connor- bruised

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pairing: gn! android! reader and human! connor
summary: connor gets back from a fight and u take care of him
genre: hurt n comfort, just fluff
warnings: mentions fighting, mentions injuries, mentions blood
a/n: this was completely done and i didn't have or want to touch it so that's nice lol (new a/n) ANOTHER THING I THOUGHT WAS POSTED ALREADY WHAT THE HECK

You're woken from standby with the sound of a small crash. The crash comes from the bathroom and you immediately rush over. The door's ajar so you step inside. "Connor?"

He turns his face toward you and reveals his bloody, bruised face. His face flushes as your eyes scan over him, "I'm sorry."

"What happened?" You grab the sides of his face to inspect it more closely. "I'll bandage you." You turn and rummage through the medicine cabinet.

Connor watches you as he takes a seat on the toilet, "I got into a fight." He looks down at his lap. You've always scolded him about getting into fights or getting himself injured but he only listened about half the time. His face was growing hotter by the second.

"Were you the aggressor?" 

"No," Connor answers. He sounds and looks like a kid in the principal's office that's in for getting into trouble. 

You nod and kneel beside him. You wipe the blood from his face before gently smoothing bandaids over his open wounds. "I'll get some ice."

Connor runs his fingers over the bandaids you applied. He sighs as his face throbs. He rubs his temples before letting his head fall into his lap.

"Connor?" You ask seeing him slumped over.

He slowly rises, "Yeah?" 

"Your ice," You hand the pack over. "You should keep the ice on for a half-hour." You turn to walk away but Connor grabs your hand.

"Are you busy?" His eyes glint with desperation.

"No, I am not. Do you require further assistance?"

He was fine but his loneliness was slowly killing him. "Can you keep me company?" His eyes don't meet yours and you see his stress level increase.

You had read a magazine while waiting for Connor at a store, that said simply being with someone else could reduce stress. "Of course," you smile down at him. 

His eyes meet yours for a quick moment and there's a glimmer dancing inside them. He grabs your hand again, "Can you help me to the couch? I'm dizzy." 

"Yes," you nod and pull him to his feet. You walk him into the living room and seat him on the couch. "Do you want me to get you water for your dizziness?"

Connor shakes his head and yawns. "No. I'm okay, just tired." 

He watches some reality T.V. and sinks into the couch slowly leaning toward you before falling asleep and resting his head on your shoulder. You look down and see his stress level has gone completely. The corners of your lips twitch upwards looking at Connor's sleeping self. You close your eyes and go back into standby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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