The Introduction (but not really)

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(DISCLAIMER: I wrote this whole thing in 2020, so it's not my best work, and I'm aware that the plot is very messy, and I'm sorry, but I don't won't be fixing the story.)

⚠️TW: Fight violence/Brief tyrophobia warning

A scream ripped through my throat as feathers pierced my arms at alarming speeds. It was hard enough having to use my quirk so much to get out of the stupid cement hero's way, but adding the bird guy? I was barely able to fight back, let alone protect myself. I didn't want to risk using my... other quirk... In front of either of the heroes, in case they picked up on me quirk being two different things and deciding to track me down to throw me in jail, but it looked like I was heading to jail anyway with how much my ass was getting beaten. I saw another wave of feathers about to hit me and threw my right arm up defensively.

Oh no.

I had accidentally activated my second quirk, and (F/C) cords had shot up in front of me, following my right arm. Although aside exposing myself, I did just protect myself from the sharp feathers. And then Cement engulfed me. I was trapped in a room of cement. I sighed in relief, rubbing my arms, which itched slightly through the dull sting of a dozen tiny, bleeding pricks. Stupid feathers. At least I could chill in the box for a few seconds so I could clear my mind and concentrate on using my preferred quirk. I leaned against one of the walls, making my (f/c) cords retreat back under my skin, doing my best to ignore both the pain of using the cords and the pain the stupid feathers caused. I fell backwards, the wall I was leaving on having disappeared. I yelped, twisting around so I fell on my hands and knees. A dozen sharp stings started tearing at me and I screamed again, swatting at the stupid feathers that flew too close to my face. I couldn't move, I could feel some sort of material wrapping around me. I panicked more, barely noticing how the feathers weren't coming for me anymore. I started squirming, trying to get the scarf off me so I could run away. I needed to get home to my sister and the league.

"L/N, stop struggling, I'm here to help you."

"If you're helping then let me go!" I snapped, struggling more.

"L/N, Nezu- the principle of UA- would like to see you. He wants to give you the chance to change. To keep you out of jail."

I tensed, my eyes growing wider and my cords tightening. "N-Nezu? What.. Why does he care? I'm just a street rat!" I stopped struggling, watching the older man.

"You can ask him yourself. Are you going to come with me or go to jail?" I studied Eraser Head's face, looking for any indication that he's lying.

(⚠️Tyrophobia warning)
I sighed, hanging my head. I could see the dozens of tiny holes in my arms from Hawk's feathers. "I'll come with you, I guess."

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