chapter 20: Surprise?

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You wake up feeling sweaty and gross. You hadn't had much time to take showers these last two weeks. Papyrus was cuddled up to you. You chuckle but need to take a shower. You slip out from under his arm and put a pillow in your place. Your body was sore and well used. You grab a set of loose fitting clothing and underwear then go to the bathroom. You grab a towel and set it on the counter before turning on the water to let it warm up. You see marks and bruises everywhere. You grin at that, it proved that you belonged to each other. You go and step into the shower and moan in pleasure. The hot water felt amazing on your sore muscles. You slowly start to wash your hair with your favorite strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner. Taking a soft face cloth and use your vanilla scented body wash you gently start to wash yourself. The warm water relaxes you and you hum. It feels so nice but you were sure Papyrus would be up by now. You turn off the water and get out. Drying off you quickly get dressed. 
You stiffly go back to your room to see Papyrus still asleep, it's odd for him to sleep in. He must be tired. You grab your phone and order breakfast in before brushing your hair and braiding it. You were wearing a tank top and there was slight bruising on your arms as well as hickies and bite marks over your neck. You look at your ring and smile as you hear Papyrus move and wake up.
"I ordered breakfast. Go get cleaned up." You grin to yourself. "You owe me a back rub later too. I'm so sore." He hugs you before going to take a shower. You get up and open your bedroom window before going down stairs. Soon you hear Papyrus get out of the shower and a knock on your front door. You open it and collect your food before thanking the delivery person. You go and bring the food to the coffee table in the living room before setting it all out. "Paps, food is here!" You yell towards the stairs and he comes down wearing some jeans with a black shirt thrown over a shoulder. You stare as he comes over and sits next to you. You both get what you wanted for food and eat. You stay quiet as you eat. You were really embarrassed about what had happened the past couple weeks. You weren't able to control it though.
You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice that you'd stopped eating and Papyrus was saying something. "(Y/N)!" You jump and look around. 
"W-what?" You look around startled by Papyrus' shout. He looks at you concerned and you give him a shy smile. 
"ARE YOU FEELING OKAY?" He looks worried. 
"Just lost in thought."
"ABOUT?" You blush deeply.
"The past couple weeks…" he blushes too. The demanding knock of Undyne sounds from the front door. You get up and go to the door. "Bitch it's too early for this. " you say and see her grinning. 
"You're off the hook for training today. Sans said no one even dared to come close to the house." You blush deeply and she comes in. "Papyrus! You'd better treat her well today!" 
"Undyne! Shut the fuck up!" You yell with a deep blush. 
"Nah~ I'm gonna hand for a bit." 
"Ugh! I'm going for a walk!" You grab your keys and your bright blue scarf before going outside. Looking both ways you cross the road to Toriel and Asgore's house. You rung the doorbell and wait. Frisk opens the door and grin at you. Toy pick them up and walk in. You see Toriel, Asgore and a sleepy Sans at the table.
"Ah, (Y/N), it is good to see you after two weeks." Asgore says. 
"Good to see you all too. Guess what."
"You and Paps finally hit the bone-zone." Sans says and you throw a small burst of magic at him. He dodged it  
"No dumbass. This." You shift Frisk to your right side and show off the ring on your hand. 
"Oh my goodness! I am so happy for you, my child!" Toriel runs over and hugs you. You hug her back.
"He did it when we went out to dinner a couple weeks ago. Oh my god, the place was beautiful! You don't even know! It was like I was in a fairy tale!" You smile and blush. "I was so sloppy. He's made me so happy. " you let Frisk down and hug your adoptive mother fully.
"Well my bro is awesome."
"Hey Sans, why don't we spar?"
"Nah, too much work."
"Laaaaaazy~" you sing.
"Too bad." You walk over to Asgore and hug him.
"Thank you for the beautiful circlet, dad." You say and he hugs you back.
"Not a problem, only the best for you." You hear a faint scoff and look around. It didn't sound like anyone you knew.
"Hey doll you okay?"
"Y-yeah just thought I heard something."
"Maybe your ears are picking up the neighbors."
"See Azzy, she doesn't even know we're here." Your head whips towards the kitchen door. You see a young human child with a green and yellow sweater. They were a lot like Frisk only with blood red eyes and pale skin. Next to them was a goat child wearing similar clothes. "Oh, looks like she's seen us"
"Chara, be nice. She's our sister now."
"Oh yeah right."
"She can see and hear us now." You feel a pull at your scarf and look to see Frisk looking at you.
"Are you okay?" They sign.
"Frisk she's just startled from us" the human ghost says. 
"Y-yeah! I'm fine! Haha. Couldn't be better!" You say with a tight voice. You were freaked out. What was going on? "I'm sure Papyrus is worried where I ran off to. I should go." You go to the door and look back seeing concerned looks on everyone's faces. "I'll see you later!" You run across the road to your backyard. Papyrus sees you from the window and smiles. You wave to him and see Undyne pull him into a headlock. You giggle and sit on an old tire swing. 
"You sure got out of there fast. Frisk is concerned." You look up and see the two children. You pull your scarf off and hang it on a branch.
"You two had better tell me who you are."
"Howdy! I'm Asriel. This is Chara! We're…"
"We're the ones that died all those years ago. The reason the underground was thrown into chaos." You blink. This was unexpected. 
"I've gone crazy." You state bluntly.
"No you haven't! Frisk can see us too!" Asriel says. 
"What do you want me to do about it then?" 
"You have the power of a god." Chara says and you look at them blankly. They sigh and continues "You could bring us back."
"How?" You perk up at this. "I can help goat mom and dad?" Chara nods.
"Mom always said fox monsters were good with nature magic." Asriel said.
"You could make us body's then give up a soul for each of us." Chara finished.
"Alright then! Let's do this. Let's go somewhere more….. secluded." You run to the house and stick your head inside. "Hey you two, I'm gonna take a walk in the woods. Don't burn the house down." You run back to the tree and grab your scarf and hurry off.
You go to the river and start your magic. You're soon able to make two living bodies that look like your two adopted siblings. You're breathing heavily at the end of it. Your magic was exhausted. You walk over and take two souls out of your body. "You two had better get in there, they both go into their respective bodies and you put  the souls in their bodies and they wake up. 
"Looks like you managed to do it."
"Chara, be nice." You put an arm under each of their knees and stand. They wrap their arms around your neck and you walk home.
"Mom and dad will be surprised." Chara says. 
"Do you think mom will make her butterscotch pie?" Your siblings chatter back and forth as you walk home. You soon get to the edge of the forest behind your house and you put them down and grab one of each of their hands.
"Just so Papyrus doesn't try to attack either of you." You say as Chara tries to pull away. You all walk in the back door. "I'm home!" You yell and hear two sets of footsteps. Papyrus and Undyne run into the kitchen and you hold your siblings closer. Undyne looks shocked and Papyrus was confused. 
"Are those?" Undyne says. 
"Nature magic."
"But their souls…."
"Some of the extras I had."
"I'll go get them."
"Please do." Undyne runs off to get the king and queen as Papyrus looks shocked. "Papyrus listen." You start.
"Did it hurt you?" He asks quietly. 
"Not in the slightest. In fact it helped me feel a bit better, like mentally." Asriel goes and walks to Papyrus. 
"Howdy! It's nice to finally meet you."
"AND I YOU, YOUNG PRINCE." You giggle and year your door crash open and you flinch. Well something will be fixed. You see Toriel and Asgore run to your kitchen. Chara runs up and hugs them, same with Asriel. 
"Haha, surprise?" You say and everyone laughs.

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