chapter 7: A new light

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@normal POV@
The first thing that comes back from the darkness is pain. Pain in your dominant shoulder and the collarbone. Broken bones you realize. What had happened? Ah that's right, you heard the brothers fighting so you went to check on them. You saw Papyrus get furious and you knew he'd strike out at Sans. You didn't like him but hell you couldn't let that happen so you pushed him out of the way. They're brothers, they shouldn't be hurting each other. The last thing you remember is the shocked looks on their faces. You groan out loud. Suddenly a skeletal hand is on yours. Not Papyrus the fingers were too short. Must be Sans.
"Eh doll face. You awake?" You groan again.
"Where's Papyrus?...." you ask.
"No clue, he left after I checked to see the damage. Broken collarbone and shoulder, possible concussion. You should try to rest."
"Why did he run off?..." you open your eyes and look at the shorter skeleton. 
"When he lashes out like that…. it's never his favourite thing. He goes out to work off that excess energy." 
"Why'd you do it?"
"Take that hit for me."
"You didn't deserve it. Besides I heal fast."
"He said he wanted to protect you. He's gonna beat himself up over this."
"Help me up you small asshole." He grumbles but uses his magic to put you on your feet. Slipping on your shoes you go to the door. 
"Where are ya going?" 
"To find him."
"Nope. Not allowed." He pulls you back to the couch with his magic and settles you there. You squirm trying to get out of his hold. "Hey now, relax. You'll hurt yourself more."
"What do you care? You fucking hate me." You say to him as he sits next to you.
"Relax, I ain't gonna interfere anymore." You look at him shocked. "But if you hurt him you'll have a bad time." You hear the door open and in came an exhausted looking Papyrus. He keeps his eyes on the floor as he enters. 
"Papyrus!" You shout. Sans drops his magic and you run over to the taller skeleton. He refuses to look at you so you jump up and hug him around the neck with your good arm. He wraps an arm around your waist but still refuses to look at you. "Hey, look at me." He still doesn't. You huff and have an idea. You shoot Sans a 'don't get mad' look before giving Papyrus a small headbut. He looks at you shocked. You grin at the accomplishment. "Maybe listen next time you fool." You let go of him and drop to the floor. Turning you see Sans looking shocked as well.
You go sit next to Sans again before giving Papyrus a pointed look pointing to your other side. He gives you a blank stare.
"Papyrus, get your non-existent ass over here and sit. I wanna talk." Giving in he walks over and sits next to you. "Now…" you throw your legs over his and lean on Sans some. "Don't go thinking me being hurt is your fault." He looks over shocked. "If I hadn't gotten in front of you I wouldn't have gotten hurt." He looks like he might start crying. You put your feet down and sit up. Reaching your hand out you take his. "I'll be fine in less than a week. I have extraordinary healing abilities. So I'll be okay."
Sans chuckles. "Boss, the little lady makes sense. I mean, not the fast healin' thing. But I shouldn't've been antagonizin' ya."
Papyrus picks you up and princess carries you to your room. The light source was still on and you gasp. The lights shining around the room was beautiful. The blankets to your bed are pulled back and you were set down gently. Papyrus turned to leave.
"Papyrus?" He stops and looks at you. "Will you stay here for a while? I want to make sure you're okay." He chuckles and carefully lays down. 
"Okay. How're you feeling?" He asks.
"Sore but it's been worse." He runs his hand lightly along the broken bones.
"Sans set the bones…. they'll heal up nicely." He mumbled.
"Hes been surprisingly nice since I woke up."
"He sees you differently now. Not many people would put themselves in harm's way to protect someone who hates them."
"You guys are family. You shouldn't hurt each other." You yawn. It's been a long confusing day for you.
"Would you like me to go so you can rest?" You grumble and shake your head, half asleep. "Sleep, we'll see each other tomorrow." Once he says that you fall onto a deep peaceful sleep. 
@Sans POV@
I watch Papyrus take her into the room. It's obvious that he cares for her. I sigh and stare at the ceiling. Undyne will flip that she's here. It's likely that Alphys already knows thanks to all her fucking cameras. This human is too nice to survive here. She wouldn't survive 5 minutes against Undyne. This so wasn't good. Papyrus walks out of her room looking discouraged before sitting next to me.
"How is she?" I ask.
"Sleeping…" he mumbles.
"Boss, she's gonna be okay."
"I wanted to protect her but instead hurt her…"
"She doesn't blame you. She never will. She's too kind for that. You can see that right?"
"That worries me… if Undyne finds her…."
"I ain't gonna let her get hurt." He looks at me surprised. "What? She's important to you right? If she comes sniffin' 'round I'll get her out."
"Fine, I'm going to head to bed now." He gets up and goes to his room. I walk into (Y/N)'s room. She was sleeping with a small pained look on her face. 
"I'm sorry for bein' so hard on ya. Paps cares for ya so I'll try…" I ruffle her hair before teleporting to my room and sleeping.

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