Chapter 42: Trap

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*Haven Academy*

Teams RW_Y, JN_R, EMBR, _SNW, Oscar, and Qrow, were all headed towards the Academy. Everyone had their weapons and Ryker wore his armor. They all entered the auditorium and was greeted by Lionheart, who was nervous for some reason.

Lionheart: Thank you all for... *sees everyone* Coming... There seems to be more of you than last time.

Qrow: Well, you know what they say. The more the merrier.

Lionheart: Why... Did you bring your weapons?

Ryker: *disoriented voice* We're huntsmen, why wouldn't we be carrying our weapons.

Ryker's voice changer/filter creeped out the ones who were not used to it or just heard it now.

Ember: Uh... Headmaster, are you okay..? You seem nervous.

Lionheart: Y-Yes, of course. I just, uh, haven't had my evening coffee.

Yang and Newt see a very familiar bird. A raven to be exact.

Qrow: Look it's nice to see you and all but we have work to do. Do we have the support of the council or not?

Yang/Newt: Mom?/Raven?!

Qrow immediately sends out a warning shot at the raven, forcing it to fly behind Lionheart and turn into Raven Branwen. Most of the group was stunned to say the least, except for the ones whom Raven showed this ability to.

Ruby: Raven...

Nora: They... They really are magic!

Silver: Way to state the obvious Hammerhead.

Brianna: I thought that y'all were joking.

Miku: *gulp* A-Apparently not...

Raven: *takes of her mask* If you're going to shoot me then shoot me. That was insulting.

Qrow: What are you doing here?

Raven: I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming little brother. Planning to attack your own sister.

Qrow: Leo! What have you done?!

Lionheart was about to say something but Ryker cut him off.

Ryker: *disoriented voice* Isn't it obvious Qrow. He tried to save his own skin by siding with the enemy.

Team EMBR was horrified to hear that their headmaster sided with the enemy for his own safety.

Qrow: You have the Spring Maiden.

Raven: I do.

Qrow: Then let's work together! We can beat Salem!

Raven: All that time spent with Ozpin and you still have no idea with what you're dealing with. There is no beating Salem!

Ryker and Newt could tell that Raven wasn't lying. She had an aura of fear when she said that but it was quickly replaced by disappointment.

Ruby: You're wrong. We've done things people would call the impossible. And the only reason why we accomplished it is because we didn't do it alone. We had people to be there for us. To help us. Please, work with us. At least we stand a better chance on beating Salem if we work together.

She reaches out her hand as Raven glares at her.

Raven: You sound... Just like your mother.

Raven quickly draws her sword, Omen, and creates a portal. A fireball was sent towards Ruby, which hits her and sends her back a few feet away. Another projectile was sent and it was a dagger, aimed directly at Ryker. He quickly catches it but due to Qrow's bad luck, he catches the blade instead. He winces in pain but his aura managed to take the damage.

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