chapter 2: Papyrus

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@normal POV@
Your head hurts. You can feel that you're laying down but your head is spinning. Did everything really happen? The last thing you remember is being thrown over the taller skeletons shoulder and passing out. Your shoulder hurts but not as much as before. You close your eyes tightly and shake your head. 
"Eh kitten better wake up." You hear a voice growl and roll onto your stomach. Can't you just be left alone? "I said. Wake. Up." The voice growls and pulls you up by the hair. You gasp and open your eyes. "There ya go. Shoulda just listened. I did fix ya up after all fat ass."
"W-why?....." you whisper. 
Sans laughs and let's go of you. You hit the floor with a grunt. "Well that's simple. Boss wants ya tip top shape when he kills ya." You look at him terrified and he laughs some more. "Haven't ya heard? 'Ere its kill or be killed." 
"P-please….. l-let me go….. I-Iwanna go home……" you say and you curl up. You were freezing but you couldn't find your hoodie anywhere. All you had on was your tank top and leggings on. Sans throws a thin blanket at you. 
"Don't bother trying ta escape. Nothin' will help. Its stay 'ere and have a chance or go 'n' die now." He said before walking out and locking the door. You pull the threadbare blanket around you. You were terrified. You were told you were only being kept alive until you weren't injured anymore. Wait… if you never heal would that mean that they wouldn't kill you? You start thinking hard. How would that happen? You look at your shoulder. It was bandaged well. How bad were you hurt underneath it? You pull at the bandages to see how had it was.
@Papyrus POV@
"Boss, the human is awake." My brother says as he comes in. He sets the keys to the shed on the table by the door. "Locked 'em in the shed. They ain't gonna escape there."
"SANS ARE YOU SURE IT WILL HEAL SO I CAN KILL IT IN A GRAND BATTLE OF WITS AND STRENGTH?" I ask him. I have to prove that I am the strongest in the underground. Undyne will relent her position as captain to me. 
"Ya, looks like it's a female too."
"THAT IS OF NO IMPORTANCE. IT WILL PERISH AT ME HANDS REGARDLESS OF THE GENDER."  No one will take this victory from me. I will go talk to it later. "I WILL GO CHECK ON IT'S CONDITION LATER."
"Course boss." My lazy ass brother goes upstairs probably to sleep again. I roll my eyes and start to cook. My world famous lasagna will be for supper. After an hour or two I decide to go look at the human. Bringing them a piece of my lasagna so they don't starve to death, that would take a while though. I grab the key to the shed and go to see it.
I unlocked the door and go inside. Smelling that coppery sent that comes with a human bleeding I scowl. "HUMAN! I HAVE BROUGHT YOU FOOD SO YOU DO NOT STARVE TO DEATH!" I announce as I walk in. When I look around and my eye sockets widen. There's bloody bandages all over and the human is curled up in the corner. They've managed to rip most of their stitches out. I can see them trembling in the corner so I know they're still conscious. Putting the lasagna on the table I walk over to it and lower my voice. 
"Human." It flinches away and into the wall. "Why did you do this?" I ask. It shakes its head not wanting to answer so I grab it by the chin and make it look at me. "Why. Did. You. Do. This." I growl at it. It will answer me. Closing its eyes it whimpers. Pathetic. I use some of my magic to heal it enough so it stops bleeding. I don't quite understand but I had to. It can't die before I fight it. "EAT." I bark at it as I leave locking the door. "SANS! GO RESTRAIN THE HUMAN!" I command as I go inside. 
"What's wrong boss?"
"IT TORE OPEN THE STITCHES YOU GAVE IT!" I growl still not understanding. 
"You got it boss." He takes one of his 'shortcuts' to the human. I need to rest after all this.

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