connor- party

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pairing: connor and male!reader
summary: ur undercover to bust a red ice ring and connor is the least discrete android in all of creation
genre: fluffy action, bit of fighting
warnings: swearing, descriptions of blood, guns, fighting, mentions alcohol, oh so scandalous dancing, bit of a kiss
a/n: this was written awhile ago but since i feel like it i'm posting a bunch today lmao

You were in the middle of the dance floor, grinding and throwing it back kind of enjoying yourself. You had been dancing with anyone and everyone trying to fit in as best you could. You knew there was a small red ice ring operating here and the Chief had sent you to take it down before it grew any bigger. The city already had a huge red ice problem and there was no need for it to grow. As you brush your fingers through your hair to clear your vision, you see a brown-haired male approaching you. After scanning his face you realize he was an android. He walks through the crowd with ease although he catches a few elbows.

"Detective?" he asks.

"Are you an idiot?" you grab his tie and pull him close. "I'm undercover and I'd appreciate it if you didn't blow my cover."

Thankfully it seems no one really notices as you keep dancing and pull off the whole pulling him close thing as sloppy flirting. "I'm Connor," he introduces himself still standing stiffly.

"Come on, dance!" you pull him into a dip and lift him off his feet. "There's a finesse to this thing, Connor. And you're kind of messing me up. Go sit at the bar. I'll be over in a few. Promise." you wink.

Connor's extremely flustered but with blue dusted cheeks he heads over to the bar. The bartender walks over to take his order but when he spots the LED he grimaces before walking toward another customer. Connor watches as you dance with a gaggle of random people. He feels a wave of sudden anger overcome him and he grips the counter his knuckles turning white.

You wander over toward Connor, panting and sweat dripping down your forehead. You take a seat next to the android and wave the bartender over. "A cocktail and a water," you slide over a twenty. "Thanks." you flash a smile at the bartender before he takes your money. You turn your head toward Connor, "What's your deal, man?"

"I was sent to help you with your invest-"

You grab his coat and pull him close, "Don't blow my cover! Come on, don't you have some sort of undercover protocols or something?"

"I'm sorry."

"No problem as long as you get me a drink," you laugh as the bartender nears and has both your change and drinks in hand. The bartender hands everything over, "Thanks."

"Now," you pull Connor close again, "you're gonna fuck me over. So, just trail way behind me when I give you a signal, alright?"

Connor nods, "Ok."

"The signal is me crossing my fingers behind my back. So, try to keep your eye on me without drawing attention or being obvious." You throw down the cocktail and start sipping on the water. "I'm pretty sure I found the supplier. He seems a bit too obvious but I'll deal. Wish me luck."

You go back onto the dance floor, shimmying your way toward the supplier. You make sure not to approach him too quickly. After dancing with a few other bar patrons, you stumble into the arms of the supplier. "Oh my god," you laugh. "I'm so sorry!" you dust off the man's jacket. "Can I buy you a drink?"

The man laughs, "No. No, thank you."

You lean on the man as a sort of crutch. "Sorry, I'm just a little uh dizzy."

"Take a seat." He pats the empty stool next to him. "What's your name?"

"(y/n), you?"

"Jet. What brings you here, Mr. (y/n)?" He says leaning in close.

Connor watches from afar, shifting in his seat. He gets irritated and uncomfortable watching the two flirt. He wants to head over and intervene but he doesn't want to make you anymore irritated with him.

A bit more flirtatious conversation later. "Are you interested in coming back with me?" Jet asks putting out his hand.

"Of course," You smile widely and turn to face him. You cross your fingers behind your back before falling onto Jet's chest.

Jet's chest fills with laughter as he stands and grabs your arms, "C'mon." He leads you pass the bar down some stairs and into a barren concrete room. The only thing in the room is a small pile of boxes. The walls are lined with white cracks and yellow and brown stains. Jet snakes his arm around your waist and you really wish Connor would hurry. "You ever try red ice?" Jet's breath fans over your face and you have to try your best not to scrunch your nose.

You chuckle trying your best to come across flirty, "Not yet, babe."

Jet returns your chuckle and digs through one of the boxes. He pulls out a small bag filled with small, red crystals. He smiles like the Cheshire cat before coming back to your side. "How's it look?"

Before you can answer, Connor kicks down the door and shouts, "Detroit Police!"

Jet grabs you and pulls you close. He wraps his arm around your neck and pulls a gun. He points it at your head and you can feel his hand fidget. "You make any moves and I blow his head off!" Jet screams.

"Woah, woah," You put one hand up as your other holds onto Jet's arm. "Drug possession is not worth a murder charge!"

"You're a fucking cop!?" Jet shouts in your ear.

You wince at his volume and you catch Connor's face copying yours. "Yeah," you breathe out and exhale through your nose.

"Jet, put your weapon down before this escalates. More police officers are on the way as we speak." Connor puts his hands up and takes small, slow steps toward the two.

"You let go of me now and we'll let you off. You know a murder charge is worse." You try to reason but Jet shakes his head and pushes the gun barrel onto the side of your head. You try to throw Connor a clue with your eyes but you're sure he doesn't even see it.

"You really fucked with me, man! Why?" Jet asks pulling the barrel away a few centimeters.

"It's my job," You try pulling on the arm he has around your neck but he bashes the gun against your head. You fall to the ground and Connor charges Jet. Connor easily wins the fight, disarming Jet quickly before knocking him out. You put your fingers to where your head throbs and feel a wet, sticky liquid. You look at your fingers and they're stained red. Connor kneels down next to you and grabs your face before examining you. "He really fucking hit me!" Your anger overtook the pain but only for a moment.

"Are you alright?" He still has his hands cupping your face.

You giggle, "As long as you're holding me like this."

Connor's face turns navy blue, "I- I'm sorry!" He pulls his hands away quickly.

"No harm done, darling." You watch his facial expressions ever so slightly changing, "Help me up, would ya?" Connor pulls you to your feet and you trip over your own feet and lean into his chest. You look up into his eyes and before Connor can speak you kiss him. Seconds later you pull away, "I'm sorry!" You throw you hands up, "I shouldn't have done that, Connor, sorry."

He shakes his head, "No need to apologize, I enjoyed that."

You laugh rather loudly and playfully hit his chest, "Oh, you're going to be a fun partner."

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