Chapter 26: Death's Grasp

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*Yue's POV*

I managed to slip away from the battle and started looking for Jaune and Pyrrha. I found them running out Beacon Tower.

Jaune: Okay, I think I may have Glynda's number.

He starts checking his scroll while Pyrrha looks at the tower.

Jaune: Pyrrha, what was all of that?

Me: Hey, where's Dad?

We heard an explosion happen in the elevator.

Jaune: No, Ozpin...

I fall to my knees as I silently wept.

Me: *crying* no... no... no, no, no, no!

Luna: Yue! What's going- ah! What's going on?

Natsuki: Did you find them...?

Me: *crying* y-yeah...

Twilight: Why are you crying then?! Ah! Sagittarius look out!

Sagittarius: AGH!

Me: It's dad... He's dead...

Luna/Twilight/Natsuki: DAMNIT!!!

I heard an explosion in the distance and I immediately knew it was them.

Pyrrha: Jaune, go get to Vale and call for help!

Jaune: What about you?

Me: We're going up there and stop whoever killed my foster father!

Jaune: No! That's suicide! Pyrrha, I'm not going to let you-

Pyrrha kisses Jaune as I took out my phone and took a quick picture.

Me: Now that's a keeper...

They part lips.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

Pyrrha pushes Jaune into a locker. She walks over and dials a bunch of numbers.

Jaune: Pyrrha! Yue! Don't do this!

The locker gets launched towards Vale. Me and Pyrrha walked towards the elevator and she uses her semblance to take us up to the top.

*Meanwhile, Twilight's POV*

Me: AGH!

Natsuki: Twi!

Luna: Look out!

I dodged out of the way of a fireball but I got kicked to a tree. Satan is too strong. Aries charges at Satan again but he grabs her by the throat and smashes her to the ground. He then stomps on her chest.

Aries: AGH!

Sagittarius: Hang on Aries!

Sagittarius and Aquarius combined their energy and fired at Satan but it barely did any damage to him. Sagittarius runs around and shoots arrows while Aquarius was blasting him with water projectiles. Luna and Hana were fighting Damien while Angel and Walker were fighting.

Me: Shit...

I charged at Damien again but he dodges and slashes my back making me stumble. He then roundhouse kicks me, knocking me down. Luna managed to hit Damien a couple of times before he dodges and punches her square in the face. Hana hits Damien a few times before getting kicked away. Luna and I charged at him again but he dodges our attacks and hits us multiple times. He then clotheslines us, knocking us down and our aura was drained.

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