chapter 17: Freedom

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Sans had called Alphys, Undyne and Asgore to let them know that you were going to eat something and catch up on everything before going over. You were eating slowly to make sure you didn't get sick. Toriel was now fussing over Frisk and the brothers were telling you about what had happened while you were out. Nothing too major but when you hadn't shown up the day you were supposed to break the barrier he'd sent Undyne and Alphys to find you. They'd freaked out when they saw you. Apparently Papyrus hadn't let you go until Sans made him get something to eat earlier that day. You'd been out almost a week now. You got up when you heard that and pulled your boots on.
"Where ya goin'?"
"To the castle obviously."
"Of course. You can come with me while I do. I want you there."
"FINISH EATING FIRST. WE'LL GO AFTER THAT. ALRIGHT?" You sigh but nod before going and sitting back down. You pick your food back up and finish eating. Papyrus brings you a mug of tea and you give him a dirty look knowing he was trying to keep you there longer. Suddenly the door busts open and Undyne rushes in carrying Alphys. 
"Undyne the hell are you doing?" You deadpan. 
"(Y/N)! How are you feeling? What happened?" Alphys exclaimed. 
"Went for a walk without a jacket." You said matter of factly. 
"That wouldn't cause you to be out for five days. One yes but five no way. did something happen to cause you an emotional strain before that?" You stiffen and look at your hands. Seeing the tea you bring the cup to your mouth and drink it all at once.
"Let's go get this shit done!" You jump up before grabbing Papyrus' jacket again and grinning at him as you put it on.
"Why are you wearing his jacket?" Undyne sneers at you.
"Well I'm going to wear my boyfriend's clothing if I want to." You retort and she looks surprised. You grin wickedly. "Oh gosh, didn't you realize? I thought it would have been obvious." You fake surprise before walking to Papyrus and kissing him on the teeth. He instantly wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you back. You hear Undyne make a disgusted sound and Alphys fangirling. Pulling away you smile at him. "Ready to go?"
"I'LL FOLLOW YOU ANYWHERE." You grab his hand and you all leave the house. 
Once you get to the throne room you see Asgore. You're a bit winded due to all the exercise after so long out.
"(Y/N) you've kept us waiting."
"I'm sorry for passing out and not being able to contact anyone." You say sarcastically. You feel Papyrus stiffen then Toriel laughs.
"She has got you there Asgore."
He looks at her surprised and grumbles. "This way. Let's not wait any longer." He turns and walks through the room to a different one. You change your form and follow him. You put on an air of importance as you do so, tails swishing as you walk. Toriel gasps softly having never seen that transformation. She quickly runs up to you.
"How do you look so much like him?" She says.
"If you mean the last fox monster to be known, Inuyasha, he is my ancestor. It is a rather long story." She looks at you in wonder. 
"He was a dear friend of mine before he died in the great war." She smiles sweetly at you. "Asgore will get pissy if we do not follow. I will show you to the barrier." You all follow her to see an annoyed looking Asgore. You see him standing next to six containers with human souls in them. Everyone inhales sharply. You go up to the first one. 
"Tell me the soul traits of these three." You point at the orang, yellow and cyan ones. 
"Bravery, justice and patience." Toriel says.
"So do I just touch them and then they're automatically absorbed?" You ask.
"You must merge them with your own soul." Asgore said with a smirk. You inhale sharply but let your soul come out before taking the orange soul. You press it to your own and flinch slightly before its fully absorbed. You repeat with the others and with each one you feel your magic power increase. Soon you have the last one absorbed. Your knees give out and you pant. That took more mental strength to do than you expected. After each of the souls were absorbed you got to see their memories. 
"(Y/N)!" You hear Papyrus yell for you. You're crying too hard to respond. They were all children. So young. You get up and run to Papyrus and hide your face in his chest. He wraps his arms around you.
"I-it was……. t-they were just children……. s-so young…… h-had so much time left……" you sob and cling to him tighter. He gently rubs your back until you calm down. You look up at him with determined eyes. You weren't going to let your deaths be in vain. You walk to the barrier and send a blast of magic at it and it shatters. The monsters were free.
You turn and walk back into the underground. This was too much at the moment.

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