gavin- euphoria

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pairing: teen! gavin reed and teen! ftm reader
summary: reader gets excited about one of his new features thanks to testosterone and gavin gushes even more
genre: fluffy fluff fluff
warnings: not much, mentions binding, very soft gavin
a/n: again written a bit ago except the end n ahhh ik gavin is an asshole but i love him sm (new a/n) I THOUGHT THIS WAS POSTED LIKE MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO IDK WHY IT WASN'T AHHH

The last bell rings and Gavin rushes through the halls toward your locker. He always met you at the end of the day, usually to drag you with him on some adventure. He leans against your locker and crosses his arms over his chest. You hurry to your locker as fast as you can not wanting to run and thusly kill your binder-adorned ribs. Gavin looks up and his face instantly brightens and his features soften, "(y/n)!" His nose crinkles as he smiles flashing his teeth. 

You envelop him into a hug, "I'm so tired." You sigh and squeeze him a bit before pulling away. You sift through your locker trading several things to and from your locker and backpack. Gavin taps his foot impatiently as he waits. You slam your locker shut and lean onto Gavin. You two walk out of the school, down a few streets, and into your house. "My mom's gone 'til late, so," You tell Gavin. He immediately picks you up and carries you to your bed. He drops you onto your bed and you burst into giggles.

You two strip off your backpacks and get dressed in more comfortable clothing. Gavin borrows one of your shirts and you laugh at how he looks in it. You open your window as Gavin gets comfortable on your bed. "Man, it's hot." You plop down next to him. 

"Mm," he hums. He's nuzzling his face into one of your blankets.

You ignore him and lift your sweat-stained shirt about halfway and lay back down. You glance at your stomach and your eyes bulge, "Oh my god!" 

Gavin turns his body toward you, "What is it?"

"Gav, I've got some stomach hair!"

"Huh?" His face scrunches.

"You know how a lot of guys have like a trail of hair on their stomachs? I'm getting that!" You smile from ear to ear.

His face melts into a smile, "Congrats, babe!" He pulls you into a hug and when he pulls away he presses a kiss to your forehead. "You are so handsome," he cups your rosy cheeks.

"Do you have any?" You ask meekly, averting your eyes.

He laughs and pulls his hands away, "Yeah, a bit." He lifts his shirt and flashes a huge smile.

You scan your eyes over his chest and sigh, "Now you're making me jealous."

He laughs again, "Sorry." He begins inspecting you.

"What?" You ask. You hated being stared at and Gavin knew that, so, what exactly was he doing?

"You know you do have some very masculine features," He avoids eye contact as he speaks. He drags his fingers across your jaw, "Like your jawline." His eyes trail from your face to your neck. 

You shudder under his touch as he trails his fingers across your features. Your ears are filled with countless compliments and sweet nothings. Your face is hot and bright red. He starts with your face and trails down, listing off every feature of yours he found attractive, which was basically all of them. After he's done purring compliments in your ear, he leans in to plant a trail of kisses down your neck.

"Gavin, I-" Your head spins as every one of your senses is stimulated. You grip his shoulders and dig your nails into his skin. "Ah, babe!" You playfully smack his arm. "Stop it," You giggle out.

"What?" He chuckles. "You're so handsome, I can't help myself," He whines. 

You roll your eyes, "Okay, okay, I get it."

"No," He grabs both of your hands. "I really mean it," He presses kisses to each of your hands as he looks up from under his eyelashes. "I love you, Y/n. You're my boyfriend and you're going to be my husband."

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