connor & gavin-delinquent

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pairing: male! delinquent! teen! reader and connor and gavin (platonic ofc)
summary: u get arrested for defending ur friend but this isn't ur first time at the station and when hanging out w/ gavin, u meet connor!
genre: oh just fluff, babey!
warnings: mentions fighting, swearing, just the usual gavin being a dickhead n hank being a grumpy old man
a/n: again written a bit ago and wow past me this is some cute shit 

You had gotten into a fistfight thus getting sent to the office then arrested. You had been through this more than once and were glad it was Chris who had arrested you. You made small talk with him while you rode to the station. "You think Hank's in?" You ask the officer.

"Probably. He's got a new partner that's been keeping him focused," Chris answers. He walks you through the station, although you were well aware of where you were going. He uncuffs you and sits you in a cell. "Sorry, it's just procedure," Chris says before closing the cell door.

"It's fine," You huff and take a seat. You knew Gavin would come to get you out and let you hang around the station, even if he got in trouble for it. 

A brown-haired android approaches your cell and looks at you curiously. He looks over his shoulder and calls out, "Hank, there's a minor in this cell."

Connor gets shoulder-checked by Gavin, "Move it, tincan." He opens the cell and you hug him. "What'd you do this time?" He asks looking down at you.

"Nothing, I swear." You laugh as does Gavin. You walk past the android to Gavin's desk. He was like a big brother to you and you always felt safe at the station. "Maybe got into a fight," You add, making Gavin shake his head.

"Is there a day you don't get into a fight?" Hank asks from across the room. He laughs and you just shake your head.

"Eh," Gavin shrugs. "Don't listen to the old man. He does the same thing you do." 

"Didn't you start that fight with him last time?" You ask, shooting him a funny look.

"Shut up." He sits you down at his desk. "Now, what do you want from the break room?"

"You got pizza or something?" 

"Breadsticks and possibly pizza." He quirks a brow looking at you making sure that's fine.

You nod at him, "Yeah." He disappears into the breakroom while the android from earlier approaches. "Who are you?" 

"I'm Connor. I was sent by CyberLife to the Detroit Police Department to assist investigators." He flashes a small smile, unsure of your nature.

"Cool." You hum. Connor seems disappointed in your short response. He scans you, trying to get more information to help him befriend you since it seemed everyone else but him knew you. 

(Y/n) (L/n), 16, Male, Student at Cesar Chavez Academy, Employed at Ralph's Cafe, 7 misdemeanors for assault. 

Connor's LED was white as he read about your charges. Everyone seemed to enjoy your presence but you had seven misdemeanors. He thought more about it, he couldn't judge you on just your charges, everyone else seemed to overlook them. "What were you arrested for?" Connor asks, immediately regretting it. "I-" he hesitates. "I mean I don't- I um," he stumbles through his words. "I don't want to be rude."

You laugh at his awkwardness. "Wow." You lean back in Gavin's chair, "Got in a fight with some asshole." 

"What happened that led to the fight?" 

"This guy wouldn't leave my friend alone. He's been an asshole towards her for a while and I finally got sick of it." You feel a sense of relief talking to Connor. He seems eager to listen and you're kind of eager to vent. "The guy was harassing her and since none of the teachers at my school are competent, I took care of him."

"I see." Connor pauses, his LED changing from blue to yellow. "But violence is never the answer."

You laugh at his statement. You couldn't count how many times you had heard that. "Well, violence sure seems to work for me."

"You should participate in a sport," Connor replies. "To release your energy."

You smile at his naive nature, "I would but my mom's broke." You shrug, "It was a good idea."

Gavin comes back, food in hand, and shoves past Connor. "Get moving, tincan."

"Gavin, I like him!" You glare at the detective.

He responds with a sigh, "You too?" He shakes his head.

"Oh c'mon, you can't deny he's cute!" You throw your arms in the air. You begin snacking on the re-heated leftovers as you watch Gavin's face turn twenty shades of red.

Connnor eyes the two humans curiously, "Gavin, shouldn't (y/n) be at school?"

You burst out laughing, "I just got arrested."

"You don't get it, tincan." Gavin crosses his arms across his chest. "He does have to be processed, after all, don't worry about it." He waves the android off.

Connor's eyebrows raise as his LED spins yellow, "Very well. I'll leave you two alone." He walks back over to Hank's desk but keeps an eye on you and Gavin.

"You're mean," You comment in between bites of pizza. 

"It's an android, I'm sure its feelings are intact." Gavin huffs.

You hum in response, focusing on your food. Once you finish and Gavin's focused on some paperwork you roll your chair over to Hank's desk where he and Connor sit. "What's up?" You lean an elbow onto Hank's desk.

Hank groans, "What do you want?" 

"So, is Connor your android boyfriend or what?"

Hank groans again, "No. Is this what you're bothering me for?"

You lean over to see his monitor: he's playing solitaire. "You don't seem very busy, Mr. Anderson."

"Hello, (y/n)," Connor says making you jump. "Do you require assistance?"

You snort, "Yeah." 

"Oh, God." Hank lets his head fall into his hands. 

"You got any entertainment protocols?"

The rest of the day you and Connor loudly played a more intense version of pattycake, right next to Gavin's desk. You begged Hank to give you a ride home so you could mess around with Connor a bit longer before facing the harsh reality of home. Connor walks you up to your door and you contemplate getting into another fight just to visit him again tomorrow.

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