Chapter 8: A Terrifying Nightmare!

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*Luna's POV*

I open my eyes and see that the Beowolf that was about to attack me dropped dead to the ground. I look and see that it was Blake and my old friend Sun Wukong.

Sun/Blake: Luna?!

I just stare at them with tears in my eyes as I sob. They run to me and Blake crouches down to my level while Sun hugs me from the side.

Blake: Luna, what happened? What's wrong?

Sun: Luna, are you okay?

I suddenly hug Sun and cry on his shirt as he continues to hug me. Blake embraces me as well as I hug her. I don't know for how long I've been crying but I actually fell asleep.

*Blake's POV*

Luna fell asleep on Sun's shoulder has he looks at her with sympathy. We decided to go to Vale and turn in for the night in a hotel. I slept on one bed, Luna on the other, and Sun was on the couch. Everything was peacefully quiet till...

Luna: *crying* AAHHHH! *sobs* Let me die! Please!

Sun jolted up wake and jumped into bed with Luna was he hugged her and shushed her.

Sun: Hey, Luna... Shh... It's okay, you're fine...

I lay down next to Luna and caress her cheek. While doing so, a single tear dropped from her face. All the while she was repeating the exact same words.

Luna: *softly, scared* let me die... let me die... please let me die...

I couldn't help but shed a tear.

Me: She's so depressed. I wonder what happened to her?

Soon after, she stopped crying and she fell a sleep. We decided not to leave her side that night.

*Timeskip, Morning*

I open my eyes and see a sleeping Luna, but tears were seen on her face.

Me: Was she crying on her sleep?

My thoughts were broken when Sun entered the room carrying breakfast.

Sun: Oh, you're awake?

I nod at him as he sets down the tray. He sits on the side of the bed as he brushes his hand across Luna's face.

Me: Do you know her?

Sun: *nods* Yeah, she was present during that one time in the Vytal Festival in Mistral. We met there. She was Beacon's mascot.

I nod in understanding.

Me: What's your relationship with her?

I notice Sun blush but shook it off.

Sun: I'm like her, uh... How do I put this... Brother figure.

Me: Okay...

Me: I wonder what's happening to you Luna?

*Meanwhile, DreamWorld, Luna's POV*

(Gore Warning)

I open my eyes and find myself in a dark room. The room looked so familiar.

 The room looked so familiar

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