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Landlady scrutinized Mama Agnes's body. Mama Agnes's mind was again on how to get out of the situation without harming herself or her family. Amarachi picked her teeth with a long, cracked, filthy fingernail. A crusty piece of meat stuck between the edges of the top part of the nail. Amarachi sighed and bellowed at the women. "The two of you should come. Let me tell you a sweet story." The moment Landlady's mouth opened, Amarachi sent a metal bowl flying at her head.

"I abused you, so you would learn to respect me. My death does not equal your disrespect." Landlady's eyes watered, but she quickly wiped her eyes. Mama Agnes shifted to the side, trying to stay away from Landlady's swinging arms. Landlady beat up a stuffed straw doll that crawled down from the ceiling. Amarachi belched into her hand, and five fat maggots wriggled on her palm. Landlady flinched as she flung them on her.

Amarachi folded her arms and began her story. "There was this man I saw while I was pregnant for Agatha's father. He was very useless but very handsome, and his name was Demola. The way his jaw was, it could make barbed wire." Mama Agnes almost pulled out her phone, but she stopped herself before Amarachi cracked her hand. The man gambled every day, and he squatted at brothels every night. One of the girls, Sugar Baby, had almost three STDs. She claimed she loved Demola, but she was seeing his best friend's cousin. She was already pregnant for the man.

Demola found out when his best friend gave him gist one night. His cousin was licking her privates, and the next day there were small, pus-filled patches all over his lips. His breath smelled like expired sardine and blood. He contracted herpes and AIDS from her. She went out with Demola one night, and then she disappeared. When they found her corpse, the owners divided it between the star girls so they could use it for attraction cream. They cleared her room and promoted another girl later. Why am I saying this?"

"Women are trash." Mama Agnes couldn't agree more with their case. "There's someone that both of you need to see." Amarachi waved her hands above her head, and a small puff of smoke floated between them. They turned to the smoke, and two arms popped out of the floor. The hands grabbed their heads and dragged them into it. They coughed and tried to wrestle out of the smoke, but the arms stayed strong. The room began to smell of lavender and carrots, and then their eyes closed.

Amarachi forced them to watch her shaving her armpit with a blunt, rusty blade. The hairs fell on her stomach like dead flies. They sat there for five minutes, listening to her farts and grunts. Amarachi eventually released them, then she threw Landlady out of the room. Mama Agnes gaped at the door, surprised at her strength. "Go to the parlor and wait for this woman!" Amarachi barked at Landlady. Landlady ran faster than an Agama lizard.

Amarachi looked at Mama Agnes with pity in her eyes. "Your granddughter...her mother has been lying to you people." Mama Agnes's body shook violently. "Where is she?" She whispered to Amarachi, keeping her head bowed. "Let me show you her story. I used my armpit to distract you, so you wouldn't be too shocked."

If not for her self control, Amarachi would have been engulfed in the Holy Spirit's flames. That armpit disrupted her digestive system! Mama Agnes hesitantly nodded at her. The scaly, brown skin in there made her forget about her entire life. Amarachi exhaled into her palms, and smoke wafted into Mama Agnes's face. Mama Agnes's body slumped to the ground. Amarachi stretched her arms and chanted repeatedly.

Let the journey end, let the wanderer walk, let the visions reveal, let all be judged.

Two small cats ran into the room with Mama Agnes's belongings, while a large dog ran to the parlor. All three animals' skeletons showed through their rotting flesh. Each one had a bone sticking out of their foreheads, like a unicorn's horn. Faint red powder fell from the horns as they circled their rooms. In the parlor, Landlady sat in the middle of the room with her legs crossed. A low groaning sound echoed from outside of the house.

The cats each sat at the front and back of the room. The dog placed itself at the front door. A strong wind collided with the roof, followed by a loud screeching sound on the ceiling above Landlady's head. The dog barked at the door, growling at the attacker.

Three beads of sweat ran down Amarachi's forehead.

Mama Agnes floated above a dark forest. A blue and red moon floated in the starry, burgundy sky. Three mirrors stood in front of her, each with a photo stuck on their rims. The first one had a golden border, the second one was made of vines, and the third had a wooden trimming. None of them showed her reflection, only an empty, black void.

The first mirror caught her attention because of the glittering metal. She ripped a picture of Jide from the top of the mirror. She stayed still as images began to form in the mirror. Images of Jide's life flashed in her eyes. Everything about his life was revealed to her, including his birth. Jide lived well until the incident on his farm. She saw how he was attacked, his recovery in the hospital, his job at Mr. Biggs, and a strange woman sneaking into their home...The image froze there as Mama Agnes stretched her arm towards the mirror's surface. Realizing that the mirror acted like a touchscreen, she zoomed into the woman's face. Mama Agnes wished there was a television with the image quality this mirror had. Her body slowly floated down to the forest, and she luckily caught herself.

What was Nana doing there?

The mirror would not play any more images, so she moved to the one with the vines. She ripped the second photo: a picture of Nneka. The mirror showed Nneka and Dennis walking together, killing Bilkis, and watching Landlad'ys spiritual conference. It also revealed her lessons with the mad man and sneaking around Mama Agnes's room. Mama Agnes used all her strength to float before she went to the last mirror. As she turned her body to the right, a low growl echoed from beneath her. The sound resonated through her bones, shaking her body. In a hurry, Mama Agnes ripped Nana's picture from the mirror. 

As the mirror played images, her face contorted in anger. Nana was always present during her missions, but she never moved to help her! Mama Agnes felt wronged. Nana could have helped her escape Landlady all this time! She saw what happened to Yemisi, the woman she met on her first mission. Mama Agnes also discovered that Nana also stole back one of her charm bracelets! Nana's charm bracelet increased her power, so she had to take it from her a few years ago. Mama Agnes was worried that Nana would come to harm Jide or Nneka in the future. After spending a lot of money and time to escape her, she was ashamed to admit that Nana was with them.


I've finally edited some chapters that need to be released. Nneka's final battle and her meeting with her mother will be released shortly. Thank you!

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