chapter 13: Curiosity

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The three of you were at home when there was a demanding knock on the door. Papyrus gets up and answers it.
"WHAT DO YOU TWO WANT?" He snapped. Strange, it had even more bite  than normal.
"Let us see it, Papyrus." You hear Undyne snap. You give Sans a reassuring look then get up.
"Did I not tell you to drop it?" You snap coldly to Undyne and she scowls. There was a small lizard monster there too. They had thick glasses and were wearing a dirty lab coat, a red button up shirt and black pants. You sigh and put a hand on Papyrus' shoulder. "These two came all the way, may as well let them in." He looks at you for a moment before stepping aside and letting them in.
Both Undyne and the unknown monster looked surprised but do come in.
"What are ya doin' here Alphys?" Sans asks. You'd never heard that name before. 
"Undyne and Asgore asked me to come look at her." The small lizard monster said and pointing at you. You growl in warning.
"Don't you know it's rude to point at people?" You snap at her. Your magic surges with your anger and you force it down.
"Bitch don't mess with her. I'll kill you if you do." Undyne snaps. You get madder and let your magic flow freely letting yourself change into your monster form.
"It would be fun to see you try." Your ears, that had become like a fox's on the top of your head flattened and your tails swished around angrily.
"Fascinating." Alphys says and everyone looks at her.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Papyrus says as he put his hands on your shoulders in an anxious manner. You turn your head to look at him while relaxing slightly. 
"When you asked for fox monster lineage books I was confused but now I understand it. To think there were hybrids wandering on the surface." 
"A hybrid." You correct her.
"Excuse me?" She asks in a sarcastic and snappy manner. 
"A hybrid. I'm the only one. Anyone else from my family is dead. No cousins, grandparents or mother anymore." You say with a straight face. They all look at you shocked. You give a wicked grin. "I'm one of a kind. And you have no idea what I'm capable of. But Papyrus here, he's been training me the past month. He'd know better than anyone other than myself what I'm capable of." You look at your boyfriend who was beaming at you with pride. 
"I mean, the doll ain't wrong. Boss has been helpin' out there." Sans said. 
"Shut up you little asshole." You say to him and Papyrus chuckles. 
"I'm curious as to what you can do." Alphys says. 
"Why would you be curious about a freak like that thing?" Undyne spits. You give a warning growl to her.
"Because that clan of monsters was wiped out in the war. I would love to see what a strengthened soul of a hybrid could do. Especially from that line of boss monsters."
"Boss monsters?" You ask confused. Your ears perk up at the new term.
"They're a type of monster that is stronger than normal. Their souls are stronger and can last a moment after death. Undyne is one for example." Alphys says this as a fact.
"Hmm…. okay, let's go test my abilities but um, somewhere warmer. I doubt a lizard monster like yourself takes well to the cold." You give Alphys a tentative smile. And she nods.
"LETS GO TO WATERFALL THEN." Papyrus says before walking to Sans and pulling him up by the hoodie. 
You will yourself back to normal before leaving the house and walking towards waterfall. You cant help but admire the beauty when walking to find a good spot to fight. You find a good enough place, flat, no tall grass or water running through and big. It was a nice place. You glared at any monster that went by you and you could tell that they'd heard about you defeating most of their royal guard. You stand waiting for the others to get there. You throw your jacket to a corner, it was too warm here for you to need it. You were wearing a crop top and some leggings. You start stretching waiting for the others. Sans teleports to you. You grin at him and he grins back.
"The others are almost here. You'll have to fight Undyne. You have to do it seriously though."
"Nah, I don't feel like it. Toying with her is fun. I'd like to try sparing with you."
"Nope. Too much work doll." You laugh and shove him. You hear Undyne clear her throat. You look over and see Papyrus with that beautiful red scarf on. You squeal and run over to him. You jump and hug him tightly.
"(Y/N) LET ME GO."
"Noooooo I don't wanna." You rub your cheek against his. 
"COME ON, LET GO!" He tries to push you off of him but you refuse to let him go. 
"Awwwww, am I embarrassing my edgy skele?" You coo at him. You send Undyne a smug look as he gives up trying to get you off him.
"NO, BUT YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS IN PUBLIC." You huff and let him go and turning your back on him and the others. You hear a disappointed mumble coming from Alphys.
"Let's get this over with." You say as you pull your hair up. You hear Undyne run after you and the hum of her magic.  You easily dodge her attack. You close your eyes and hum, this was going to be fun.
You keep dodging the attacks that Undyne throws at you. You giggle at everything she throws at you. At some point Frisk showed up to watch. "QUIT RUNNING!" Undyne says as you dodge another attack. 
"I'm not running. I'm dodging. I'm still here in this fight." You open your eyes to look at her and give her a smirk. She goes to attack you and you summon magic foxes and they jump at her and knock her to the ground. You start to giggle. The spark of magic at your feet makes you jump out of the way just before huge spears pop out of the ground. You snarl at her and she jumps at you. You send out a blast of raw magic and send her into the wall.
"Is that enough for you?" You look at Alphys as Undyne charges at you. You trip her and sit on her back.
"Yes it is but I have one request for you." You tilt your head in an indication to continue. "Would it be possible to see your soul?" Papyrus snarls at her and you look surprised. 
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOU DON'T TOUCH HER OR HER SOUL!" You get off of Undyne and walk over to him.
"Papyrus, calm down."
"Oh? Are you saying that you're the only one I'm supposed to show it to? Isn't it my choice." He flushes red and sputters. "I need some space. I'll be back later. Don't follow me." You glare at him as you go to grab your jacket and tying it around your waist. You storm off and walk further into waterfall.
"Hey wait!" You hear Sans yell.
"DON'T FOLLOW ME!" You scream at him and run off. 
You keep your head down and run past every monster you find. Soon you come to a place with a bunch of human garbage. You sit down and put your feet in the water. "Stupid Papyrus…. trying to tell me what to do….. he doesn't own me….. I could kick his ass….." you sigh and put your head in your hands. "I'm so fucking stupid….."
"You so are." You whip your head around and see Undyne. 
"I don't feel like dealing with you right now."
"He's freaking out, you know."
"I can take care of myself."
"Not about that. You've made him soft."
"He's not soft! Just because he isn't heartless doesn't make him soft!" You change forms again and growl at her. "He cares about me and I care about him. That's all that fucking matters." She laughs cruelly at you.
"You should probably know, when monsters willing show each other their souls its similar to humans getting naked in front of each other." You flush deeply. "So if you do care about him you'd better go home." You turn to go back to the house and she grabs your arm. "If you ever dust a monster I'll use your blood as body paint." You scoff and shake her off before continuing home.

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