chapter 14: Amends

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You go into the house and Sans jumps at you and hugs you. "Where did you go? Boss is freaking out tearing waterfall apart lookin' for ya." You brush him off and head to your room. "(Y/N)!" You turn back to him with dull eyes.
"Sans..... leave me alone...... tell him I'm home if you want but leave me alone....." you go into your room and lock the door. You change into some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. You crawl under your blankets and hide your head under the pillows. You hear that Sans yelled something at you but you ignored it. A little later you hear the loud frantic voice of Papyrus. Sans' calmer voice was mixed in. You ignored the banging at your door and dig your fingernails into your arms. You'd acted like a child... you felt ashamed of yourself. You feel the crack of magic and your mattress shifts.
"Heya doll. Paps is back. He's worried about ya. Can I open the door?" You don't move or make a sound. "Come on, I know you're not asleep. You're too tense for that." You don't answer again and he sighs. "Come on doll. You cant stay under the blankets forever."
"....says who?...." you mumble.
"Says me. Now are you gonna come out or do I have to make you come out?" You take your head out from under the pillows to glare at him. "Come on, you gotta talk to him about it."
"No..... can just stay here and hide for the rest of my life......"
"You know I can make ya."
"I'd like to see you try, little asshole." You hiss at him.
"I will if ya make me." You throw a pillow at him.
"Get. Out." You snarl. He grins and suddenly you're wrapped in his magic.
"With pleasure." You struggle in the grip of his magic as he walks out of your room with you floating behind him.
"LET ME GO! SANS LET ME THE FUCK GO! YOU ASSHOLE! LET ME DO WHAT THE FUCK I WANT!" he settles you on the couch and holds you there with his magic. You're snarling and growling the whole time.
"SANS.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?..." Papyrus says from the kitchen.
"Tryin' to solve a problem. Wanna come out here?"
"I ain't hurtin' her. Pissin' her off yeah, hurtin' no way." Papyrus looks out to see Sans holding you with magic on the couch. You were growling with glowing eyes. He sighs and comes into the living room.
"(Y/N)." He starts and your growls instantly stop. You close your eyes tightly as he walks over. "Let's talk..." he says softly.
"I overreacted....." you mumble. "Acted like a child...... was fucking stupid...... don't deserve you....." the last one was just a whisper but Papyrus heard it. He puts his hands on either side of your face.
"You weren't the only one to overreact. You didn't know why I got upset." You open your eyes to see his eyelights right in front of you. They had the most sincere look in them and suddenly your vision gets blurry. Tears run down your face but you don't care enough to wipe them away. The magic surrounding you disappeared and Papyrus pulled you to his chest. You throw your arms around his neck. You start sobbing hard and he rubs your back soothingly. You mumble apologies in between sobs. Sans goes into the kitchen and a few minutes later brings out three cups of golden flower tea. Setting two on the coffee table he sits next to you on the couch. He puts a hand on your shoulder and you scoot closer in an apologetic manner. Papyrus scoots onto the other side of you. Sans has each of you one of the other cups. You cuddle up to Papyrus as you calmed down.
"So doll, what made you come home?" Sans asked. You look at him and chuckle slightly.
"Honestly.... it was Undyne.... she explained the whole situation..... kinda.... she was still being a total bitch but..... she could be worse I guess...." you hear small footsteps coming towards the house and yawn. "Sounds like Frisk is almost here." You cuddle closer to Papyrus and the door opens to Frisk. They see you and looked relieved before climbing onto Sans' lap and sleeping.
"(Y/N)." Papyrus says your name and you look to him. But suddenly an idea flashes through your mind and you shoot up and stand in front of the couch.
"Holy shit I have an idea!"

(Hey guys! Finished writing my draft for this story so I might update it daily until its finished! Love you all!)

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