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Mama Agnes needed to get back to the house. She tried to move around, but an invisible force held her feet in place. A small pulse of energy flowed through her fingers. 'Put the pictures together and call their names out loud!' Amarachi's loud and frantic voice boomed in her head. Fearing for her life, she obeyed her instructions and called out their names.

"Jide, Nneka, Nana!"

She used the shortest versions of their names, as an evil aura started coming closer. It rushed towards her like a cat chasing a mouse. The first time, she saw a pair of glowing red eyes appear through one of the cracks. The second time, the eyes opened to reveal bloody teeth. The last time, a black mass shot towards her. Two fangs aimed for her face...then everything exploded before her.

Mama Agnes woke up under Amarachi. Her body felt numb and sore, especially her feet and palms. Amarachi's clothes were torn and stained with blood and a mysterious dark substance. The dark substance smelt like rotten fish. She heard Landlady's agonizing shrieks coming from the parlor. She looked around and noticed that she was in a box made of straw. The cats sped around the room, slashing at an invisible force. Mama Agnes looked to Amarachi, whose face was covered in large sores. "Use the bowl there and make a death tonic..." Amarachi looked like a chubby zombie.

Mama Agnes sat in the middle of three rare but toxic ingredients. On her right, she picked up a small black bowl and spoon. Quickly, she gathered them and gauged their portions. Mama Agnes held a small wad of bitterleaf, a bag of nutmeg the size of a Maggi cube, and a small glass bottle of urine. Without wasting time, she dumped them into the bowl and mixed with a used chewing stick. For extra potency, she added one rotten kolanut next to her. Kolanut, especially the rotten one, would boost the poison level in the tonic.

Blood seeped out of the pores on Amarachi's face. Mama Agnes's heart fell into her stomach. The blood hardened as soon as it touched the air. They looked like red worms crawling out of her face. As soon as the mixture was finished, Mama Agnes flicked it on the ceiling with short, quick flicks of her wrist. An ungodly, broken, high-pitched scream tore through the loud wind. Long, spider-like arms shot through the ceiling, looking for her. Landlady spat blood, and she braced her body for the coming impact. Amarachi coughed, and two shields of grass wrapped themselves around Mama Agnes and Landlady.

The next minute was full of dark, loud explosions that boomed all over the house. The creature on the roof screeched a final time before a loud slicing sound ended its screeches. Blood and intestines rained down like it was rainy season. They banged on the roof, straining the beams supporting the walls. Mama Agnes and Landlady crouched and prayed for God to spare their lives. Mama Agnes heard a distant ringing of a bell. The ringing became louder with each movement she made. Mama Agnes's heart ached with worry for Nneka.

While she mixed the concoction Amarachi instructed her to make, she realized what the mirror was trying to tell her about Nana. Nana was a danger! Firstly, Nana was with them as they killed Mama C and Iya Dorcas. She trailed them with a black Toyota Corolla. Nana sat in the car that parked near the house when Landlady sent those boys. She also released the creature from a cursed doll. Nana came to kill both her and Landlady!

The realm with the mirrors was a place that only spirits could send a juju practitioner to. If the spirit ever felt the need to send them there, then they would be in grave danger. The mirrors showed them three things: the first mirror showed their loved one(s) that would die, the second showed who would survive them, and the third one showed who would kill them or their loved one. Even though Nneka would live, she needed to get to her! Mama Agnes realized that it was impossible to get to Amarachi. Until now, she hadn't noticed the small objects and stones banging on the grass shield. A low but loud voice whispered in tongues. In between the chanting, Mama Agnes heard her name.

Amarachi's body suddenly jerked violently to the left, and she groaned. 'Agnes!' Amarachi's voice echoed in her head, but it was weak. Mama Agnes had to strain her mind before she could recognize the voice. 'Agnes!' "Amarachi..." Amarachi was weak!? They were all in trouble! 'God's time is upon us. This is a Great Tribulation from God. He has decided that we cannot continue any longer. I can hear the chariots and the angels with flaming swords coming to this way o! See, the Holy Spirit told me to tell you to get out.

You have to get to Nneka sharp sharp! God is pardoning you because you served him and because Nneka needs you. I go remove the shield now. Run o! You will soon see Nneka, but make sure you don't step out of the car. If you come out, there is nothing that will help you. Listen to her carefully, ah!" Amarachi hissed, and then she giggled nervously. Her voice faded into the back of her mind. That was the last time Mama Agnes would ever hear her voice.

Amarachi dropped her right hand, and the shield scattered into the air, still defending Mama Agnes from the deadly stones and sticks. She grabbed her belongings and zoomed past Landlady, who had a large gash on her left calf. Despite all the trouble, this woman made her go through, she felt immense pity for her. God's punishment is not a laughing matter! With blood all over her body, Landlady grinned at her for the last time. "Don't worry, someone will explain this to you. My time has finally come. Greet your granddaughter for me, you hear?" A horse's neigh echoed outside the house.

Mama Agnes used all her strength to break down the worn-down door. As soon as she walked out of the house, a small army of heavenly soldiers stood before her. An invisible forcefield slowly formed over the house, deafening the army's noise and shielding them from humans. "Move out of the way." The angel with the flashiest armor spoke softly to Mama Agnes. Without wasting time, Mama Agnes rushed into space they made for her. With every soldier that shifted to make her a path, another soldier charged towards the house. 

The sky darkened with every slash of the army's swords. Huge bolts of lightning struck the veranda and roof of the house, demolishing the house even faster. The dogs and cats wailed in agony as they were assaulted with swords. Within the chaos, she saw a Toyota Camry parked in front of the house. Without thinking, she jumped into the backseat of the car through the window. The car zoomed into the road as soon as her head touched the sofa.

When she finally made herself comfortable in the car, she glanced at the seats. She saw her bags and some of Nneka's clothes. Slowly, her left hand crept to her [pocket or wrapper whatever], looking for her razor blade. Whoever she cut with that blade would have their limb rot and fall off almost immediately. "Nna! It'!"

Nneka's broken voice startled Mama Agnes.

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