the middle of her forehead with her left middle finger. A small black light appeared on that spot and flashed. "Omo aluam tinkpe roni!" Landlady was temporarily possessed by the visiting demon. 'Baba Jide repeated her sentence in English, "Let the unfortunate one be judged before the spirits!" Landlady was the strongest, and Baba Jide would be the jury.

Many truths would be revealed, and many secrets would be exposed.

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