chapter 5: Geodes

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@Normal POV@
You lay back down and pull the blankets over your head. Another night terror. Great. And to make it better Papyrus was right there and you clung to him. Wait was he shirtless? Whatever that didn't matter. You have a talk with him tomorrow. Sighing you toss and turn for the rest of the night. You get up early,  even earlier than Papyrus and start looking around you find a broom and dustpan and decide to start cleaning. Folding the blanket you put it on the back or the couch and the pillows on either end making it symmetrical. Nodding to yourself you sweep the living room and head to the kitchen. Humming you start sweeping and don't notice the younger skeleton standing in the doorway. He's wearing a black jacket, his signature red scarf and jeans. Once you finish you look up and see him. You blush and look away.
"G-good morning Papyrus." You stutter looking at your hands. 
"(Y/N)..." he starts quietly making sure he doesn't wake Sans. "We have stuff to talk about." Sitting at the table you continue to look at your hands.
"What would you like to know?" He walks to your side and turns you so your back faces him. You get nervous as he pulls your shirt up slightly. 
"Where did this bruise come from?" You pull your shirt down some but he pulls it up higher, revealing your muffin top. You wrap your arms around your stomach in embarrassment and shame. 
"I slipped last night and hit it off the table." You lie smoothly. 
"What were you dreaming about?" You sigh.
"I can't remember. I get things called night terrors. They aren't fun." He nods and drops it and stands up. 
"LETS GO LOOK AT THAT SPARE ROOM." you nod and follow him. Into the room, the door was just off of the living room and was filled with geodes on the dresser, shelves, everywhere except for the floor and bed. You gasp and look all around. It was beautiful. You walk further in and look around with a huge smile and wide eyes.
"Amazing…." you breathe out. Going over you pick up a rose quartz one.
"YOU LIKE THESE?" Papyrus said. 
"I love stuff like this. These are beautiful. Where did they come from?" You hear Papyrus clear his throat. 
"… found them…." he says quietly and you turn to look at him. He was looking away with a bright red blush on his skull. You suppressed a giggle at his cuteness. Instead you walk over and smile at him.
"These are beautiful. I'd like to keep them here." You say. He blushes more and rushes out of the room. You giggle and go to get the pillows and blanket from the couch and bring them into the spare room, no, your room. You smile as you think of that. It makes you happy. You make your bed then start looking around the room at the crystals. You smile as you take the time to look at every one of them.
"Looks like you're having a good time doll face." You jump but make sure the geod you had in your hand was fine. Putting it down you turn to Sans.
"Good morning to you too Sans. What do I owe the pleasure?" You say with a tight smile. 
"Boss said it's time for food. Not that a fat ass like you needs any." He disappears and you just stand there. Tears start to form in your eyes and you pick up a geode. It was a beautiful crimson colour. The way that the light shines on it reminded you of rubies. Or blood. You shake your head trying to throw that thought out of your head. You brush your hand against your shoulder, almost completely healed up. You've always had an unnatural healing talent. It made it easy for people to hurt you. You had a good bit of physical strength too. Lifting and pushing heavy stuff was pretty easy for you. You sit on your floor staring at the rock. You were totally spacing out. You didn't notice the shouts from Papyrus or the banging on the door. Just sitting and staring at the beautiful crystal formation. Suddenly its ripped from your hands and you blink looking up at who'd taken it from you. Standing beside you is an angry looking Papyrus. You look a little further and see a smug looking Sans in your doorway.
You look back to Papyrus with fear plain on your face. "(Y/N) COME OUT TO THE KITCHEN AND EAT." You blink and don't answer, move or show any confirmation that you'd heard him.
"Boss, maybe she ain't hungry." Sans says. 
"SANS! SHUT THE FUCK UP! I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!" He yells. You get up and sit on the bed while still zoning out.
"Ey, kitten, you okay?" Sans says and you don't answer. The brothers were starting to get worried. They'd never seen anyone act like you now. Sans walks to you and waves a hand in front of your face. You don't show any reaction. Papyrus frowns and puts the geode in your hands once again. Your head instantly snaps down and you stare at it. 
"(Y/N)." Papyrus starts. Your vision gets blurry and you try to blink away the tears but they start falling anyways and landing on your hands. 
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" You hear Sans say before setting the rock aside and pull your knees to your chest. You were starting to panic with him so close. 
"Sans, go to your post. I'll deal with her." Papyrus says and you feel the crack of magic as a response. "(Y/N). You need to talk to me. Explain what is going on. I can't read your mind." You look at him. He's kneeling in front of you with a hand on your knee. You scoot back from him. 
"S-sorry…. I just….." you shake your head and backup to the corner be the wall. "Not hungry…… and feels like I should just…. stay away….." Papyrus sighs. 
"WHY IS THAT?" He asks. 
"Cause you're so strong and confident and I'm just…." You point to yourself in a disappointed manner. He sighs again.
"No one needed to….. I already know that I'm a fat piece of shit….."
"YES IT IS!" You yell in his face. He blinks in surprise. "LOOKS MATTER! PHYSICAL ABILITY MATTERS! NOTHING ELSE DOES! I SHOULD HAVE DIED WHEN I FELL DOWN HERE! IT'S WHAT I WANTED ANYWAYS!" You were breathing heavily by the end of your rant. Papyrus stares at you with an unreadable expression before getting up and going out of the room. You put the geod back on the shelf then curl up in a ball on the bed. You hear Papyrus walking around in the kitchen and then going upstairs. You hear him coming back down stairs and suddenly a set of clothes is thrown at you.
"PUT THOSE ON. WE'RE GOING OUT!" you glance at Papyrus to see him waiting for you. You blush before listening to him, changing into what he threw at you. A black sweater and a pair of tight black pants.
"W-where are we going?....." you say just loud enough for him to hear.
"SHOPPING." He turned and walked out of the room.

(My version of Reader-chan at this point in the story)

(My version of Reader-chan at this point in the story)

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