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My hand felt shaky as I lifted it to knock upon Zahara's apartment door, but I swallowed the nerves and awaited her to answer. But, shit, what if she didn't answer? I was a dick, after all. What if her texting me her address was just to ridicule me? Was she even in? Shit-

"Harry, hi." Zahara says, swinging the door open. I immediately felt butterflies as her sweet scent floated to my senses.

"Zahara," I say, leaning forwards to place a kiss upon her cheek. "You look really nice," I say in her ear, before pulling away to look at her small body in some faded black skinny jeans and a white sweatshirt. She looked sweet and casual.

"Shall we get going?" she says, ignoring my compliment.

"Yeah, let's." I nod.

Zahara walked by my side, but stayed quiet until we were out from the building. I opened the passengers door for her, to which she mumbled a short 'thank you', before I walked back around to climb into the drivers seat.

"So, are you going to be mad at me for this whole thing?" I say, looking at her from the corner of my eye as I roared the engine into life.

"I'm not mad, Harry." she sighs.

"Okay then." I nod, and begin to drive down the roads.

A few moments passed; silence filling the car. But for the first time, or so it seemed, the silence wasn't comfortable. In fact, it was anything but; I found many openings and topics floating around my mind, but every time I opened my mouth to talk, I swallowed it back down again.

"Did you speak to Gina again yesterday? To apologise for abandoning her?" Zahara suddenly says, her eyes plastered to the scenes ahead of her. I darted my eyes from her, back to the road.

"I didn't need to apologise, Zahara." I groan. "I was hanging out with her. I saw you. I wanted to say 'hello'. She got pissy." I sigh, rolling my eyes. I really needed to stop seeing Gina.

"Why do you continue to see her if you know that you're just hurting her? If you know that she likes you?" Zahara says, judgement thick in her cool tone.

"Because, it's more complicated than that," I say.

"How? Enlighten me,"

"Well, I don't really know how to get rid of her. She's sort of a friend? I guess. It's not my fault that she likes me."

"Oh, wow. You really are unbelievable." Zahara scoffs.

"Not all of us find it so easy to just cut people off, Zahara." I say, my hand gripping the steering wheel more tightly now.

"Excuse you?" she gasps. "I'll have you know, I wasn't trying to 'cut you off', I just knew that there was no reason to see you again!"

"But why?" I say, my voice raising slightly. "Why should there even be a reason?"

"I'm not having this conversation with you. We hardly even know each other-" she begins.

"Oh my god, give me a fucking break!" I yell, driving over to the side of a quiet road and parking up for a moment.

"What are you-"

"'We hardly know each other'? Really? You know things about me that nobody else does. And I know for a fact that I know things about you that no one else does." I say, unbuckling my seatbelt so that I could turn to look at her.

"This is stupid." she mutters, shaking her head. "We're- we're arguing and we're not even friends yet-"

"What is your problem?" I scoff, shaking my head in disbelief.

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