chapter 4: The brothers

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After a while Papyrus comes in with 3 plates of lasagna and forks, handing one to you and Sans before sitting in between the two of you. You slightly relax and look at the food in front of you. Should you eat it? You glance at Papyrus nervously. Was he really going to kill you?
"HUMAN, YOU MUST EAT. ITS BEEN AT LEAST 2 DAYS SINCE YOU HAVE. IT'S NOT LIKE IT IS POISONED. YOU WON'T EVER GET BETTER IF YOU DON'T." You jump and move closer to the arm of the couch. You glance over at Sans and see a wicked smirk on his face. You sigh and shake your head.
"I'm sorry but I'm not hungry…" you say softly looking at your hands. "Besides why would I want to get better only to get murdered?..... I'd rather die how I'd like than anything else…." as you say this you're still looking at your hands so you didn't see the shocked expressions that the brothers had of their faces. "I-I mean I'm just a pathetic person who runs from everything….. I wish I could be as strong as you two……" you whispered that last part and sigh leaning on the arm of the couch more. You suddenly feel the long fingers of Papyrus turning your face to look at him. You flinch but don't pull away. 
"Human, (Y/N)" he starts in a soft voice and that surprised you. "I don't think I will kill you anymore." You're surprised and by the noise Sans made you can tell he is too. "I think I'm going to train you but first you need to eat so you can get better." You blink in surprise. 
"Papyrus…. I appreciate it but…. I'm not a fighter and even if you got me to be a good fighter… I'd never be able to kill anyone."
"Yeah boss, she ain't that strong." Sans piped up.
"SANS BE QUIET! I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU!" Sans went silent at that.
"He's right though Papyrus. I'm not strong." He sighs and puts the plate of food on your lap.
"(Y/N) just because you aren't now doesn't mean you can't be. You putting Sans in his place earlier made me realize that you have what it takes to survive down here. You may not be able to kill like us BUT I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU UNABLE TO DEFEND YOURSELF. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" he got louder at the end of his speech. You look at him with admiration and sigh.
"Alright. Thank you Papyrus." You smile some and brush your shoulder against him. You poke at the lasagna and take a small piece. As you eat it you notice an odd flavor but overall it's not horrible. You eat about half before your stomach starts protesting so you put it down. 
"Sorry Papyrus but I guess I'm full. Like you said it's been awhile since I've had anything proper to eat." He sighs but nods.
"YOU'LL HAVE TO SLEEP DOWN HERE. THE GUEST ROOM IS KIND OF…. FULL." He says and you nod. Not like you were expecting anything different. He gets up and walks to the staircase and opens the closet below it. He pulls out a couple of fluffy pillows and a blanket. "YOU CAN USE THESE." You smile sweetly at him.
"Thanks Papyrus." You take the pillows and blanket from him and set them on the couch. You walk over to him and look up to him. He leans down and looks at you questionably. You grin before hugging him around the neck and giving him a quick kiss on the cheekbone. He stiffens and you were sure you could feel his face get warmer. "You're so awesome." You say just loud enough for him to hear. You let go of him and go back to the couch. You hear him scamper up the stairs in embarrassment and you chuckle. You hear Sans chuckles too.
"Haven't seen 'im that embarrassed since he was a baby bones." He chuckles again. 
"Yeeeeah…." you say uneasily. You didn't know what to make of Sans. He scared you. You grab one of pillows and pull it to your chest before sitting back down as far away from Sans as you could.
"Ya know,  you seem to have taken quite a likin' to boss." You glance over at him, not sure where this is going. "Let me warn ya though. Don't get too close. He just feels pity for your fat ass." He pulls you towards him by your soul and you try to get away. "Give me a reason to have a good time, human. I fuckin' dare ya." He says with black sockets. He flings you back against the arm of the couch before teleporting away. You set up a makeshift bed on the couch and try to fall asleep.
@Papyrus POV@
I had to get out of the room. That human was so weak. Why did she have to be so nice to me? Why am I so drawn to her? This isn't right. I leaned against my door. My soul was pounding in my ribcage and my skull was flushed. Sighing I take my armor off and slip on a pair of pajama bottoms. I check undernet to gather intel on Undyne. There was nothing new so I clean and shine my armor and boots before checking on the human. (Y/N), I correct myself. She seemed happy with herself when I came upstairs but I don't trust Sans not to spook her again as much as I care about my brother, he can be so annoying. 
I open my door and go down stairs. She seems to be asleep. I go sit on the floor in front of the couch. Her back is to me so I'm sure she doesn't know I'm here. One of the pillows is hugged to her chest and the blanket sits on the lower half of her body. I see an angry purple bruise on her lower back. It was fresh. How did it happen? Gently I put my hand on her round hip, it felt full like at some point she was able to lift and move a great weight. I sigh as she rolls on her back, my hand now resting on her soft stomach. If Undyne found her this soft skin would be torn to shreds. 
I look at her face and it's screwed up in her sleep with tears running down her cheeks. She must be having a nightmare. A small whimper escapes her mouth. I reach up and brush away the tears from her face. "(Y/N), wake up." I say. She whimpers again and I shake her shoulders lightly and she gasps and sits up. "(Y/N), it was just a bad dream." I reassure her. My hands were still on her shoulders and she looked at me with tear filled eyes before hugging me tightly. I pat her back and let her hug me. Soon she pulls away.
"S-sorry…" she mumbles.
"Why is that?" I ask and she looks away. "(Y/N)." 
"I'd like to go back to sleep now…" she says as she looks away from me.
"Fine but we will talk about this tomorrow." I say and she nods. Sighing I get up and pat her head. "Rest and tomorrow we will start training you." I go up to my room and lay down trying to think of what could have happened to hurt her back.

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